
Courses offered

  • 3D Printing with light

    (Coursebook not yet approved by the section)

    Doctoral program in advanced manufacturing
    Teachers: Moser Christophe, Psaltis Demetri
    Language: english
    Academic term: 2023-2024

  • Advanced Photonics

    The course offers an overview on selected advanced photonics topics. It targets students with a broad photonics background or equivalent, who are willing to broaden their knowledge in the discipline. The course is given by lecturers from both EPFL and FEMTO-ST.

    Doctoral Program in Photonics
    Teachers: Bellouard Yves, Psaltis Demetri, Invited lecturers (see below), Brès Camille Sophie, Fleury Romain Christophe Rémy, Altug Hatice
    Language: english
    Academic term: 2023-2024

  • Biomechanics of the cardiovascular system

    This lecture will cover anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, biophysics of the blood, cardiac mechanics, hemodynamics and biomechanics of the arterial system, microcirculation and biomechanics of the venous system.

    Section of Mechanical Engineering
    Teachers: Stergiopulos Nikolaos
    Language: english
    Academic term: 2023-2024

  • Deep learning for optical imaging

    Teachers: Psaltis Demetri
    Language: english
    Academic term: 2023-2024

  • Fluid mechanics (for SV)

    This introductory course on fluids mechanics presents the basics concepts in fluids statics, dynamics and kinematics.

    Section of Life Sciences Engineering
    Teachers: Stergiopulos Nikolaos
    Language: english
    Academic term: 2023-2024

  • Imaging optics

    Introduction to 0ptical imaging systems such as camera objectives and microscopes. Discussion of imaging formation. Principles of design of imaging optics with geometrical optics and analysis with raytracing. Presentation of different applications in photography and microscopy.

    Doctoral Program in Photonics
    Teachers: Psaltis Demetri
    Language: english
    Academic term: 2023-2024

  • Optical Computing

    In this course we will start with a brief history of optical computing, describe methods for implementing optical interconnection and logic and then spend most of our time on learning about the recent efforts in optical computing machines for machine learning.

    Doctoral Program in Photonics
    Teachers: Psaltis Demetri, Moser Christophe
    Language: english
    Academic term: 2023-2024

  • Physiology by systems

    Section of Mechanical Engineering
    Teachers: Roy Sylvain
    Language: french
    Academic term: 2023-2024