Throughout the semester we reflected on what characterizes Zürich, what is Zürichness and if arriving at this solution through machine learning (and Generative Adversarial Networks – GANs) makes the result artificial. Does artificial intelligence create artificial architecture? In the final review, the individual projects resulting from the study were reviewed by a jury composed of invited architects, design critics and scholars. The jury took place over two days in four modules over zoom.
Guest Critics:
Camille Bagnoud, Architect, Founder, COCI Studio, London/Lausanne
Mario Carpo, Professor, Bartlett, UK
Irina Davidovici, Architect, Author, GTA, Zurich
Carole Froidevaux, Architect and Founder, COCI Studio, London/Lausanne
Eva Lopesino Gil, Architect and Founder, elii, Madrid, Spain
Tamotsu Ito, Architect, Architect and Founder, tamotsu ito architecture office, Gifu, Japan
Immanuel Koh, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Design and AI, SUTD, Singapore
Vivian Lee, Associate Professor, Director, Master of Architecture, University of Toronto
Nicole McIntosh, Founder and Principal of Architecture Office and Assistant Professor, Austin, Texas, USA
Peter Ortner, Assistant Professor of Architectural Design, SUTD, Singapore
Trevor Patt, Visiting Professor of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Antoine Picon, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Alex Sadeghi, Architect and Founder, studiolite, Shanghai, China
Adrien Verschuere, Architect and Founder, Baukunst, Bruxelles, Belgium
Andrew Witt, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Master project students: Yonah Belaich, Alexandre Bron, Marilyn Brühlmann, Andrea Calzolaro, Guichard Constantin, Micky Gerardi, Lara Giorla, Noémie Girardet, Téo Golay, Charlotte Jianoux, Héloïse Lauret, Ricky Lee, Iluta Lorence, Alba Mulero Manzanero, Beatriz Menéndez Ontañón, Valérie Ovadia, Bryan Parvex, Maylis Pillet, Antoine Prat, Ebrahim Rahmani, Basile Sordet, Alessandro Tiezzi, Albane de Vaulx, Qi Wang
Studio tutors: Christina Doumpioti, Christoph Holz, Mikhael Johanes, Frederick Kim, Gianna Ledermann
Professor: Jeffrey Huang
Image credits: MxD