Ms. Marcela Lenz

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

My training in tourism and administration enabled me to take my first steps at EPFL started at the Laboratory of Electrical Energy Networks (LRE), in the Department of Electricity; today called STI – School of Engineering. I was hired, among other things, for the organisation of a large International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Evian, France. Afterwards, I got involved in the associative field by working and supporting the EPFL Alumni. In 2002, a new School of Life Sciences was created, where I was able to start working and supporting the administrative management of a large project to build an Animal Facility at EPFL for experimental research on animals. In October 2021, I helped and supported the head of the Urban Demography Laboratory (GR-URBDEMO) at ENAC in the opening of his laboratory, which gave me great satisfaction both on a human and professional level. In 2022 I started working at Laboratory of atmospheric processes and their impacts (LAPI) and I’m part of a great academic adventure with new professional challenges and a great group of people !

Did you choose your job or did it choose you?

My opportunities, my different trips and my chosen studies directed me to this choice. But there are always surprises in life that can change, and this may determine other choices.

What do you like to do, apart from science and research?

In my free time, I like long walks, where time stops for a moment to enjoy the silence and beauty of the landscape, I like discovering other countries, other cultures and other people, I like sport, listening to music, reading and sharing with family and friends – it feels good !

What is the most interesting place you have visited?

Death Valley in California, which is located in the Mojave Desert at 85.5 meters below sea level, the lowest point in the United States. It is a wonderful place with bright colors, extraordinarily unique landscapes with multiple and very impressive shapes. I really enjoyed visiting Ireland with its beautiful green valleys. Cork is without doubt Ireland’s most picturesque city, with its vibrant coastal colors. The Cliffs of Moher are an important feature of the coastal landscape in the west of Ireland.

A free thought for the end?

“Seeking for the best in others to have fruitful relationships”. “Never stop learning”.