Prof Yimon AYE

Undergraduate Education (2000 – 2004): University of Oxford, UK

Graduate Education (2004 – 2009): Harvard University, USA

Postdoctoral Training (2009 – 2012): MIT, USA

Yimon Aye was born and raised in Burma. She received a full scholarship to attend Cambridge Tutors College, UK (high school equivalent), and subsequently read chemistry at Somerville College, University of Oxford, UK, as an international student scholar (2000-2004). Her undergraduate research was carried out with Prof. Stephen L. Buchwald (MIT, USA) and Prof. Stephen G. Davies (Oxford, UK). She then moved to Harvard University, USA, achieving a Ph.D. in organic chemistry under the guidance of Prof. David A. Evans. She subsequently moved to MIT (USA) to research the cellular and biochemical regulatory mechanisms of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase with Prof. JoAnne Stubbe. In her independent career at Cornell University that began in mid-2012, she set out to understand the detailed mechanisms of electrophile signaling. This impetus culminated in the development of “REX” technologies (T-REX™ delivery and G-REX™ profiling). In a parallel research program distinct from redox-dependent cell signaling, she studies proteins/pathways involved in mammalian genome maintenance and nucleotide signaling, including the mechanisms of anticancer agents in clinical use. As of August 2018, she is leading the Laboratory of Electrophiles And Genome Operation (LEAGO) at ISIC, EPFL (Switzerland) as a tenured associate professor. Since January 2022, she has been serving as an associate editor of ACS Chemical Biology.

For a representative list of international honors and contributions made, both in the US (Cornell) and in Europe (EPFL), by Aye and her team members, please visit Awards and Highlights

Favorite Pastimes: Outreach, LEGO (no A), learning something new