1D Modelling of the Systemic Circulation

Our laboratory has developed and validated a complete 1D model of the human arterial system, whereby the mass and momentum conservation equations are solved at each node. This model includes the 55 major systemic arteries, a detailed representation of the cephalic ( segments) and coronary (33 segments) circulation. Proximally, it is coupled to a 0-D model of the 4 chambers of the heart which also incorporates the valve dynamics. Our current efforts focus on improving the existing model to include the venous circulation and simulate multiple consecutive heart beats at rest and exercise. Accordingly, our aim is to use the validated model in order to: i) better understand physiological mechanisms, e.g. physiological ageing, ii) investigate the development and progression of diseases, e.g. coronary artery disease, valvular dysfunction, iii) develop patient-specific models which can assist clinicians with disease diagnosis and treatment.