Contact: Maria-Cristina Munari Probst
European Survey: Questionnaire results on Architectural integration quality for 10 existing buildings
Within the European project SOLABS, a questionnaire on Architectural integration quality for 10 existing buildings was conducted. To reach enough people from various regions within a limited timeframe and budget, a Web based questionnaire was chosen as the polling method.
To avoid a “climatic bias”, people were chosen within all three European climactic regions. The idea was to get an insight of the way the solar collectors were viewed by the contacted architects.
The questionnaire started with a detailed architectural appreciation of existing solar thermal systems integrations aiming at:
- obtaining a “global” judgement before entering into the various details
- assessing the “unifying” criteria underlying the judgements of the parties
- possibly understanding the differences between Architects’ and Engineers’ appreciations
This survey served as a basis for the development of colored thermal solar cladding.
Results presented here cover the first part of the survey. To see the results of each building, click on the corresponding photograph.
Click on thumbnail images for details.
Cases 1 and 2
Cases 3, 4 and 5
Cases 6, 7 and 8
Cases 9 and 10