URBAN MIX | Waldstadt Bern 2011-12

In a context questioning urban sprawl, the architectural project is expected to play a central role in the search for alternatives promoting the reorientation of urban development inwards, densification close to public transport, and sustainable construction approaches. For this academic year 2011-2012, the realization of the URBAN MIX Studio on the Waldstadt site offers an unprecedented exploration of various forms of urban development and building layouts for a particularly strategic location in the Bernese metropolitan area. The approaches focus in particular on the relationship of buildings with the context, induced by a new dialectic between city and nature.

In programmatic terms, the workshop focuses more concretely on mixed-use buildings (housing and activities), the issues of which are addressed iteratively at different scales. On the scale of urban form, the projects focus on the question of building density, in connection with issues of sustainable mobility and functional diversity. At the scale of the built ensemble, the projects address the practical study of the hierarchical relationships between built and non-built spaces. At the building and housing scale, the projects more specifically explore questions of compactness, orientation, expression, typology, and flexibility of the apartments. Typological and constructive approaches explore in detail the relationship between the interior and exterior of the apartments, between perceived space and built space.


Professor : Prof. Emmanuel Rey
Teaching assistants : Loïc Fumeaux, Cyril Lecoultre, Nicolas Strambini
Lecturer: Dan Bolomey
Experts : Pascal Gontier (Paris), Renato Salvi (Sion)

Visiting lecturers

Jens Jacob Bierring, architect-urban planner, City of Copenhaguen
Philippe Gasser, transportation engineer, urban planner, Citec, Geneva
Julien Grisel, architect, bunq, Nyon
Olivier Lasserre, landscape architect, Paysagestion, Lausanne
Romain Kilchherr, engineer in environmental sciences, EDMS, Geneva
Michaela Wahlmüller, Danish Architecture Center, Copenhaguen


Cindy Barraud, Kabchi Bennani, Alfred Capré, Johan Cosandey, Rémy Cottin, Flavien Davin, Floriane De Jong, Andrew Dragesco, Loris Guillard, Alexandre Jacot-Guillarmod, Cristina Machado Magalhães, Pierre Métrailler, Francesco Montresor, Alexane Morel, Manon Muller, Violaine Prevost, Lisa Robillard, Elodie Roulin, Jessica Ruffieux, Loïc Schaller, Ludovica Sodomaco, Katia Sottas, Bernard Valette, Claartje Vuurmans.

Related publication


Emmanuel Rey (Ed.)
Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes
Lausanne, 2013