
Here are a few pictures of our activity. Please visit the official site for further information.

Particle segregation

Experimental investigation of particle segregation in granular flows, a collaboration with the University of Manchester (prof. J.M.N.T. Gray).

Impulse wave

Experimental and numerical investigation of impulse waves generated by snow avalanches (a collaboration with prof. M. Brocchini, university of Ancona).

Dam break problem

PIV experiments to measure velocity profiles within granular suspension flows.

Particle flow

Sediment transport experiments.

Torrential hydraulics

Field investigation of bedload transport in the Navisence river (Val d Anniviers, VS) with CREALP and the university of Jaén (prof. P. Bohorquez).

Suspension rheology

Couette cell and rheometric investigations of granular suspensions.

Viscoplastic flow

Avalanche of a viscoplastic gel on a sloping bed

Powder snow avalanches

Dynamics of powder snow avalanches (Vallée de la Sionne, VS) with SLF (Dr B. Sovilla) and the University of Durham (prof. J. McElwaine).

Scientific models and natural hazard mitigation

Can we predict catastrophes? How can scientific expertise assist decision-makers in land use planning?