Ageing of the Cardiovascular System

Ageing is a natural process that affects both the anatomical and functional properties of the cardiovascular system. It is associated with the development and progression of numerous diseases, such as hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, etc. A complete and consistent dataset depicting how ageing affects aortic biomechanical properties, aortic hemodynamics and ventricular function is currently lacking. Based on our extended expertise in hemodynamics and 1-D modeling of the arterial tree, we undertake a project to create a consistent database of the cardiac dynamics and arterial properties (geometry, pressure and flow) from healthy adults of both sexes and different age groups via MRI, Echocardiography and Tonometry. This database will be, subsequently, used to:

  1. characterize in vivo the changes in aortic morphology, elastic wall properties, pressure evolution and cardiac parameters as a function of age,
  2. adapt and validate the generic 1D model of the systemic circulation to patient-specific standards so as to create an age-adjustable and gender-specific model,
  3. the study of the 3D aortic hemodynamics (CFD) and wall dynamics (Abaqus) with ageing.