Astro Projects

Spectroscopic observation of stars and galaxies are intrinsically limited in number by current instrumentation at telescopes. In the last years, a strong science  interest has developed to increase significantly the number of spectra of stars and galaxies to conduct statistical analysis. A number of international projects are thus in development. The table below give a summary of current facilities such as SDSS-V, AAOmega, PFS, DESI, 4MOST, MOONS, WEAVE and MSE, and the new instruments in development such as MUST, Spec-S5, WST, MOSAIC and BlueMUSE.

First Light Telescope Project Telescope Diameter Number of optical fibers
2006 AAT AAOmega 3.9 m 400
2008/2025 (2.0) Subaru PFS 8.2 m 2’400
2019 Mayall DESI 4.0 m 5’000
2020 Apache Point/DuPont  SDSS-V 2.5 m 2 x 500 (one on each hemisphere)
2022 WHT WEAVE 4.2 m 1’000
2023 VISTA 4MOST 3.7 m 2’400
2024 VLT MOONS 8.2 m 1’000
2029 MUST Telescope MUST 6.5 m 20’000
2030 CFHT MSE 10 m 3’200
2031 VLT BlueMUSE 8.2 m
2035 ELT MOSAIC 39 m 300 (optical-train positioners)
2037 Mayall/Blanco Spec-S5 6 m 2 x 14’000 (one on each hemisphere)
2040 WST Telescope WST 12 m 20’000