Laboratoire de Construction et Conservation LCC
Research activities are mainly oriented toward housing and architecture conservation, the latter to be considered much more in a “design” vision than according to the traditional architectural restoration. In all research projects, the Lab is practicing an original approach based on interdisciplinary practice and linked with knowledge and competences issued by ENAC faculty. The aim is to go beyond the typical separation between “technical” and “historical” research in architecture. According to this statement, the lab’s research is characterized by an ongoing intersection between history and theory of urban and land planning, considered as disciplines derived from architecture. A collection of essays (Phd Dissertation included) has raised historical awareness regarding key aspects and players of Swiss urbanism drawing attention to their unique contribution to major aspects of European planning culture. Luca Ortelli’s personal research is focused on crucial experiences dating from the beginning of 20th century, according to German avant-garde radical positions and social democratic quiet revolution in Northern Europe countries.