Created in 1996 by Mrs Gudrun Ryhming as a memorial to her husband Prof. Inge Ryhming.
Prof. Ryhming was born in Sweden in 1931 and became a professor at EPFL in 1979 after many years of research in the field of aerospace engineering in the United States. His efforts and vision increased the international recognition of EPFL in the domain of fluid dynamics and CFD, improving the teaching of this discipline. The course book “Dynamique des fluides” that he wrote is still a reference for today’s courses in Fluid Dynamics at EPFL.
The Ryhming prize rewards a doctoral thesis making a unique contribution to the advancement of knowledge in fluid mechanics (innovative nature of the work accomplished, original and outstanding contribution to the field, creative synthesis and excellence of the applicant). The prize is awarded on a yearly basis.
Level of studies
Doctoral thesis.
The full candidacy file should be sent by email to the secretary’s office of the Mechanical Engineering ([email protected]) section no later than 30th November of a given year. The private PhD defense must have been passed before that date. A student can be a candidate no more than twice.
The candidacy file should contain:
- A candidacy letter by the PhD student.
- A recommendation letter by the PhD thesis director(s) who will thereby guarantee that the PhD thesis fits the framework of the prize.
- One copy (pdf) of the PhD thesis.
Chf. 1500.- (gross)
The prize is awarded by a jury composed of IGM professors active in the field of fluid mechanics.