Locus Utopico.

Architecture, more than other sciences and more concretely than other arts, has been able to produce fascinating images of an everyday future that is particularly radiant and full of hope. The age-old adventure of utopian thinking, between truth

and verisimilitude, is conveyed through a phenomenological reading of examples from the fantastic repertoire offered by architectural projects and literary descriptions. LAPIS research and teaching aim to investigate the theoretical and practical implications of image analysis, synthesis and processing

within the production of graphic works composed of visions
of a utopian world between dream and reality. The paradox
and verisimilitude embedded within these works highlight the dialectical and rhetorical power of architecture particularly in today’s society obsessed with images as end products rather than means to convey larger ideas.



VetU, Vision et Utopie (Master Course, 2013-ongoing)


Une troisième voie alternative. Regard critique sur le modèle de la ville yougoslave. ( Doctoral Research – Jana Konstantinova, 2021)


Archives de l’Imaginaire (Website)

Promenades dans Rome (Workshop, Symposium & Publication, 2021-23)

Atlas 2015/2016 (Publication, 2016)

Atlas 2014/2015 (Publication, 2015)

OBJETS TROUVÉS The Beauty of Everyday Objects (Publication, 2015)

Atlas 2013/2014 (Publication,2014)