
Recent Results and On-Going Research

Algebraic Network Information Theory

  • Classical information-theoretic (achievability) proofs are based on an ingenious application of the probabilistic method called the random coding argument, according to which codes are drawn i.i.d. at random from a judiciously chosen distribution. This directly implies the existence of a code whose performance is at least as good as the average performance of such a randomly drawn code.
  • A first inkling that for general communication scenarios, this is not sufficiently powerful, was gleaned by Korner and Marton in 1979, studying a special distributed source coding problem with two encoders (observing correlated binary sequences) and a decoder whose goal is to recover the modulo-2 sum of these two binary sequences.
  • The starting point of our research is our work on computation over multiple-access channels (starting with our paper at the 2005 Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computation), which led to “compute-and-forward.” In this work, we realized that in some scenarios, it is crucial that the codes have algebraic structure – this enables a much improved performance.
  • Building upon these results, we are now working towards a full Network Information Theory based upon algebraically structured codes.

Main Research Results

Network Information Theory

Distributed Signal Processing

Statistical Neuroscience

Research Meetings that we (co-)organized