Type: Master’s project
A shallow corral surrounding the cylindrical reservoir is used as a damper for suppressing sidewall non-ideality effects, i.e. meniscus waves, which represent an undesired perturbation in typical experimental setups involving Faraday waves.

To compute the free surface response to a vertical harmonic forcing. The outcomes of such an analysis will be helpful in designing the experimental setup, i.e. definition of a suitable container geometry for meniscus wave suppression.
Numerical tools:
- Chebyshev pseudospectral method + sub-domain decomposition (MATLAB)
- FEM software for DNS (COMSOL Multiphysics)
Numerics/theory combined with experiments: devices/facilities provided by mimiX

Joined collaboration LFMI/mimiX (https://www.mimixbio.com/about):
- Timeline: approx. February – June
- Location: mainly EPFL + few times at Switzerland Innovation Park in Biel/Bienne
Supervisors: Alessandro Bongarzone and François Gallaire