Every day resources for LCSO members
Web of Science | Reaxys | ISIC Chemical Stores |
E-Journals | Chemexper | SDBS-Database |
ISIC NMR Service | ISIC MS Service | ISIC X-Ray Service |
NMR/Room Reservation | SciFinder | EPFL ELN |
EPFL Resources
Chemistry on the web
Blogs, Twitters/Bluesky and Problems
Laboratory Tools
Computational Tools
cheminfo.org | cell2mol | molSimplify |
DeepSynthesis prediction (pKa, BDE, Nu/El) | BDE Estimator | ee calculator |
Specialized Compound Databases
MolSSI | FluoBase | CLC-DB |
LCSO Helping Files
These files give useful information about frequent situations in research, such as writing reports/publications, experimental parts and laboratory journals or preparing publications. They are specific to the environment of LCSO/EPFL, but may be also useful in a broader context.