
Tunnel © Ricardo Gomez Angel 2018 Unsplash

The Ceneri tunnel makes the difference

— The "Corriere del Ticino" reports on the evolution of mobility in Ticino, particularly following the opening of the Ceneri base tunnel in 2020. Vincent Kaufmann, professor at the Laboratory of Urban Sociology, is interviewed.

Zurich, Switzerland © Janesca 2022 Unsplash

City life in Switzerland

— In "Le Courrier", Renate Albrecher and Max Felder, researchers at EPFL's Urban Sociology Laboratory, reflect on the evolution of urban living in Switzerland.

Streets of Geneva, Switzerland © Henry Mwenge 2018 Unsplash

For lively ground floors

— Rethinking the layout and use of ground floors is a solution to bringing life back into neighborhoods. “La Tribune de Genève” devotes an article to this subject and gives the floor to Luca Pattaroni, researcher at the EPFL Urban Sociology Laboratory.

Geneva © Michal Dolnik 2019 Unsplash

The feeling of attachment to Greater Geneva varies with distance

— Luca Pattaroni and Guillaume Drevon, from Urban Sociology Laboratory of EPFL, carried out research which shows that the feeling of attachment to the region is weaker in the French and Vaudois parts of Greater Geneva than in the Geneva part. They specify that we find similar dispersions in the Franco-Belgian cross-border agglomeration of Lille and in that of the Franco-Spanish Basque Country.

Regent Street, London, UK © Samuel Pollard 2019 Unsplash

The secrets of road safety in the UK

— Britain's roads are renowned among the safest in the world. What are the key factors behind this low accident rate? Tiphaine Robert, scientific collaborator at the Urban Sociology Laboratory, was on the TV5 Monde set to talk about it.

Crowd © CHUTTERSNAP 2018 Unsplash

What are the current challenges in crowd management?

— An example: the match between Liverpool and Real Madrid at the Stade de France in 2022. A chaotic organization which turned into a debacle. Pascal Viot, lecturer at the Urban Sociology Laboratory, explains in particular that we still lack tools to think about the crowd and manage it without necessarily adopting repressive action.

Geneva and the lake © Xavier von Erlach 2020 Unsplash

Young people should be able to travel for free in Geneva

— The canton of Geneva could make local public transport free of charge. Interviewed by "La Tribune de Genève", Vincent Kaufmann, professor at the Urban Sociology Laboratory, believes that this will relieve students' budgets, but that the greatest potential for modal shift will be felt by young people already in employment, since they tend to own cars more than their student peers.

Geneva lake © Visualsoflukas 2019 Unsplash

Weak cross-border ties

— More than 100,000 cross-border commuters travel daily between France and Switzerland to work in the Geneva region. The Urban Sociology Laboratory has taken an interest in the ties that unite, or not, the inhabitants of these border regions.

Lausanne gare, Switzerland © Henry Becker 2019 Unsplash

Conflicting modes of transport

— Competition between rail and road is becoming increasingly strong while debates take place in Bern around decisive investments. “Le Temps” addresses the subject and notably interviews Vincent Kaufmann, professor at EPFL and mobility specialist.

Public transport © Mitchell Johnson 2018 Unsplash

More and more people are taking public transport

— In 2023, more than 126 million passengers used the transport system of the city of Lausanne. Analysis by Vincent Kaufmann, Head of the Urban Sociology Laboratory.

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