SITN, Neuchâtel, 21 juin 2018

Pour vous inscrire à la 10ème journée LSSR à Neuchâtel, suivez ce lien:



9h-9h10: short introduction (Stéphane Joost, Olivier Ertz)
9h10-9h30: welcome (Marc Riedo, Michael Kalbermatten, SITN Neuchâtel)
9h30: Bereuter Pia, FHNW, Presentation of the Institute of Geomatics at FHNW
9h45: Christen Martin, FHNW, Geospatial Augmented Reality, Applications and Lessons Learned
10h: Sandoz Romain, Composto Sarah, Divorne Sandrine, HEIG-VD, From SQL Island to GeoSQL Island / Game-based learning of spatial SQL

10h15-10h45: coffee break

10h45: Liu Zhan, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, How to motivate participation and improve quality of crowdsourcing when building accessibility maps
11h: Himsl Rebecca, LASIG-EPFL, Spatial Analysis of Parkinson’s Disease in Canton of Geneva
11h15: Romano Noemi, LASIG-EPFL, Applying population genetics methods in dialectometry: detecting spatial clines in Swiss German morphosyntax
11h30: Dubois Alain, HEPIA, Corridors à faune et représentation en 4D
11h45: Wyler Nicolas, Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, Green Infrastructure: Implementation in Geneva

12h00-14h00: lunch

14h00: Tonini Marj, UNIL, GEOKDD: Geosciences and knowledge discovery in data
14h15-15h15: Discussion “LSSR annual meeting – live or die?” (chaired by Olivier Ertz)
15h15: Conclusion and end of the workshop