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Characterization of the membrane protein complexes responsible for reductive dehalogenation
2012.Oral presentation at the IV International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, November 12-15, 2012. p. Abstract 308.
2005.8th Intern. Conference on Solar energy and applied photochemistry SOLAR 05, combined with 5th Intern. Workshop on Environmental photochemistry Enpho 05, Luxor, Egypt, 20-25 February 2005.
Utilisation du rayonnement solaire pour le traitement de la pollution chimique et microbienne dans l’eau: Etat de l’art et Perspectives de recherche en Afrique tropicale
Photochemical Treatment vs a Continuous Coupled Photofenton-Biological Process for the Degradation of a Biorecalcitrant Pollutant: Kinetics and Economic Aspects
The Effect of Initial Carbon Concentration on Culture Growth and Betalain Biosynthesis in High Betacyanin-Yielding Cell Suspensions of Beta vulgaris L.