Arshia Afzal (co-advised)

Research Interests:

  • Accelerating inference for machine learning algorithm
  • Time-series analysis
  • Efficient sequence modeling
  • Neuroscience
  • I work on neural decoding from brain signals for brain disorders and motor decoding.



Arshia Afzal Ph.D. student at EDEE , graduated from Sharif University of Technology at Iran for my Bachelors in EE and had bronze of international Physics olympiad (IPHO 2018) and national Gold medal of Physics Olympiad. In my free time I enjoy climbing, hiking, swimming and playing piano ?.

REST: Efficient and Accelerated EEG Seizure Analysis through Residual State Updates

A. Afzal; G. Chrysos; V. Cevher; M. Shoaran 

2024. 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024), Vienna, Austria, 2024-07-21.


e-mail address: Arshia Afzal

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