Design and production of porous hybrid organic/inorganic materials – Small molecule storage, separations, and catalysis

Welcome to the Laboratory for Functional Inorganic Materials (LFIM)

Recent events

February 2025

Congratulations to Dr. Jocelyn Roth for passing the public PhD defense! The LFIM wishes you all the best on new chapter of your adventures.

January 2025

Congratulations, Florian, on passing his master thesis defense! All your hard work and dedication have paid off

October 2024 Congratulations to Pratap Narayan Soni for passing his candidacy exam!
September 2024 A big congratulations to Matthieu Meoli for successfully passing his candidacy exam!
September 2024 Olivier Smith joins LFIM. Bienvenue!
September 2024 Congratulations to Pattaraphon Rodlamul (Paul) for passing his candidacy exam!
August 2024 LFIM welcome Dr. Himan Dev Singh to the group as Postdoctoral researcher. 
June 2024 Prof. Queen as an invited speaker at 7th UKPorMat conference in Liverpool (England)
June 2024 Congratulation to Till for a great talk at 7th UKPorMat conference in Liverpool (England)
June 2024 Thanks Timo for a great poster at 7th UKPorMat conference in Liverpool (England)
June 2024 Matthieu’s first conference at 7th UKPorMat in Liverpool (England). Goob job!
April 2024 Congratulations to Till Schertenleib for his work on Post-synthetic modification of MOFs for Pt adsorption, which was accepted into Chemical Science
January 2024 Congratulations to Anne Belin for passing her candidacy exam!
November 2023 Mr. Pratap Narayan Soni joins the LFIM as PhD student. Bienvenue!
September 2023 Prof. Queen gives an invited presentation in Granada (Spain) at the EuroMOF23 conference.
September 2023 Mr. Pattaraphon Rodlamul and Mr. Metthieu Meoli join the LFIM as PhD students. Welcome to the lab!
August 2023
LFIM’s GoldRush Project, done in collaboration with Mirko Bischofberger and funded by SNSF Agora Program is up and running at Glattzentrum shopping center. Thanks to SNSF, EPFL, Glattzentrum, Swissnex, and Gebert Rüf Stiftung for the support.
August 2023
Prof. Queen gives an invited presentation in Andover, NH (USA) at the the Gordon Research Conference on Nanoporous materials and their applications.
July 2023
Congratulations to Matthieu Meoli for successfully defending his master thesis on the design of porous materials for gold recovery!
June 2023
Congratulations to Yongjie Xu for receiving an EPFL Leaders for Impact Pstdoctoral Fellowship!
June 2023
Prof. Queen gives an invited presentation in Telluride, CO (USA) at the Workshop on Porous Materials.
June 2023
LFIM welcomes visiting Professor, Samir El Hankari and PhD student Moumen El Mehdi, from UM6P in Morroco.
April 2023
Congratulations to Jocelyn Roth for giving a presentation at EPFL’s open days.
January 2023 Congratulations to Dr. Jordi Espín and Dr. Vikram Karve for their work on the design of new microporous carbons for CO2 capture, which was just accepted in Advanced Functional Materials.
January 2023 Congratulations to Dr. Ilia Kochetygov for his work on ligand synthesis to access affordable MOFs, which was just accepted into Angewandte Chemie.
January 2023 Dr. Yongjie Xu joins the LFIM as Postdoctoral researcher. Welcome!
January 2023 Prof. Queen is appointed director of the EPFL Energy Center.
January 2023 Prof. Queen gives a seminar at UC Berkeley.
Dec. 2022 Congratulations to Valérie Held for successfully defending her Master thesis! Thanks for the valuable contribution on adsorption process simulations. All the best!
Dec.2022 Congratulations to Dr. Anita Justin for passing the public PhD defence! The LFIM wishes you all the best in your next steps. Thanks again for your hard work in developing novel strategies to improve adsorbents for CO2 capture.
Nov.2022 Anne Belin joins the LFIM as PhD student. Bienvenue!
October 2022 The research in LFIM is highlighted in Le Temps magazine. This special issue about Durabilité describes the type of porous materials that we study in our lab and their applications for environmental remediation.
October 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Vikram Karve and co-workers for the latest published article in Chemical Communications. In this work, a solid state polymerization of renewable monomer in the pores of a MOF is described and its subsequent use in nanoparticle immobilization and catalysis is demonstrated.
Sept. 2022 RTS interviews Jocelyn Roth in the context of the gold recovery from waste water research carried out at LFIM! Do not miss the recording of the interview ‘Une invention valaisanne qui vaut de l’or’.
Sept. 2022 Congratulations to Timo Felder for successfully defending his PhD candidacy exam!
Sept. 2022
Prof. Queen gives a talk at the Paul Scherrer Institute
Sept. 2022
LFIM’s work is featured as a comic in the EPFL magazine, Dimensions
Sept. 2022 Congratulations to Anita Justin for successfully defending her PhD thesis!
Sept. 2022 Prof. Queen gives a keynote talk at the MOF 2022 conference in Dresden.
Sept. 2022
Prof. Queen gives an invited lecture at the ICCC in Rimini.
Sept. 2022
Sanjay Venkatachalam joins LFIM as a PhD student, Bienvenue Sanjay!
August 2022 All the best for the end of your PhD Jariya, and thanks for your enthusiasm during this last year as visiting student!
July 2022 Congratulations to Doriane, Soeun and Sanjay for sucessfully defending their masters theses! Their work was based on liquid and gas phase removal of pollutants for environmental remediation. The LFIM whishes you all the best in your future projects!
June 2022
Prof. Queen gives an invited lecture at the Gordon Research, Environmental Sciences: Water in New Hampshire, USA
June 2022 The LFIM participated in the Scientastic event at EPFL Valais, with a small demonstration of some of our projects. We were happy to motivate the future generations of researchers that came to this open doors event at the campus!
May 2022 Canal 9 interviews Prof. Queen and Jocelyn Roth in the context of the prize Optimus Agora, highlighting the research on gold recovery from e-waste carried out at LFIM. Don’t miss it!
May 2022 Our project “El Dorado 2.0 – Unlock the Gold in your Pocket” has won the  Optimus Agora prize for 2022, which is aimed at promoting scientific divulgation in our society. Please see the recent interview of Prof. Queen, “The alchemists of the modern times“, where she explains the importance of gold recycling from e-waste, the focus of the Agora Prize project.
May 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Ilia Kochetygov and co-workers for the just accepted article in Chemical Science!  This work features the synthesis of a new MOF built from saturated N-heterocylic carbene (NHC)-containing ligands. The MOF  converts from a 3D to a 2D structure upon modification of the NHC sites. Next, Ir complexes were grafted in the MOF pores, and the material  was tested as a catalyst for stilbene hydrogenation.
April 2022
LFIM, in collaboration with communications expert Mirko Bischofberger, has received funding from the SNSF Agora Program.
April 2022
Prof. Queen and Swiss steering committee organize a workshop for the Swiss Norwegian Beamlines in Bern.
March 2022
Prof. Queen gives an invited seminar at the virtual NanoGe Spring Meeting.
Feb. 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Ilia Kochetygov and Dr. Vikram Karve for successfully defending their PhD theses! Thanks for your enthusiasm and team spirit during these last years. From all LFIM members we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Jan. 2022 Congratulations to Mr. Till Schertenleib for successfully defending his candidacy exam!

Congratulations to Vikram and collaborators for the recently published work in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces! This work proposes a strategy to reuse a biomass-derived chemical in combination with a MOF to create a selective composite towards Ag+ capture from water, which can subsequently be used as a catalyst.

Dec.2021 Vikram Karve successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Karve!
Nov. 2021 Ilia Kochetygov successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Kochetygov!
October 2021 Prof. Queen describes her journey to EPFL Valais in this interview with Eva Hirschi from Das Magazin. Do not miss it!

October 2021

Prof. Queen is interviewed by the canton of Valais in the Recto Verso episodes with the aim to show the uniqueness of this region in terms of advanced research and creative companies.
October 2021 Welcome to Mr. Ibrahim Sultan who just joined the LFIM as a PhD student! 
Sept. 2021 Welcome to Mr. Timo Felder who just joined the LFIM as a PhD student! 
 Sept. 2021 Prof. Queen discussed about ‘Materials of tomorrow to recycle the materials of today‘ in the podcast series ‘Bringing Chemistry to Life‘ by Thermo Fisher Scientific. The second season includes conversations with the Talented 12 by C&EN from 2020.
Sept. 2021 Prof. Queen appears in the Faces of Valais website, which highlights passionate professionals working in this Swiss canton with unique and creative projects.
Sept. 2021 Congratulations to Mr. Jocelyn Roth for successfully defending his candidacy exam!
Sept.2021 Prof. Queen gives a talk to Parliament members of the National Council of Science, Education and Culture Commission.
August 2021 Prof. Queen gives a talk to Swiss President Guy Parmelin, Vice President Ignazio Cassis, and the ambassadors of Switzerland at the Conference of Ambassadors, EPFL Rolex Center.
August 2021 LFIM is very happy to continue working with Gaznat on a carbon capture project that will restart in November of 2021.
July 2021 Prof. Queen gives a talk to the General Secretaries of the Federal Departments.
July 2021 Prof. Queen’s current research interests using ‘advanced sponges’ – MOFs – are highlighted in the EPFL News website. Do not miss it!
June 2021 Congratulations to Anita Justin and coworkers for the latest published work in Inorganic Chemistry! This work presents a new PSM approach to covalently graft amines in MOFs for CO2 capture and was selected as a featured cover article.
June 2021 Dr. Pengkun Zhao joins the LFIM! Welcome to the lab!
June 2021 Prof. Queen is interviewed in the EPFL Magazine ‘Dimensions‘ where she discusses the research focus of the LFIM using advanced ‘sponge-like materials’ namely MOFs.
June 2021 EPFL researchers put technology to work for the global South. LFIM will be taking part in the Tech4Dev program in a collaboration with the NGO Solidar Med. Stay tuned for more information!
June 2021 Prof. Wendy Queen contributed to the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator’s (GESDA) Scientific Anticipatory Brief, Decarbonising the Global Economy and Society.
May 2021 Retreeva is underway! The EPFL start-up led by Dr. Olga Trukhina and Prof. Wendy Queen uses innovative materials to recover trace amounts of gold from watewater. More news coming soon!
April 2021 LFIM in collaboration with EssentialTech and Solidar Med, received a Tech4Dev grant to develop electricity-free cold boxes for the storage of vaccines and food in Mozambique rural areas. Congratulations to all the awarded projects!
April 2021  Prof. Queen is an invited speaker at the Dalton Transactions: New Talent Europe webinar.
March 2021 Dr. Yudong Xue joins LFIM. Welcome!
March 2021 Prof. Queen appears in the EPFL podcast Are you sure?” to discuss her certainties or lack thereof. What can research do to face uncertainty. Do not miss it!
March 2021

Profs. Queen and Mohamad Hmadeh (American University of Beirut) organized a symposium titled “Reticular Chemistry for Sustainable and Clean Energy Applications” at the NanoGe Spring Meeting 2021. The symposium featured talks from nine pioneers in the field including Profs. Stefan Kaskel (TU Dresden), Seth Cohen (UCSD), Mircea Dinca (MIT), Mohamed Eddaoudi (Kaust), Qiaowei Li (Fudan University), Rahul Banerjee (IISER Kolkata), Bettina Lotsch (Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München), Katherine Mirica (Dartmouth College), and Omar Farha (Northwestern University).

February 2021 Professor Queen gives a seminar at Harvard in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.
February 2021

LFIM is one of the six groups at EPFL that will collaborate with African universities thanks to the initiative of EPFL – EXAF (Excellence in Africa). Our group will work with Samir el Hankari from the Mohammed VI Polytechnique University with the goal of improving the CO2 capture and utilisation using MOFs.

February 2021 Prof. Wendy Queen gives a talk at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and at the University of South Dakota (USA).
January 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Mehrdad Asgari and co-workers for the latest published work in Chemical Engineering Journal! This work in collaboration with Prof. Marco Mazzotti is based on the exploration of Cu-TDPAT for H2 purification and CO2 capture from synthesis gas.

January 2021 Congratulations to Dr. Bhawana Thakur for her new position in Roche Diagnostics working on the development of point-of-care biosensors.
January 2021 Congratulations to Dr. Bhawana Thakur and collaborators for the just accepted paper in Advanced Materials Technologies! The work is based on the study of peroxidase-like behaviour of Fe MOFs and MOF/polymer composites.
January 2021 Congratulations to our former Postdoc Dr. Shuliang Yang for being accepted as Associate Professor in Xiamen University. All the best!
December 2020 Prof. Wendy Queen was interviewed at The Galactic Chloe Show in the Christmas edition! Great conversation with updates on the lab research interests and Wendy’s background. Do not miss it!
November 2020

Open position at LFIM!

We are hiring a postdoctoral collaborator to focus on the design of nano-delivery systems. Check Openings page for more information.

November 2020 Congratulations to Dr. Olga Trukhina on winning an Innogrant for a new entrepreneurial endeavor!
November 2020 Prof. Queen gives a talk at Clemson University and at the University of Texas, Austin (USA).
October 2020 Congratulations to Vikram Karve for being awarded with a JSPS fellowship for a research stay with Prof. Takashi Uemura at the University of Tokyo!
 October 2020
Congratulations to Master student Alexandre Hueber for successfully defending his thesis work!
September 2020 Prof. Wendy Queen takes part in the EPFL Energy Centre interview series! Check it out!
September 2020 Till Schertenleib joined the LFIM as a PhD researcher! Willkommen!
September 2020 Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang and coworkers for the latest accepted work about MOF/polymer derived electrocatalysts bearing single-atom Ni species. This report is now online in Chemical Science.
August 2020 Congratulations to the Master students Vilasini Mahesh and Till Schertenleib for successfully defending their theses. Great work!
August 2020

Prof. Wendy Queen is included in the 2020 Talented 12 of C&EN Magazine, which highlights “a dozen young rising stars who are using chemical know-how to change the world.”. The news was also highlighted in the EPFL website.

August 2020 Congratulations to Dr. Song Gao for receiving the Dean’s award for her outstanding PhD Thesis in The University of New South Wales!
August 2020 Jocelyn Roth joins the LFIM as a PhD researcher. Bienvenue!
August 2020


The work of Prof. Wendy Queen and the Laboratory for Functional Inorganic Materials is highlighted in an article at the Swiss newspaper Sonntags Blick.
July 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang on his recent work focused the formation of MOF beads using an easy polymerization strategy. This work was just published online in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
July 2020 Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang and LFIM on a new review published in Coordination Chemistry Reviews. The manuscript is focused on enhancing MOF performance through the introduction of polymer guests.
July 2020 Dr. Song Gao joins the group. Welcome!
May 2020

The recently accepted work on the use of MOF beads to capture and reduce toxic Cr(VI) to Cr(III) was highlighted in Chemistry World.

  May 2020
Congratulations to Mehrdad Asgari for winning the SNSF Early Postdoc Mobility grant. All the best during your Postdoc at Cambridge University!
  May 2020
Congratulations to Ilia Kochetygov for winning the 2020 travel award from Swiss Chemical Society and Swiss Academy of Sciences.
  May 2020

The work on heavy and precious metal removal carried out in LFIM is highlighted in EPFL website. Our latest accepted paper is summarized in this video!

  April 2020

Congratulations to Bardiya Valizadeh for his work on chromium extraction from waste water using MOF@polymer composite beads. The work, just accepted in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A, is a collaborative project between LFIM and the group of Prof. Berend Smit.

  April 2020

Congratulations to Aron Huckaba  for his recent publication in Energy Technology. This work is focused on lead sequestration from Perovskite solar cells using MOF-polymer composites and is a collaborative project between LFIM and the group of Prof. Nazeeruddin.

  April 2020

Congratulations to Mehrdad Asgari for his most recent publication in Nano Research, focused on unveiling the mechanism behind large negative thermal expansion in Cu-TDPAT.

January 2020
‘Could mining gold form waste reduce its great cost?’AEON magazine highlights the potential of materials designed at LFIM for urban mining.
January 2020

The collaboration between LFIM and Prof. François Maréchal group regarding CO2 transformation to fuel trucks is featured in La Télé.

January 2020
Congratulations to Mehrdad Asgari for his just accepted paper in Chemistry of Materials, a collaborative project between LFIM and the group of Prof. Michele Ceriotti. The work is focused on undertanding how ligand subsitution influences CO2 and N2 adsorption in a sodalite MOF.
January 2020

EPFL Valais research regarding CO2 capture and transformation into fuel is featured at Le Nouvelliste.

November 2019
Mehrdad Asgari successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Asgari!
November 2019
Daniel T. Sun successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations Dr. Sun!
November 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Olga Trukhina for winning the SNSF Spark grant!
November 2019
Congratulations to Prof. Li Peng for joining Xiamen University (China) as an Associate Professor. 恭喜 彭丽!
November 2019
Professor Queen gives a talk at the Alumni 50th Homecoming event.
November 2019

Professor Queen is featured in 100 femmes on YouTube: An interregional communications campaign to promote 100 women and their exceptional careers.

October 2019
Congratulations to Vikram Karve for his first manuscript, just accepted in Green Chemistry on biomass conversion using MOF-polymer-NP composite. This was a collaborative project between LFIM and the group of Prof. Jeremy Luterbacher.
October 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Olga Trukhina for winning a poster award at EuroMOF19!
October 2019
Professor Queen gives an invited talk at the Web Summit in Lisbon.
October 2019
Professor Queen gives an invited talk at EuroMOF19 in Paris (France).
October 2019
     LFIM receives SNSF Project Funding!
October 2019
Professor Queen gives an invited talk at Symphos in Morocco.
September 2019
Professor Queen gives a talk to the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SEFRI) at the Rolex Learning Center.
September 2019
Professor Queen gives a talk at the EPFL Research Day & Festivités 5 ans EPFL Valais Wallis.
September 2019
Professor Queen gives a talk to the Energy Materials Workshop at ESRF (Grenoble, France).
August 2019
Congratulations to Daniel T. Sun and Prof. Queen for winning the Tech4Impact Playgrant!
August 2019
Congratulations to Daniel T. Sun for winning the SNSF/Innosuisse Bridge Proof of Concept grant!
August 2019
Professor Queen gives as talk at the European Crystallography Meeting in Vienna, Austria.
July 2019
Daniel T. Sun and Professor Queen publish a first reaction paper in ACS Central Science.
July 2019
Congratulations to Li Peng and Shuliang Yang for a new paper just accepted in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. It will be a featured cover article. Great Job!
June 2019
Professor Queen gives a talk to the Commission de l’environnement, de l’aménagement du territoire et de l’énergie.
June 2019
Professor Queen gives a talk to the ETH board.
May 2019
Professor Queen gives a chalk talk to the Communications Group at EPFL.
May 2019
Congratulations to Ilia Kochetygov for winning a 2019 travel award given by the Swiss Society for Crystallography.
May 2019 
Congratulations to Daniel Sun for winning the 2019 Swiss Nanotechnology PhD Award.
May 2019
Congratulations to Mehrdad Asgari for winning the 2019 travel award from Swiss Chemical Society and Swiss Academy of Sciences.
April 2019
Dr. Jordi Espin Marti joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
April 2019

Prof. Queen gives a research pitch at Showcase 2030 by Tech4Impact.

April 2019
Prof. Queen gives an invited talk in Environmental Engineering at EPFL
April 2019
Prof. Queen gives an invited talk at the National meeting of the American Chemical Society in Orlando, Florida. LFIM would like to congratulate Prof. Jeffrey R. Long of Berkeley for receiving the F. Albert Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry.
March 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang and Dr. Li Peng for their work on MOF stabilization via post-synthetic polymerization just accepted in Chemical Science! This work will be featured on the front cover of the journal!
February 2019
Prof. Queen is guest editor for the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry for  a special edition focused on Neutron Scattering in Coordination Chemistry. See her editor profile.
February 2019
Congratulations to Anita Justin for passing her candidacy exam. She is PhD bound!
January 2019
Science Valais releases a portrait of researchers, featuring Prof. Queen.
December 2018
Professor Queen gives an invited talk at MOF-2018 and in the industry forum and chairs a session in the industry forum.
December 2018
Daniel Sun gives a talk at MOF-2018 in New Zealand. Great Job Daniel!
December 2018
Congratulations to Mehrdad Asgari for his paper accepted in the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, focused on in-situ diffraction studies of H2 adsorption in a sodalite-type MOF Cu-BTTri.
November 2018
Prof. Queen is featured on RTS Radio.
November 2018
Congratulations to Olga Trukhina for winning the Tech4Impact grant!
November 2018

Our work on gold was recently featured on RTS. Congratulations Daniel!

November 2018
Check out our work on gold extraction featured on C&E News. Congratulations Daniel!
November 2018
The LFIM wins the Merck 350 Innovation Grant at the Deep Dive Workshop for Life Re-imagined/Life Science in Burlington, MA (USA).
November 2018
Congratulations to Daniel Sun for his work on gold extraction from complex water mixtures, which was just accepted into the Journal of the American Chemical Society. This article was selected from the ACS portfolio as the ACS editor’s choice. As such, it will be open access.
September 2018
Congratulations to Daniel Sun for winning a 2018 travel award from Swiss Chemical Society and Swiss Academy of Sciences.
September 2018
Prof. Queen gives a Plenary lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography.
August 2018
Congratulations to Vikram Karve for passing his candidacy exam. He is PhD bound!
August 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Li Peng on her paper that describes a new method for making MOF/Polymer composites published in Chem. Commun.
August 2018
Professor Queen co-organizes a symposium on 0 to 3-D materials with porosity at the 31st Meeting of the European Crystallography Association in Oviedo Spain.
August 2018
Professor Queen gives a presentation at the Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days 2018.
August 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang for his review on the utility of MOFs and MOF-derived materials in thermally driven organic transformations published in Chem. Eur. J.
August 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang for his paper on metal-organic framework derived Co3S4 hollow nanoboxes published in ChemSusChem.
June 2018
Prof. Queen gives a presentation to Swiss Parliament.
June 2018
Prof. Queen gives an invited seminar at the Young Faculty Meeting in Bern.
May 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang for his paper on porous carbon spheres, published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
May 2018
Prof. Queen gives an invited talk at EMPA at a workshop on Advanced Sorption Materials.
May 2018
Congratulations to Ilia and Safak for their publication on selective CO2 adsorption in a new imidazolinium MOF published in Dalton Transactions.
May 2018
Ilia gives a talk at the docMOF conference in Raitenhaslach, Germany. Congratulations!
May 2018
Daniel’s work on water purification is featured on RTS!


April 2018
Congratulations to Mehrdad Asgari and Sudi Jawahery for their manuscript to be published in Chemical Science. This will be a featured cover article next month.
March 2018
Professor Queen gives an invited seminar at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).
March 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Safak Bulut for his manuscript  focused on the synthesis of new diamine building blocks, to be published in the Journal of Organic Chemistry.
March 2018
Mehrdad Asgari gives a talk at the winter school: Challenges and Opportunities in Energy Research 2018 in Crans Montana. Nice job Mehrdad!
February 2018

Congratulations to Daniel Sun for developing new materials that show highly rapid and selective heavy metal extraction from water. This work is featured on the cover article of ACS Central Science.

This work was trending no 3. on reddit, has a nice altmetric score, and was featured in Le Nouvelliste twice! See the press release here.



February 2018
Professor Queen teaches a short course on MOF chemistry at the University of Insubria, in Italy.
February 2018
Congratulations to Ilia for passing his candidacy exam. He is PhD bound!
January 2018
Congratulations to Dr. Shuliang Yang whose work will be a featured cover article in Chemistry: A European Journal.
January 2018
Professor Queen gives an invited talk at HES-SO.
January 2018
Anita Justin joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
November 2017
Professor Queen is featured in Magazine Valais: Une femme Engagée.
September 2017
Mehrdad Asgari gives oral presentation at annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography: Geneva, Switzerland.
September 2017

Daniel Sun wins best poster prize at the conference on Composites of Metal and Covalent Organic Frameworks: Fundamental Design & Applications: Granada, Spain.

  poster prize
September 2017
Prof. Queen gives a keynote lecture at a conference on Composites of Metal and  Covalent Organic Frameworks: Fundamental Design & Applications: Granada, Spain.
September 2017
Prof. Queen gives a TEDx talk entitled: Cut Carbon to Save Lives, Martigny,  Switzerland.
September 2017

LFIM is featured in Le Nouvelliste for their work on carbon capture.

August 2017
Professor Queen gives a talk at the National Conference of the American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.
August 2017
Vikram Karve joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
April 2017
Dr. Shuliang Yang joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
February 2017
Congratulations to Dr. Olga Trukhina for receiving the EPFL Fellows co-funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie.
January 2017
Ilia Kochetygov and Dr. Olga Trukhina join the LFIM. Bienvenue!
December 2016
      Merry Christmas from the LFIM!
  Christmas Party 2016
December 2016
Congratulations to Mehrdad for passing his candidacy exam. He is PhD bound!
December 2016
LFIM is featured on RTS for work focused on Carbon Capture!


October 2016
Congratulations to Daniel for passing his candidacy exam. He is PhD bound!
July 2016
Prof. Queen gives an invited talk at the University of Kent Chemistry Day.
July 2016
EPFL featured in Le Nouvelliste! Happy Independence Day!
  Une touche de Made in USA à l’EPFL
June 2016
Prof. Queen gives an invited talk in Qingdao China at the EMN Meeting on Metal-Organic Frameworks
May 2016
Collaborative work on nanocrystal MOF hybrids is out! Congrats to Daniel!
May 2016
Work in the LFIM is featured on Canal 9. Great Job Pierre!
  canal 9
April 2016
Our paper on MOF/Polymer composites as water vapor barriers is published. Congrats to Eunice and Daniel!
March 2016
Prof. Queen gives an invited talk at the Univeristy of Edinburgh.
March 2016
Collaborative Work with LBNL featured on the cover of EES! Congrats Daniel.
January 2016
Research of EPFL-Valais is featured in Le Nouvelliste.
research in Nouvelliste
January 2016
SNSF Assistant Professor Energy Grant Begins!
November 2015
Daniel Sun’s paper is accepted in Energy Environ. Sci. Congrats!
October 2015
Mehrdad Asgari joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
October 2015
Scientists of EPFL-Valais become stars with research highlighted in Un Bol d’Oxygéne
September 2015
Mohammad Andalibi joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
September 2015
Daniel Sun joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
September 2015
Dr. Pierre Dapsens joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
August 2015
Dr. Li Peng joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
July 2015
Dr. Safak Bulut joins the LFIM. Bienvenue!
June 2015
LFIM is now underway!