Aye Lab Alumni

Former Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr Xin-Qiang Fang

Postdoctoral Researcher (now Assistant Professor at the Fujian Research Institute)
Homeland: China 

Ph.D. 2009 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry

Xinqiang was with us from 2012 Sept till 2013 Aug and contributed to one of our first manuscripts as a co-first author (JACS 2013 Fang et al.). Our electrophile program would not have been initiated so quickly without Xinqiang’s ability to successfully develop novel synthesis routes toward functional small-molecule probes. As of Fall 2013, Xinqiang established his independent laboratory at the Fujian Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is currently a full professor: http://www.fjirsm.cas.cn/fangxinqiang/
Dr Hong-Yu Lin

Postdoctoral Researcher (now Associate Professor at Xiamen University)
Homeland: China

Hongyu is originally from China, came to our lab from Brandeis, and was with us until May 2015. Hongyu made numerous contributions, most notably to the T-REX Electrophile Toolbox. In our lab, Hongyu contributed to first and second-author publications in 2015 JACS Lin et al., 2016 Nature Protocols Parvez & Long et al., 2014 ChemBioChem Fu et al., 2017 Cell Chemical Biology Long & Lin et al., and a couple of more contributed-author papers currently in revision. Hongyu is now an associate professor at Xiamen University, Chinese Academy of Sciences: https://chem.xmu.edu.cn/en/info/1010/1365.htm
Dr Jiayang Li

Postodoctoral Researcher (now Assistant Professor at the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing)
Homeland: China

Jiayang hailed from materials science background as a recent graduate from Brandeis University. During a short time that Jiayang was with us (Oct 2013 – Feb 2014), she rapidly learned molecular biology and biochemical techniques and contributed to successful completion of a project in collaboration with Saba Parvez and Dr. Yuan Fu (JACS 2015 Parvez et al.). Jiayang went on to independently initiate a new project! As of 2014, Jiayang began her Research Assistant Professorship position at the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing, China.
Dr. Soura (Souradyuti) Ghosh

Postdoctoral Researcher (now Assistant Professor at Bennett University, India)
Homeland: India

Soura hailed from india, and upon completion of his PhD program at Johns Hopkins, Soura spent a year with us from August 2015 till Sept 2016, and contributed to setting up some key foundational stones for our C. elegans T-REX projects. Soura is a co-author of our inaugural worm paper in preparation. Soura also assisted in the preparation of an invited review article that highlights chemical tools in subcellular redox targeting in cultured cells and model organisms (2017 ACS Chem Biol Long et al.). As of early 2017, Soura began his assistant professorship position back in his homeland, India (at Bennett University). Since 2023, he has been associate professor at Mahindra University, Hyderabad, India: https://www.mahindrauniversity.edu.in/faculty/dr-s-ghosh/
Dr Yuan Fu

Postdoctoral Researcher (now Assistant Professor at Tianjin Medical School)
Homeland: China

Ph.D. 2012 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, U.S.A.
B.S. 2008 Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Yuan is a native of China. He started alongside Yimon upon graduation from UIUC. Yuan is one of our two dedicated founding postdoctoral members of the Aye Lab. Yuan’s contributions were instrumental in helping us hit the ground running in our starting years. Yuan carried away several first-author/co-first-author publications from his time in our lab (Fu et al. 2013 ACS Biochemistry; Fang et al. 2013 JACS; Parvez et al. 2015 JACS; Fu et al. 2014 ChemBioChem; and Fu & Long et al. 2018 Nature Chemical Biology). As of fall-2018, Yuan began his own independent lab as an assistant professor in Tianjin Medical University, School of Basic Medical Sciences, China.
Dr. Dziyana (Diana) Hnedzko

Postdoctoral Researcher (March 2017 – December 2018)
Homeland: Belarus

Ph.D. 2017 Binghamton University, SUNY

Diana grew up in the Republic of Belarus. She joined the Aye lab upon completing her PhD studies in Professor Eriks Rozners’ laboratory at Binghamton University. During her tenure in the Aye lab, Diana rapidly learned the ropes of cell biological and mechanistic biochemical studies involving the enzyme RNR in the realms of our genome regulation research program and contributed to a nominated review article (2018 ChemBioChem — ChemBio Talents special issue). Following a subsequent short stint as a postdoctoral researcher at College of Williams & Mary, Diana further studied for an MS degree in Computing Science. As of 2023, Diana began her position as a Research and Development Engineer at Kryptowire Labs.
Dr Marcus Long

Postdoctoral Researcher
(November 2014 – July 2018)
Homeland: UK

Ph.D. 2014 Brandeis University, MA, U.S.A.
Undergraduate degree in Chemistry 2003, Honors School of Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK

Marcus is a native of Yorkshire, England. During his PhD studies at Brandeis University, Marcus collaborated with Yimon in her postdoctoral research involving cell-based studies of RNR-enzyme. Marcus continued to be an active collaborator of the Aye Lab prior to joining us as a postdoctoral member in late 2014. Marcus was a key leader in successfully extending our REX technologies to use in complex living models. During his tenure in the Aye lab, he trained and collaborated with many postdoctoral, graduate students and undergraduate researchers in both electrophile signaling and genome regulation research programs. In electrophile signaling research program, Marcus’s contributions resulted in 8 original research publications (including Parvez & Long 2016 Nature Protocols and Long & Parvez 2017 Nature Chemical Biology) with 5 additional manuscripts presently in revision/peer review, and 13 perspectives/review articles published. In genome biogenesis research program, Marcus contributed to two co-first author original research papers, including 2018 Fu & Long Nature Chemical Biology, and 3 invited reviews/perspectives.
Dr. Xiaopeng Yin

Postdoctoral Researcher (January 2018 – December 2018)
Homeland: China

Ph.D. 2017 Michigan State University, MI, U.S.A
B.S. 2011 Nanjing University, China,

Xiaopeng hailed from China. He took up the challenge to switch his research focus from organic synthesis during his phD studies to join the Aye lab and learn to work in an interdisciplinary research project. Xiaopeng’s key contributions allowed us to successfully complete the Phase I of our industrial collaborative project. Following his short yet successful tenure in our lab, Xiaopeng joined Prof. Justin Kim’s lab at the Dana-Farber Institute, to further pursue his research interests in chemistry and biology. As of fall 2019, Xiaopeng began his new job in pharma industry in the bay area (California), and he has been working as a senior R&D scientist at Arcus Biosciences for the past several years.
Dr. Xuyu Liu

Postdoctoral Researcher (January 2017 –  July 2019)
Homeland: New Zealand

Ph.D. 2016 University of Sydney, Australia
M.S. 2011 Victoria University of Welington, New Zealand
B.S. 2008 Victoria University of Welington, New Zealand

Xuyu grewu up in China, but emigrated to New Zealand to receive his higher education, first at Victoria University Wellington for his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biomedical sciences, followed by his pursuit of a doctoral degree at the University of Sydney in Australia. Xuyu joined our team at Cornell University USA in early 2017 and his work enabled the team to successfully translate principles and products of REX technologies to precision medicine applications. Xuyu subsequently moved with our team to EPFL and was a key leader in successfully overseeing the lab’s relocation and installation. During his time in our team, Xuyu contributed to several pedagogical review articles as well as invention disclosure and an original-research paper (2020 Liu et al., ACS Central Science). The latter constitutes the first successful proof-of-concept of targeted covalent inhibitors derived from precision electrophilic-metabolite signaling. As of late 2019, Xuyu began his new position as a cardiovascular research fellow in the School of Chemistry and Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sidney, Australia, https://www.sydney.edu.au/science/about/our-people/academic-staff/xuyu-liu.html and https://www.hri.org.au/our-research/cardiovascular-protective-signalling-and-drug-discovery/dr-xuyu-liu
Dr. Yi Zhao

Postdoctoral Researcher (November 2014 – October 2020) 
Homeland: China

Ph.D. 2014 National University of Singapore, Singapore
B.S. 2009 Sichuan University, China

Yi is a native of China, specifically from the famous region of Sichuan. Just like Sichuan cuisine, Yi’s tenure in the team spiced up our team’s research directions on multiple fronts, from evolution of REX technologies toward endogenous target profiling to deeper mechanistic studies of how native electrophiles modulate kinase signaling and ubiquitin pathways. Yi is a co-author and first-author of several original research papers as well as a perspective article that was selected for the 2020 International Open Access Week collection. Despite having been a dedicated organic research chemist for almost a decade prior to joining the Aye team, Yi, with the right mindset and fearless attitude, and his performance in our team, is an exemplary model of how organic chemists, given the right opportunities, close guidance, and training, are able to quickly become mechanistic chemical biologists and interdisciplinary scientists. As of late 2020, Yi began his new appointment as an associate research fellow in the Shenzhen Bay Laboratory in Shenzhen, China.
Dr. Chaosheng Luo

Postdoctoral Researcher (October 2019 – December 2020) 
Homeland: China

Postdoc 2017-2019 Colorado State University, USA
Postdoc 2015-2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Ph.D. 2015 Peking University, China
M.S. 2012 Peking University, China
B.S. 2011 Beijing Technology and Business University, China

Chaosheng is currently working as a scientific editor in Tetrahedron Chem, Elsevier.
Dr. Amogh Kulkarni

Postdoctoral Researcher (January 2020 – July 2021) 
Homeland: India

Ph.D. 2020 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India
M.S. 2014 IISER, Pune, India 
B.S. 2012 DES Fergusson College, Pune, India
Dr. Krishna Tripathi

Postdoctoral Researcher (December 2021 – December 2023)
Homeland: India

Ph.D 2020 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
M.S. 2013 University of Allahabad, India
B.S. 2011 University of Allahabad, India

Former Graduate Students

Sine (Somsinee) Wisitpitthaya

Graduate student member from Spring 2013 to January 2017
Homeland: Thailand

Anandamahidol Foundation Scholar (2015 – Spring 2017)
B.S. and M.S. 2011 Chemistry, Chulalongkurn University, Thailand

Sine is a native of Thailand. Sine represents one of the 3 founding graduate-student members of the Aye Lab. Sine worked on our nucleotide signaling research program and contributed to a first-authored publication and two co-authored manuscripts during her time in lab. We bid farewell to Sine along with three of our graduating seniors in May 2017. Sine recently began her postdoctoral research scientist position at Wolfe laboratories, Inc., MA.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Joe.pngJoe (Joseph) Haegele

Graduate student member (USA) from Spring 2013 to July 2017
Homeland: USA

NIH-CBI T32 Training Program Fellow (2013 fall – 2015 spring)
M.S. 2012 Biomedical forensic science, Boston University School of Medicine
B.S. 2010 Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytech Institute, N.Y., U.S.A.

Joe is one of the 3 founding graduate-student members of the Aye Lab. Joe in collaboration with Marcus, Soura, Daniel, and Shiv contributed to the development and applications of our T-REX precision redox perturbation tool in live C. elegans animal models. Joe recently began a research scientist position at Forma, MA.
Saba Parvez

Graduate student member from Spring 2013 to December 2017
Homeland: India

HHMI Predoctoral Fellow (2015–2017)
B.S. 2012 Chemistry, Bates College

Saba was one of our founding graduate student members and a key contributor in building our lab’s T-REX system from the ground up, both in cultured cells alongside Yimon and in zebrafish models, alongside Marcus and Jesse. Saba moved onto a postdoc position in Prof. Randall Peterson’s lab at the University of Utah in December 2017.
In 2023 Saba received several attractive academic job offers for tenure-track assistant professorship position from a few institutions in the US, and has just accepted to join Northwestern University (at the prestigious Feinberg School of Medicine), https://sites.northwestern.edu/parvezlab/team/
Jesse Poganik
Graduate student member from Spring 2015 to April 2020
Homeland: USA

American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellow (July 2017 – April 2020)
NIH-CBI T32 Training Program Fellow (Fall 2015 – Spring 2017)
B.S. 2013 Chemistry, SUNY at Stony Brook, N.Y., USA

Jesse was a major driver in transforming our teams early effort in studying stress-dependent RNA biology to successful outcomes in projects investigating RNA-protein interactions and transcriptomics analyses. Jesse was also a critical member who successfully passed on the team’s technical know-hows underpinning REX technologies and their applications in larval zebrafish to newer team members who joined us at EPFL. Beyond lead- and co-author published and pending original research manuscripts, Jesse made outstanding pedagogical contributions through several reviews and perspectives during his time in the team. Following his successful thesis defense in Spring 2020, Jesse started his postdoctoral position in Prof. Vadim Gladyshev’s laboratory at Longwood Medical School, Harvard University, USA, and in 2023, he was promoted to an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School https://www.poganik.com/
Daniel Urul

Graduate student member from Spring 2016 to December 2020
Homeland: USA

NSF GRFP Fellow (Summer 2017 – 2020)
Cornell Graduate Fellowship Awardee (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017)
B.S. 2014 Chemistry, University of Florida, USA

Daniel joined our team as a graduate student at Cornell University and a US NSF GRFP fellow, and subsequently moved with the team as an EPFL exchange student. Daniel contributed to several of our C. elegans research team projects. Daniel’s highly effective collaborations with several team members, in particular with Sanjna and Marcus, resulted in a series of co-first and co-2nd authorship papers, and a technology-based book chapter. As of December 2020, Daniel successfully defended as our team’s last member with an official Cornell PhD degree. As of Spring 2021, Daniel is working as an R&D scientist at the AssayQuant Technologies, Inc. (co-founded by Professor Barbara Imperiali) in Massachusetts, USA.
Lingxi Wang

Graduate student member (EPFL) from July 2017 to August 2021
Homeland: China

Formerly graduate student at Cornell (July 2017 – 2018)
M.S. in Chemical Biology, 2018, Cornell University, USA
B.S. in Chemistry, 2017, Tsinghua University, China

Lingxi joined our team first as a graduate student at Cornell University and transferred to EPFL graduate program as she relocated with the team to EPFL. Lingxi critically assisted with the successful revision of our team’s important proof-of-concept paper demonstrating direct relevance of precision electrophile signaling to precision medicine development (2020 Liu et al.). Lingxi also contributed to an invited pedagogical review article, and initial explorations in structure/function studies, protein-tags design, prior to her thesis defense in late 2021. Following return to her homeland, China, Lingxi is starting her career as a project manager at a global biopharmaceutical company based in her hometown, Suzhou.

Former Undergraduate Researchers

William Blessing

Undergrad researcher (July 2012-June 2016)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2016, College of Arts & Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Engineering

William completed his PhD degree in Bioengineering at Boston University with Professor Mark Grinstaff, and subsequently pursued his postdoc training at Massachusetts General Hospital, Division of Thoracic Surgery with Dr. Yolonda Colson. William is currently Scientist at Novartis (NBIR) in Cambridge, MA, USA 
Lisette Gallegos
Undergrad researcher (summer, fall 2012)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2013, College of Arts & Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry & Chemical Biology

– Lis is now working as a program development assistant at the Chemical Educational Foundation (CEF), a non-profit organization focusing on enhancing chemistry education
Tyler Peterhansel

Undergrad researcher (summer, fall 2012; spring 2013)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2013, College of Arts & Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry

– Tyler is now with the ‘Teach for America’ non-profit organization promoting quality education in low-income communities
Eva Ge

Undergrad researcher (summer, fall 2012; spring 2013)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2013, College of Arts & Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry– Eva is now a graduate student in Professor Tom Muir’s laboratory at Princeton University

In 2023, Eva began her independent laboratory at University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
Dustin Lee  

Undergrad researcher (spring 2013 – spring 2015)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2015, College of Arts & Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry & Asian Studies

– Dustin subsequently joined the Stony Brook Medical School program starting fall 2016 and he is currently a resident physician at Virginia Mason Internal Medicine.
Pra Bhattacharyya  

Undergrad researcher (summer 2013)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2016, College of Arts & Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Physics

– Pra is currently a graduate student in Physics at UC Berkeley (starting fall 2016)
Gene Hu

Undergrad researcher (fall 2013 – spring 2015)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2015, College of Arts & Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry & Psychology

– Gene has joined the UT Southwestern Medical School program (starting fall 2015)
Yiran Wang  

Undergrad researcher (summer 2015 – spring 2016)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2016, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry

– Yiran is currently pursuing her MD degree at Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine.
Elaine Fletcher  

Undergrad researcher (Spring 2015-Spring 2016)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2017, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry

Elaine subsequently received her MD degree and is currently a resident physician at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Aohan Dang  

Undergrad researcher (Summer and Fall 2016)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2018, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Biochemistry

– After exploring wet chemical biology research, Aohan decided to pursue his keen interest in computational biology. He is currently involved with computational and system biology research at Cornell till graduation in May 2018.
Shivansh Chawla  

Undergrad researcher (Summer 2015-Spring 2017)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2017, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry, Biology

Shiv subsequently received an MD degree from the UNC School of Medicine.
Vanha Pham  

Undergrad researcher (Spring 2014-Spring 2017)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2017, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry

May 2017 — Vanha is starting her PhD program in Chemical Biology this fall at the College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (as an NSF GRFP fellow!). As of 2024, Vanha began her postdoctoral training in Princeton University.
Michael Disare  

Undergrad researcher (Spring 2014-Spring 2017)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2017, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry, Biology

May 2017 — Michael is starting his PhD program in Chemical Biology this fall at the Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago
Sanjna Surya  

Undergrad researcher (Fall 2015 – Spring 2018)
Homeland: India

Class of 2018, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Biology
Mentor: Daniel A. Urul and Dr. Marcus J. C. Long
Favorite Pastimes: Taking walks, reading, solving number puzzles

July 2018 — Sanjna begins her medical school (MD physician) training at Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania, USA
Lining Zheng  

Undergrad researcher (Spring 2016 – Spring 2018)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2018, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Dziyana (Diana) Hnedzko
Favorite Pastimes: Reading, cooking, sudoku

July 2018 — Lining begins her doctoral thesis studies in Chemical Biology at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Paul Huang  

Undergrad researcher(Summer 2016 – Spring 2018)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2018, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Majors: Chemistry, Biology
Mentor: Dr. Yi Zhao
Favorite Pastimes: Playing violin, listening to music, exploring new places

July 2018 — Paul begins his doctoral thesis studies in Chemical Biology at University of California, Berkeley, USA
Anthony Duruewuru  

HHMI CHAMPS Summer Internship member: Summer 2017
Homeland: USA

Class of 2020, College of Human Ecology, Cornell University
Major: Human Biology, Health and Society
Mentor: Daniel A. Urul and Sanjna L. Surya
Favorite Pastimes: Gaming, cooking, and exploring new places
Islam Elsaid  

Undergrad researcher (Summer 2017 – Spring 2018)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2020, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Marcus J. C. Long
Favorite Pastimes: Basketball, listening to music, comedy

Fall 2022 — Islam begins his medical school (MD/PhD program) training at University of Pennsylvania, USA
Andreas Pintado-Urbanc  

Undergrad researcher (Fall 2017 – Spring 2018)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2020, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Dr. Xuyu Liu and Dr. Xiaopeng Yin
Favorite Pastimes: Playing/Watching Tennis and Soccer, Listening to Music, Hiking
Nicholas (Nick) Krasnow  

Undergrad researcher (Spring 2018)
Homeland: USA

Class of 2021, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Major: Biology with concentration in Biochemistry
Mentor: Jesse Poganik
Favorite Pastimes: Running, fly fishing, skiing

July 2021 — Nick begins his doctoral thesis studies at Harvard University (with Prof. David Liu), USA
Thomas Jordan
Part-time master student researcher (Spring 2019)
Homeland: Switzerland

Class of 2020, EPFL
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Jesse Poganik and Chloé Rogg
Favorite Pastimes: Eating chocolate, reading, watching films
Jean-Alexandre David 
Part-time master student researcher (Fall 2019 & Fall 2020)
Homeland: France

Class of 2021, EPFL
Major: Chemistry
Mentors: Alexandra Van Hall-Beauvais, Amogh Kulkarni
Favorite Pastimes: Reading, visiting art expositions, volleyball
Gabriele Casagrande Raffi
Part-time master student researcher (Fall 2020)
Homeland: Italy

Class of 2022, EPFL
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Kuan-Ting (Tim) Huang
Favorite Pastimes: Go out with friends, all kinds of sports

June 2022 — Gabriele is starting his doctoral studies in cancer biology in Prof. Rene Bearnard’s laboratory at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
Jiajun Li
Part-time master student researcher (Fall 2020)
Homeland: China

Class of 2022, EPFL
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Jinmin Liu
Favorite Pastimes: Cooking, traveling

As of 2022 Fall, Jiajun began his doctoral research training with Prof. Michael Nash’s laboratory, University of Basel, Switzerland
Anne Laura Pedersen
Part-time master student researcher (Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
Homeland: Norway

Class of 2022, EPFL 
Major: Chemistry
Mentor: Phillippe Ly
Favorite Pastimes: Cooking, hiking, farm work

June 2022 — Following graduation from EPFL master program, Anne Laura joins Nestle, Lausanne, as a research scientist
Mahdi Assari
Full-time master student researcher (Spring 2021)
Homeland: Iran

Class of 2021, UNIGE/EPFL (NCCR)
Major: Chemical Biology
Mentor: Chloé Rogg
Favorite Pastimes: Playing volleyball, hiking, dancing

July 2021 — Mahdi begins his doctoral thesis studies in Chemical Biology at University of Chicago, USA, jointly mentored by Professors Tao Pan and Chuan He.
Jonathan Held
Full-time master student researcher (Spring 2021)
Homeland: Switzerland

Class of 2021, ETHZ
Major: Chemistry
Mentors: Jinmin Liu and Phillippe Ly
Favorite Pastimes: Music, photography

As of 2022 Fall, Jonathan started his doctoral research studies at Technical University of Munich, Germany
Milica Mihailovic
Full-time master student researcher (Spring 2021, Fall 2021)
Homeland: Serbia

Class of 2022, UNIGE/EPFL
Major: Chemical biology
Mentors: Kuan-Ting Huang
Favorite Pastimes: Traveling, reading, climbing

June 2022 — Milica begins her doctoral thesis studies in Biology at Max Perutz Laboratories, Vienna BioCenter, Austria
Riyaz Khan
Full-time master student researcher (Spring 2021, Fall 2021)
Homeland: India

Class of 2022, UNIGE/EPFL 
Major: Chemical biology
Mentor: Dalu Chang
Favorite Pastimes: Reading, basketball, hiking
Simon Liétar
Part-time master student researcher (Fall 2021)
Homeland: France

Class of 2022, EPFL
Major: Life Sciences Engineering
Mentor: Jinmin Liu
Favorite Pastimes: Playing the piano, reading, running

Currently a research scientist at Adaptyv Biosystems, Lausanne, prior to starting his doctoral school training in the USA.
Emma Vernizeau

Master enhancement intern (Fall 2022)
Master thesis student (Spring 2022)

Homeland: France

Molecular and Biological Chemistry, EPFL-SB
B.S. in Chemistry and Chemical engineering, 2020, EPFL, Switzerland
Favorite Pastimes: Gardening, walking, reading

After joining Prof. Cao laboratory at EPFL, Emma is now working for a local start-up, Rea Diagnostics.
Olesia Omelko
Exchange master student (Fall 2022)
Homeland: Russia

M. Sc. in Biochemistry, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
B. Sc. in Biochemistry, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
 Naura Antariksa
Master enhancement intern (Fall 2022)
Master thesis student (Fall 2021-Spring 2022)

Homeland: Indonesia

Molecular and Biological Chemistry, EPFL-SB
B.E. in Applied Chemistry, 2020, Kyushu University, Japan

Favorite Pastimes: Reading, traveling, baking
Mentor: Phil Ly

Naura recently won the highly-competitive Presidential PhD Scholarship from Imperial College London and she will soon start her doctoral research studies there in Prof. Marco di Antonio’s laboratory, following a short research internship with Prof. Julius Fredens at the National University of Singapore.
Spencer Frome
Master enhancement intern (Fall 2022)
Homeland: USA

M. Sc in Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences AB/AM Program, Cambridge MA, United States

Favorite Pastimes: hockey, reading and guitar
Mentor: Tim Huang

Spencer is starting his medical school program in New York University Medical School.
Xiao Han
Master enhancement intern (Fall 2022-Spring 2023)
Homeland: China

M. Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China

Favorite Pastimes: traveling, skating, and watching movies
Mentor: Phil Ly

Xiao is currently pursuing her doctoral research degree in Germany.
Enguerran Majerus

Master enhancement intern (Fall 2022-Spring 2023)
Master thesis student (Spring 2022)
Homeland: France

M. Sc. in Molecular and Biological Chemistry, EPFL-SB
B.S. in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2020, EPFL, Switzerland

Favorite Pastimes: Football, music, traveling
Mentor: Jinmin Liu

Enguerran is currently pursuing a doctoral research degree in Switzerland.
Gianluca Quargnali

Master enhancement intern (Fall 2022-Spring 2023)
Homeland: Italy

M. Sc. Molecular and Biological Chemistry, EPFL-SB
B.S. in Chemistry, 2020, University of Trieste, Italy

Favorite Pastimes: Reading, playing the piano
Mentor: Pierre Miranda H.

Gianluca is currently a doctoral student in Prof. Pablo Rivera-Fuentes’ laboratory, University of Zurich.
Maude Guggisberg

Master thesis student (Spring 2023-Fall 2023)
Homeland: Switzerland

M. Sc. in Molecular and Biological Chemistry, EPFL
B. Sc. in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, EPFL

Favorite pastimes: playing the flute, skiing and travelling
Damir Berbic

Master thesis student
Homeland: Serbia

NCCR Chemical Biology, UNIGE/EPFL
B.Sc. in Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry

Favorite pastimes: board games, pottery and fencing
Ananya Biswas

Master thesis student
Homeland : India

NCCR Chemical Biology, UNIGE/EPFL
B.S. in Chemistry, 2021, University of Shiv Nadar, India

Favorite Pastimes: Traveling, Art-house film analysis

Former Team Members on short-term or visiting appointments

Wenfeng Liu – PhD student – Guangzhou, China (Nov 2022 – Feb 2024)
Xia Liu – Master Enhancement Intern (Beijing, China) – (Fall 2023)
Najia Sherzay – Research Scholar from Scholar at Risk program (Jan 2023 – Apr 2024)
Mengying Deng – Visiting Professor from China Scholarship Council (Aug 2022 – July 2023)
Sicong Chen – Visiting PhD Student from Peking University, China (Aug 2022-Jul 2023)
Maddalena Elia – PhD Student – EDCH Program (May 2021-February 2023)
Shujie Li, PhD Student – EDBB Program (November 2022-March 2023)
Yuqing Jia – Visiting PhD Student from Leiden University, The Netherlands (Nov 2023-Feb 2023)
Chananya Suwathep (Jojo) – Visiting Researcher from VISTEC, Thailand
Máté Visegrádi (EPFL Summer 2022 Internship)
Tony Hu (Excellence Internship Program – EPFL / ThinkSwiss Scholarship Awardee, Summer 2022)
Yuchen Qiao – Postdoctoral Researcher (June 2021-May 2022)
Alexandra Van Hall-Beauvais – PhD Student (Spring 2017 – 2019)
Tonieh Ingram (HHMI CHAMPS Program, Summer 2015)
Jake Usery (BMCB, Summer 2015)
Jordana Bloom (BMCB, joint with Prof. Bob Weiss’s lab, Spring 2015)
Steve Pisano (BMCB, Spring 2015)
Inna Sirota (BMCB, Spring 2015)
Carl Schlitz (BMCB, Fall 2014)
Henry Le (CCB, Jan 2014 – Feb 2015)
Chester Wrobel (CCB, Nov 2017 – July 2018)
Bo Kyoung Kim (EDCH, Sept 2018 – Feb 2019)
Dr. Yong Chen (Feb 2019 – Jun 2019)
Dr. Paulina Ciepla (Mar 2020 – Jan 2021)
Balázs Novotny (Nov 2020 – Aug 2021)
Dr. Chiranjeevi Barreddi (Jul 2021 – Sep 2021)