Useful Links

Every day resources for LCSO members

Web of Science Reaxys ISIC Chemical Stores
E-Journals Chemexper SDBS-Database
ISIC NMR Service ISIC MS Service ISIC X-Ray Service
NMR/Room Reservation SciFinder EPFL ELN

EPFL Resources

EPFL Lausanne Doctoral School ISIC
ISIC Organic Chemistry Seminars IS Academia Section of Chemistry
Prof. Waser’s Lectures How to get to EPFL Moodle
Infoscience Chemistry Library Seminar rooms ISIC
Fellowships at EPFL SB Grants EPFL
EPFL map EPFL health and safety EPFL respect

Chemistry on the web

EROS Journal Abbreviations Organic Chemistry Portal (OCP)
Name Reactions (OCP) Organic Chemistry Highlights (OCP) Protective Groups (OCP)
OC job market (OCP) Total Synthesis (OCP) Osiris Property Explorer (OCP)
Org Chem Resources Periodic Tables Scopus
Organic Syntheses Swiss SNF Master Organic Chemistry
Chemistry Departments on WWW Virtual Textbook Top Selling Drugs
Avogadro Mercury Chemistry Apps
crossref ACS Organic Chemistry Data Solubility Behaviors and Correlations of Common Organic Solvents
Name Reactions Flash Cards Burgenstock Conference Swiss Chemical Society
NCCR Catalysis Female Organic Chemists Swiss Women in Chemistry

Blogs, Twitters/Bluesky and Problems

LCSOLinkedin BlueskyLCSO @LcsoLab
Total Synthesis PhD Comics Yokoshima Problem Sets
Trauner Denksport @RealTimeChem @Total Synthesis
Master Organic Chemistry Naturalproductman
@Synthesis Workshop
In the Pipeline Baran Lab Seminars Chemjobber
@HyperIodine @EPFL_CHEM_Tweet Pictures OC Lab
@HelvChimActa @LCSOJournalClub LCSO Synthesis Problems
@Chemjobber @ChemPostdocBot
BlueskyHelvChimActa BlueskyStephanHacker BlueskyWomenChem
BlueskySwissChemists BlueskyOrgChem BlueskyOrgChem2
BlueskyChemBio BlueskyOrganomet BlueSkyChem (Crawford list)

Laboratory Tools

Bordwell pKa Cooling Baths MyNMRdb
Titration (Emslie Group) TLC Stains Green Chemistry
Green solvents NMR impurities Still Column Chromatography
ACS Abbreviations
Column Chromatography
Freeze Thaw
Gas Handling
Hard/Soft Hydrogenation
IUPAC drawing rules
Laboratory Safety Nitrogen Line
Pressure Charts
Waste Disposal Solvent Degassing
Syringe Handling
Stability of Diazo Compounds
Eluent Strength Translator
Strengths of Acids in Acetonitrile
DMF removal Peptide calculator
Schlenk Line by Dr. Andryj Borys Chemotion ELN Basicity of Organic Bases
Solubility Behaviors and Correlations of Common Organic Solvents Not Voodoo x.4 (Lab tricks)

Computational Tools cell2mol molSimplify
DeepSynthesis prediction (pKa, BDE, Nu/El) BDE Estimator ee calculator

Specialized Compound Databases

MolSSI FluoBase CLC-DB

LCSO Helping Files

These files give useful information about frequent situations in research, such as writing reports/publications, experimental parts and laboratory journals or preparing publications. They are specific to the environment of LCSO/EPFL, but may be also useful in a broader context.

LCSO Essentials Applying to LCSO Candidacy Exam
Education at LCSO Efficiency in Research Group Meetings at LCSO
Research talks Scientific Reports
Using an Article Template
Being a Reviewer Experimental Part Lab Notebook