Electron Microscopy
The LBEM will develop new electron microscopy methods, for which we will setup prototype instrumentation that will be used to explore novel approaches to cryo-EM structure determination. These will consist of a Talos F200C and a prototype Titan Krios 300kV instrument.
In addition, we have access to the DCI, the Dubochet Center for Imaging, with which our group will share expertise and methods. The DCI will operate two Titan Krios G4 (with cold-FEG and Falcon IV camera, one with SelectrisX energy filter) and one Glacios (with Falcon IV camera). The DCI will also partner with the cryoGEnic facility at the University of Geneva, which operates another Talos Arctica among other instruments.
In addition, the EPFL’s CIME including its BioEM Facility offers access to several top-level electron microscopes, and the EMF of the University of Lausanne offers life sciences electron microscopy services with its several TEM, SEM and FIB-SEM instruments.
Other relevant facilities
The EPFL maintains several relevant infrastructures and facilities. Among these are the Protein Production and Structure Core Facility (PTPSP), the IT support, and the ScITAS for access to computing servers.
Current Status:
DCI / LBEM Status Server
(delivery of the first instrument is expected in March 2021).
The STATUS pages are driven by FOCUS.