Ongoing expertises

Study of the logic of action underlying modal practices in Rennes

The aim is to carry out a study of modal choice logics, enabling us to draw up a typology specific to the Rennes area, and to develop a tool enabling the user profile to be established with a limited number of closed questions (Module 1). This tool will then be used to establish a profile of Keolis customers, so as to be able to propose the offer best suited to their needs, and possibly needs, and possibly enrich the contours of the transport offer (Module 2).

Period: 2023 – 2025

Scientific manager: Vincent Kaufmann

LASUR team: Alexis Gumy

Partnership: B-MH Mobil’Homme

Funding / mandator: Keolis Rennes

Updating the typology of modal choice logics

The aim of the study is to update the modal choice typology for various territories in the tpg catchment area, based on data from the first wave of the Lémanique Panel, conducted in 2023. An optional module proposes the development of a platform that would enable the modal choice typology to be reproduced live as a decision-making tool for tpg customers.

Period: 2023 – 2025

Scientific manager: Vincent Kaufmann

LASUR team: Alexis Gumy

Funding / mandator: TPG

The impact of international Geneva

The aim of the study is threefold: to measure the economic and social impact of the international sector, to propose a scientific analysis that will enable strategies to be developed in the areas studied, and to provide recommendations for maintaining and developing an international sector based on the Canton’s values.

Period: 2023 – 2024

Scientific managers: Vincent Kaufmann, Giovanni Ferro Luzzi (Ireg HEG)

LASUR team: Alexis Gumy

Partnership: Institute for Applied Research in Economics and Management (Ireg) Geneva School of Management – HEG

Funding / mandator: Fondation pour Genève

Atlas of the Landscapes of Paris

Sociological expertise in the team, directed by Paola Vigano, in charge of the realization of the Atlas of the Landscapes of Paris. The atlas aims to qualify the landscapes of Paris, based on scientific analysis and public perceptions. The LaSUR accompanies the reflection on the social and political stakes of the landscape (perception, uses, conflicts, economic valorisation).

Period: 2022 – 2024

Scientific manager (sociological section): Luca Pattaroni

Partnership: Habitat Research Center, LaSUR, Valentin Bourdon

Funding / mandator Ville de Paris

Renovation of the Poissonniers Tower, Paris

Partner of the multidisciplinary team – led by AUC (Grand Prix d’Urbanisme 2021) and Fagart&Fontana – winner of the competitive dialogue for the renovation of the Poissonnier Tower in Paris (400 participating teams). Sociological expertise for the conceptualization of typologies, common spaces and participative management modes; implementation and animation of participatory workshops.

Period: 2021 – 2025

Scientific manager (sociological section): Luca Pattaroni

LASUR team: Garance Clément (project manager), Fiona Del Puppo

Partnership: AUC, Fagart & Fontana, Mosbach Paysagiste, AHA, Arcadis Rotor, Link, Medieco, BMF

Funding / mandator Paris Habitat / CROUS

Cross-border Territorial Vision 2050 (Chablais sector)

Sociological expertise within the team, led by Studio Vigano, in charge of the development of the Cross-Border Territorial Vision 2050 of the Chablais sector. The mandate consists in developing a territorial project aiming at carbon neutrality in 2050. The results will feed the cantonal (Master Plan) and regional (Agglomeration Project, SCOT) planning tools. The project aims to link mobility, housing, productivity (tertiary jobs, manufacturing activities, agriculture) and ecological issues (preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity). The LaSUR accompanies the reflection on the evolution of lifestyles, the models of densification, the initiatives for the transition and the forms of mobility. 

Period: 2022 – 2024

Scientific manager (sociological section): Luca Pattaroni

Partnership: Studio Vigano, , Citec Ingénieurs Conseils, Wüest Partner, Andréa S. Finger-Stich, Luca Pattaroni, Aristide Athanassiadis, Elena Cogato Lanza, Valentin Bourdon.