Can you say a few words about yourself ?
I am a Project Manager at the EPFL Research Office and I work on the ReCLEAN Joint Initiative co-funded by the ETH Board. I was born and raised in Switzerland, but having a Peruvian father, I grew up in an international environment in terms of language and culture.
Did you choose your profession or did it choose you ?
A bit of both. I studied at the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne because I’ve always appreciated human contact and hospitality. But I decided to leave the hospitality industry to do a Masters in International Business Development at the University of Neuchâtel. Throughout my professional experience, I have specialised in project management. It’s important for me to do work that has meaning and that serves society. Before joining EPFL, I worked for 8 years for an international children’s aid NGO.
What attracted you to join LAPI ?
I’m excited to be contributing to a project that addresses the challenges of climate change in Switzerland, and whose results will be used to improve policies on energy, air and water quality, agriculture and forestry.
Can you speak about the projects you are currently working on and other ones in the past ?
I am currently working as Project Manager for the Joint Initiative: Reactive nitrogen at the CLimate, Energy, Agriculture, water, and health Nexus (ReCLEAN). I will mainly be supporting the management of the consortium, including the coordination of the reporting (scientific and financial), seminars organisation and outreach activities.
What do you enjoy to do, outside of science and research ?
I have two main hobbies: gastronomy and outdoor activities. I love a good restaurant or a dinner with friends with a good bottle of wine! I am passionate about international cuisine, especially Japanese and Peruvian. I also like to spend my weekends hiking in the mountains, or running along the lake during my lunch break during the week!
Where is the most interesting place you’ve been ?
New Zealand! I walked the length of the country in 2023, covering 3,000km in 5 months. It was an incredible adventure in the beautiful wilderness of New Zealand.
A free thought for the end ?
Walking alone goes faster, walking with others goes further.