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- Emission A bon entendeur “Le rendu des couleurs d’une lampe LED” RTS,2019 Les explications du Prof. Nicolas Grandjean
- Better blue and green lasers (Physics World, 2019)
- DNAwatch – Nano-watermark sorts fakes from genuines
- Supertwin project – All Solid-State Super-Twinning Photon
- Nicolas Grandjean, professeur de physique à l’EPFL, nous parle des LED, la source lumineuse du futur (RTS, 2015)
- Nicolas Grandjean on the 2014 Nobel prize in physics (RTS, 2014)
- Le boom des matériaux qui remplaceront les terres rares (BILAN, 2011)
- Des lasers mi-lumière, mi-matière (Horizons, 2011)
- Centenaire, le néon menacé d’extinction par les LED (Tribune de Genève, 2011)
- Nitride superluminescence expands blue–violet wavelength range (Semiconductor Today, 2010)
- Pushing AlInN and AlGaN HEMTs further on SiC and silicon (Semiconductor Today, 2010)
- Nitride HEMT on silicon achieves 143 GHz current gain cut-off frequency (Semiconductor Today, 2010)
- Reducing GaN HEMT degradation with InAlN barrier (Semiconductor Today, 2010)
- GaN HEMTs advance to ultrahigh bandwidth (Compound, 2010)
- Half light, half matter (New Scientist, Magazine issue 2703, 2009)
- Vous cherchez? (24 heures, 2009)
- Un séminaire de l’EPFL fait toute la lumière sur les LEDs (L’AGEFI, 2009)
- A polariton laser, Nature, 448, 540 (2007)
- POLARITON LASER – Bound together, Nature Photonics, 1, 252 (2007)
- Coherent emission from exciton-polariton lights, Semiconductor Today, 2, 42 (2007)