Can you say a few words about yourself ?
I come from France and I grew up in Lyon. After my preparatory class, I moved to Brest in Brittany where I graduated from an engineering school. I discovered the data processing and the environmental sciences there, and simultaneously I completed a second year of Master’s degree in physical oceanography at the University of Brest. Finally I did my end-of-study internship at the Laboratory of Oceanography and Climate of Sorbonne University in Paris. This first experience led me to EPFL for my PhD where I will study aerosol-cloud interactions with the tools of machine learning.
Did you choose your profession or did it choose you?
I have to learn everything about aerosols and clouds, but I oriented myself towards the today and tomorrow’s issues. In this sense I definitely choose my profession. I have always been driven by my interest in sciences, which is always evolving and is today really diversified between programming and natural sciences.
What attracted you to join LAPI?
LAPI represents a new experience for me, where I will be surrounded by high-level and inspiring people. It is a great opportunity to learn a lot in this internationally setting. I am really excited to take part of this stimulating environment.
Can you speak about the projects you are currently working on and other ones in the past?
My past research project at LOCEAN (Paris) dealt with the deep water formation in the Adelie Land, East Antarctica. I worked with in situ and satellite data to understand the ice landscape distribution and the mechanisms of openings and closures of polynyas, which are open water areas where can be triggered the dense water convection.
For my PhD I will work on a climate model with a dual objective. On the one hand it deals with improving our representation of aerosols-cloud interactions and to compare our simulations with the in situ measures. On the other hand there is an issue of dimensionality reduction throughout the use of a new method – delta maps -. In all, the machine learning serves the better understanding of our atmosphere.
What have been some of your biggest successes?
My final year of my study was really hard but I don’t know if I had big successes so far. I would say I am proud for always have been curious and always asked myself what I liked most. Now I am really proud for having been accepted for the PhD position at EPFL.
What do you enjoy to do, outside of science and research ?
Very simply I love spending time my friends and my family, Lyon remains a strong attachment point for me. Also I love watching sports (especially soccer and tennis) and spending time outdoors.
A free thought for the end?
It is not the destination but the journey that counts.