Journal articles

LIPID publications

Journal Articles


Nanocluster Aerosols from Ozone-Human Chemistry Are Dominated by Squalene-Ozone Reactions

S. Yang; D. Licina 

Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2024-06-21. DOI : 10.1021/acs.estlett.4c00289.

Membrane specificity of the human cholesterol transfer protein STARD4

R. Talandashti; L. van Ek; C. Gehin; D. Xue; M. Moqadam et al. 

Journal Of Molecular Biology. 2024-06-01. Vol. 436, num. 11, p. 168572. DOI : 10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168572.

Reproductive isolation arises during laboratory adaptation to a novel hot environment

S-K. Hsu; W-Y. Lai; J. Novak; F. Lehner; A. M. Jaksic et al. 

Genome Biology. 2024-05-28. Vol. 25, num. 1, p. 141. DOI : 10.1186/s13059-024-03285-9.

Fluorescent fatty acid conjugates for live cell imaging of peroxisomes

D. Korotkova; A. Borisyuk; A. Guihur; M. S. Bardyn; F. Kuttler et al. 

Nature Communications. 2024-05-21. Vol. 15, num. 4314. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-024-48679-2.

Differential Effects of Post-translational Modifications on the Membrane Interaction of Huntingtin Protein

Z. Zhang; C. Gehin; L. A. Abriata; M. Dal Peraro; H. Lashuel 

Acs Chemical Neuroscience. 2024-05-16. DOI : 10.1021/acschemneuro.4c00091.

Nanocluster aerosol formation via ozone chemistry on worn clothing: Influence of environmental parameters

S. Yang; D. Licina 

Building And Environment. 2024-05-15. Vol. 256, p. 111474. DOI : 10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111474.

Hippo-YAP/TAZ signalling coordinates adipose plasticity and energy balance by uncoupling leptin expression from fat mass

S. Choi; J-G. Kang; Y. T. H. Tran; S-H. Jeong; K-Y. Park et al. 

Nature Metabolism. 2024-05-01. Vol. 6, num. 5. DOI : 10.1038/s42255-024-01045-4.

PeSTo-Carbs: Geometric Deep Learning for Prediction of Protein-Carbohydrate Binding Interfaces

P. Bibekar; L. F. Krapp; M. Dal Peraro 

Journal Of Chemical Theory And Computation. 2024-04-11. Vol. 20, num. 8, p. 2985-2991. DOI : 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c01145.

Bioconcentration Assessment of Three Cationic Surfactants in Permanent Fish Cell Lines

F. Balk; B. Husser; J. Hollender; K. Schirmer 

Environmental Science & Technology. 2024-01-12. Vol. 58, num. 3, p. 1452-1461. DOI : 10.1021/acs.est.3c05360.

Adhesion-induced cortical flows pattern E-cadherin-mediated cell contacts

F. N. Arslan; E. Hannezo; J. Merrin; M. Loose; C-P. Heisenberg 

Current Biology. 2024-01-08. Vol. 34, num. 1. DOI : 10.1016/j.cub.2023.11.067.

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 controls a lipid droplet-peroxisome axis and is a vulnerability of endocrine-resistant ER+ breast cancer

M. Bacci; N. Lorito; A. Smiriglia; A. Subbiani; F. Bonechi et al. 

Science Translational Medicine. 2024-02-28. Vol. 16, num. 736, p. eadf9874. DOI : 10.1126/scitranslmed.adf9874.

Structural heterogeneity of the ion and lipid channel TMEM16F

Z. Ye; N. Galvanetto; L. Puppulin; S. Pifferi; H. Flechsig et al. 

Nature Communications. 2024-01-02. Vol. 15, num. 1. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-023-44377-7.


Quantifying single-cell diacylglycerol signaling kinetics after uncaging

D. T. Gonzales; M. M. Schuhmacher; H. M. Lennartz; J. M. Iglesias-Artola; S. M. Kuhn et al. 

Biophysical Journal. 2023-12-19. Vol. 122, num. 24, p. 4699-4709. DOI : 10.1016/j.bpj.2023.11.013.

Circadian organization of lipid landscape is perturbed in type 2 diabetic patients

F. Sinturel; S. Chera; M. -C. Brulhart-Meynet; J. P. Montoya; D. J. Stenvers et al. 

Cell Reports Medicine. 2023-12-19. Vol. 4, num. 12, p. 101299. DOI : 10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.101299.

Mechanopathology of biofilm-like Mycobacterium tuberculosis cords

R. Mishra; M. T. Hannebelle; V. P. Patil; A. Dubois; C. Garcia-Mouton et al. 

Cell. 2023-11-09. Vol. 186, num. 23, p. 5135-+. DOI : 10.1016/j.cell.2023.09.016.

Metabolic dependencies of metastasis-initiating cells in female breast cancer

C. M. Young; L. N. K. Beziaud; P. V. Dessen; A. M. Alonso; A. Santamaria-Martinez et al. 

Nature Communications. 2023-11-04. Vol. 14, num. 1, p. 7076. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-023-42748-8.

Influence of macular pigment on the sensitivity to discomfort glare from daylight

S. Jain; J. Wienold; C. Eandi; S. Gisselbaek; A. Kawasaki et al. 

Scientific Reports. 2023-10-29. Vol. 13. DOI : 10.1038/s41598-023-45785-x.

Liposomes and Lipid Droplets Display a Reversal of Charge-Induced Hydration Asymmetry

S. Pullanchery; N. Dupertuis; T. Roesel; S. Roke 

Nano Letters. 2023-10-23. Vol. 23, num. 21, p. 9858-9864. DOI : 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c02653.

S-acylation: an orchestrator of the life cycle and function of membrane proteins

F. S. Mesquita; L. Abrami; A. Samurkas; F. G. van der Goot 

Febs Journal. 2023-10-16. Vol. 291, num. 1, p. 45-56. DOI : 10.1111/febs.16972.

Direct observation of glycans bonded to proteins and lipids at the single-molecule level

K. Anggara; L. Srsan; T. Jaroentomeechai; X. Wu; S. Rauschenbach et al. 

Science. 2023-10-13. Vol. 382, num. 6667, p. 219-+. DOI : 10.1126/science.adh3856.

Simultaneous Electrophysiology and Imaging Reveal Changes in Lipid Membrane Thickness and Tension upon Uptake of Amphiphilic Gold Nanoparticles

F. Mashali; C. M. Basham; X. Xu; C. Servidio; P. H. J. Silva et al. 

Langmuir. 2023-10-09. Vol. 39, num. 42, p. 15031-15045. DOI : 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01973.

Integrating distribution kinetics and toxicodynamics to assess repeat dose neurotoxicity in vitro using human BrainSpheres: a case study on amiodarone

C. Nunes; S. Proenca; G. Ambrosini; D. Pamies; A. Thomas et al. 

Frontiers In Pharmacology. 2023-09-06. Vol. 14, p. 1248882. DOI : 10.3389/fphar.2023.1248882.

Cyclo(His-Pro): A further step in the management of steatohepatitis

A. De Masi; X. Li; D. Lee; J. Jeon; Q. Wang et al. 

Jhep Reports. 2023-09-01. Vol. 5, num. 9, p. 100815. DOI : 10.1016/j.jhepr.2023.100815.

Gene network based analysis identifies a coexpression module involved in regulating plasma lipids with high-fat diet response

F. Xu; J. Ziebarth; L. J. E. Goeminne; J. Gao; E. G. Williams et al. 

Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2023-09-01. Vol. 119, p. 109398. DOI : 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2023.109398.

Effectiveness of blue light-emitting glasses for intensive care unit health care workers on night shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic

A-L. Opperhuizen; I. M. J. van Lier; S. L. Hartmeyer; M. P. J. Aarts; J. L. M. L. le Noble 

Intensive Care Medicine. 2023-08-30. DOI : 10.1007/s00134-023-07175-9.

Structural mechanism of mitochondrial membrane remodelling by human OPA1

A. von der Malsburg; G. M. Sapp; K. E. Zuccaro; A. von Appen; F. R. Moss et al. 

Nature. 2023-08-23. Vol. 620, num. 7976. DOI : 10.1038/s41586-023-06441-6.

Inactivation mechanisms of influenza A virus under pH conditions encountered in aerosol particles as revealed by whole-virus HDX-MS

S. C. David; O. Vadas; I. Glas; A. Schaub; B. Luo et al. 

mSphere. 2023-08-18. DOI : 10.1128/msphere.00226-23.

Nanoliter Liquid Packaging in a Bioresorbable Microsystem by Additive Manufacturing and its Application as a Controlled Drug Delivery Device

J. Park; A. Bertsch; C. Martin Olmos; J. Brugger 

Advanced Functional Materials. 2023-05-26. num. 2302385. DOI : 10.1002/adfm.202302385.

Towards a framework for light-dosimetry studies: Quantification metrics

S. L. Hartmeyer; M. Andersen 

Lighting Research & Technology. 2023-05-19. DOI : 10.1177/14771535231170500.

High throughput wide field second harmonic imaging of giant unilamellar vesicles

M. Eremchev; D. Roesel; P. -m. Dansette; A. Michailovas; S. Roke 

Biointerphases. 2023-05-01. Vol. 18, num. 3, p. 031202. DOI : 10.1116/6.0002640.

Lysozyme Interaction with Phospholipid Nanodroplets Probed by Sum Frequency Scattering Vibrational Spectroscopy

T. W. Golbek; H. I. Okur; S. Kulik; J. Dedic; S. Roke et al. 

Langmuir. 2023-04-26. Vol. 39, num. 18, p. 6447-6454. DOI : 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00276.

User assessment of fabric shading devices with a low openness factor

C. Karmann; G. Chinazzo; A. Schiller; K. Manwani; J. Wienold et al. 

Building And Environment. 2023-04-15. Vol. 228, p. 109707. DOI : 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109707.

Drosophila SPG12 ortholog, reticulon-like 1, governs presynaptic ER organization and Ca2+ dynamics

J. Jose Perez-Moreno; R. C. Smith; M. K. Oliva; F. Gallo; S. Ojha et al. 

Journal Of Cell Biology. 2023-03-23. Vol. 222, num. 6, p. e202112101. DOI : 10.1083/jcb.202112101.

Gallocin A, an Atypical Two-Peptide Bacteriocin with Intramolecular Disulfide Bonds Required for Activity

A. Proutiere; L. du Merle; M. Garcia-Lopez; C. Leger; A. Voegele et al. 

Microbiology Spectrum. 2023-03-23. DOI : 10.1128/spectrum.05085-22.

Investigating the bioaccumulation potential of anionic organic compounds using a permanent rainbow trout liver cell line

F. Balk; J. Hollender; K. Schirmer 

Environment International. 2023-03-23. Vol. 174, p. 107798. DOI : 10.1016/j.envint.2023.107798.

Exosomes, microvesicles, and other extracellular vesicles-a Keystone Symposia report

J. Cable; K. W. Witwer; R. J. Coffey; A. Milosavljevic; A. K. von Lersner et al. 

Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences. 2023-03-18. DOI : 10.1111/nyas.14974.

Uptake-independent killing of macrophages by extracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis aggregates

C. Toniolo; N. Dhar; J. D. McKinney 

Embo Journal. 2023-03-15. DOI : 10.15252/embj.2023113490.

Cholesterol-Containing Liposomes Decorated With Au Nanoparticles as Minimal Tunable Fusion Machinery

E. Canepa; D. Bochicchio; G. Brosio; P. H. J. Silva; F. Stellacci et al. 

Small. 2023-03-10. DOI : 10.1002/smll.202207125.

Hepatic lipid overload triggers biliary epithelial cell activation via E2Fs

E. Yildiz; G. El Alam; A. Perino; A. Jalil; P-D. Denechaud et al. 

Elife. 2023-03-06. Vol. 12, p. e81926. DOI : 10.7554/eLife.81926.

Perceived glare from the sun behind tinted glazing: Comparing blue vs. color-neutral tints

S. Jain; J. Wienold; M. Lagier; A. Schueler; M. Andersen 

Building and Environment. 2023-03-06. Vol. 234, p. 110146. DOI : 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110146.

Passive transport of Ca2+ ions through lipid bilayers imaged by widefield second harmonic microscopy

M. Eremchev; D. Roesel; C. S. Poojari; A. Roux; J. S. Hub et al. 

Biophysical Journal. 2023-02-21. Vol. 122, num. 4, p. 624-631. DOI : 10.1016/j.bpj.2023.01.018.

Ozonation of lake water and wastewater: Identification of carbonous and nitrogenous carbonyl-containing oxidation byproducts by non-target screening

J. Houska; T. Manasfi; I. Gebhardt; U. von Gunten 

Water Research. 2023-02-09. Vol. 232, p. 119484. DOI : 10.1016/j.watres.2022.119484.

Simultaneous membrane and RNA binding by Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus capsid protein

L. I. A. Pulkkinen; S. V. Barrass; M. K. Lindgren; H. Pace; A. K. Overby et al. 

Plos Pathogens. 2023-02-01. Vol. 19, num. 2, p. e1011125. DOI : 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011125.

Macromolecular Crowding Is Surprisingly Unable to Deform the Structure of a Model Biomolecular Condensate

J. C. Shillcock; D. B. Thomas; J. H. Ipsen; A. D. Brown 

Biology-Basel. 2023-02-01. Vol. 12, num. 2, p. 181. DOI : 10.3390/biology12020181.

Tuning the Solar Performance of Building Facades through Polymer 3D Printing: Toward Bespoke Thermo-Optical Properties

V. Piccioni; M. Leschok; L. O. Grobe; S. Wasilewski; B. Seshadri et al. 

Advanced Materials Technologies. 2023-01-30. DOI : 10.1002/admt.202201200.

Dynamics of CLIMP-63 S-acylation control ER morphology

P. A. Sandoz; R. A. Denhardt-Eriksson; L. Abrami; L. A. Abriata; G. Spreemann et al. 

Nature Communications. 2023-01-17. Vol. 14, num. 1. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-023-35921-6.

Interplay of the mechanical and structural properties of DNA nanostructures determines their electrostatic interactions with lipid membranes

D. Morzy; C. Tekin; V. Caroprese; R. Rubio-Sanchez; L. Di Michele et al. 

Nanoscale. 2023-01-16. DOI : 10.1039/d2nr05368c.

Metabolic influence of core ciliates within the rumen microbiome

T. O. Andersen; I. Altshuler; A. Vera-Ponce de León; J. M. Walter; E. McGovern et al. 

The ISME Journal. 2023. Vol. 17, num. 7, p. 1128-1140. DOI : 10.1038/s41396-023-01407-y.

Modeling reflection by structured building-integrated photovoltaics

L. O. Grobe; S. Wasilewski; D. Ploerer; C. Roeske 

Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023. Vol. 2600, num. 4, p. 042006. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/2600/4/042006.

Glare analysis of an integral daylighting and lighting control strategy for offices

D. Ploerer; S. Wasilewski; L. O. Grobe 

Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023. Vol. 2600, num. 11, p. 112006. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/2600/11/112006.

Human PBMCs Form Lipid Droplets in Response to Spike Proteins

K. Sivaraman; P. Pino; G. Raussin; S. Anchisi; C. Metayer et al. 

Microorganisms. 2023-11-01. Vol. 11, num. 11, p. 2683. DOI : 10.3390/microorganisms11112683.

SARS-CoV-2 hijacks a cell damage response, which induces transcription of a more efficient Spike S-acyltransferase

F. S. Mesquita; L. Abrami; L. Bracq; N. Panyain; V. Mercier et al. 

Nature Communications. 2023. Vol. 14, num. 7302. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-023-43027-2.

Conference Papers


Quantified interface chemistry and biophysics via water imaging

S. Roke 

2024-01-01. Conference on Advanced Chemical Microscopy for Life Science and Translational Medicine, San Francisco, CA, JAN 27-29, 2024. p. 1285506. DOI : 10.1117/12.3003675.


Carbon budgets at the component scale and their impacts on design choices: the façade as a case study

N. Rezaei Oghazi; T. Jusselme; M. Andersen 

2023-12-01. CISBAT 2023 International Scientific Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2023.

A VR-based workflow to assess perception of daylit views-out with a focus on dynamism and immersion

Y. Cho; C. Karmann; M. Andersen 

2023-12-01. CISBAT 2023 International Scientific Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2023. DOI : 10.1088/1742-6596/2600/11/112002.

Exploring spatiotemporal dynamics in light-dosimetry

S. Hartmeyer; F. Rudawski; M. Knoop; M. Andersen 

2023-12-01. CISBAT 2023 International Scientific Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2023.

Variation in Phototopic and Melanopic Lighting in Swiss Offices: A Field Study

C. Karmann; C. Pierson; M. N. Danell; J. Wienold; Barthelemes Verena et al. 

2023-09-20. CIE 2023 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 18-20, 2023.

Performance investigation of cameras using HDR sensors for daylight glare evaluations

D. H. Kim; G. C. T. Quek; J. Wienold 

2023-09-20. CIE 2023 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 18-20, 2023 .

Investigating multiple glare sources in daylit conditions

G. C. T. Quek; C. L. Yuen; J. Wienold; M. Andersen 

2023-09-20. CIE 2023 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 18-20, 2023.

Is there an effect of macular pigment density on discomfort glare in indoor daylight conditions?

S. Jain; C. Karmann; J. Wienold; M. Andersen 

2023-09-20. CIE 2023 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 18-20, 2023.

Tone-mapping requirements in real-time videos for studying the dynamism of views-out in virtual reality

Y. Cho; S. W. Wasilewski; C. Karmann; M. Andersen 

2023-09-20. CIE 2023 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 18-20, 2023. DOI : 10.25039/x50.2023.

Insights into spectrally resolved light-dosimetry data

S. Hartmeyer; B. Baldursdottir; H. Valdimarsdottir; G. Agustsson; I. Gudjonsson et al. 

2023-09-20. CIE 2023 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 18-20, 2023. DOI : 10.25039/x50.2023.

ER-Golgi membrane contact sites control the formation of plasma membrane lipid nanodomains

M. Anwar; O. Sergeeva; L. Abrami; P. Liberali; G. D’Angelo et al. 

2023-02-01. Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Cell-Biology/ European-Molecular-Biology-Organisation (ASCB/EMBO), Washington, DC, DEC 03-07, 2022. p. 274-274.



Delivery of mRNA for cancer therapy: progress and prospects

L-J. Su; M-X. Xu; Z-H. Ji; J-Q. Zhu; M-Z. Yu et al. 

Nano Today. 2023-10-10. Vol. 53, p. 102013. DOI : 10.1016/j.nantod.2023.102013.

Refining S-acylation: Structure, regulation, dynamics, and therapeutic implications

M. U. Anwar; F. G. van der Goot 

Journal Of Cell Biology. 2023-09-27. Vol. 222, num. 11, p. e202307103. DOI : 10.1083/jcb.202307103.

Dynamism in the context of views out: A literature review

Y. Cho; C. Karmann; M. Andersen 

Building and Environment. 2023-08-25. Vol. 244, p. 110767. DOI : 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110767.



An explorative method to support design decisions based on carbon constraints and daylight sufficiency needs

N. Rezaei Oghazi / M. Andersen; T. B. P. Jusselme (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2024. 

Deciphering the nature of cell state transitions in single cells using quantitative modeling of temporal dynamics

A. R. Lederer / G. La Manno (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2024. 

S-acylation and lipid exchange at the ER-Golgi membrane contact sites regulate pathogen entry in human cells

M. U. Anwar / F. G. van der Goot Grunberg; G. D’Angelo (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2024. 

Investigating the intra-molecular and inter-molecular effects of post-translational modifications on intrinsically disordered protein regions and structured protein regions

Z. Zhang / M. Dal Peraro; H. Lashuel (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2024. 



Discomfort glare from daylight: Influence of transmitted color and the eye’s macular pigment

S. Jain; J. Wienold; M. Andersen 

Bright environments Daylight in Sustainable Building Design, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 25, 2023.

Extending Daylight Glare Prediction to Low-light Conditions

G. C. T. Quek; J. Wienold; M. Andersen 

DLA Annual Conference 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 1-2, 2023.

A New Representation Framework for View-Out Research

Y. Cho 

DLA Annual Conference & General Assembly 2023, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, June 1 – 2.

Exploring opportunities to enhance daylighting in Swiss multi-storey buildings

H. Khodaei Tehrani 

« Inside / Out » Daylight in Sustainable Urban Design Conference, ETH Zurich ONA, March 11, 2023.



Daylightful indoors beyond what eyes can see

M. Andersen 

MIT Fall 2023 Architecture Lecture Series, Cambridge, MA, USA, November 9-10, 2023.

Craving daylight – psychology, light and healthy buildings

M. Andersen 

IIT Architecture Fall 2023 Lecture Series, Chicago, Il, USA, October 4, 2023.

Craving daylight while living indoors – the challenges of a good light hygiene

M. Andersen 

Joint Seminar Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine, Nortwestern University, Chicago, Il, USA, October 3, 2023.

Displaying Real-Time Videos in Virtual Reality to Evaluate the Dynamics of Views-Out

Y. Cho; S. W. Wasilewski 

The 21st International Radiance Workshop, Innsbruck, Austria, August 28-31, 2023.

The “forgotten” influence of atmospheric humidity on sky modeling with gendaylit

J. Wienold 

21st International Radiance Workshop, Innsbruck, Austria, August 28-31, 2023.

Using raytraverse to render high accuracy images

S. W. Wasilewski 

The 21st International Radiance Workshop, Innsbruck, Austria, August 28-31, 2023.

(Daylight) glare evaluation

J. Wienold 

21st International Radiance Workshop, Innsbruck, Austria, August 28-31, 2023.

Discomfort glare from daylight: Influence of transmitted color and the eye’s macular pigment

S. Jain 

Bright environments: Daylight in Sustainable Building Design Conference , Zurich, Switzerland, August 25, 2023.

Human needs vs. modern living expectations: a case for daylight access

M. Andersen 

Cause and Consequence’ symposium, Kingston School of Art, Kingston-upon-Thames, UK, June, 16, 2023.

Daylightful indoors – what we see and what we perceive

M. Andersen 

Center for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE), Lund University, Lund, Sweden, April 27, 2023.

Daylightful dynamics and indoor well-being

M. Andersen 

Architectural Engineering Seminar PennState University, State College, PA, USA, April 6, 2023.

Craving daylight indoors – more than meets the eye

M. Andersen 

Metropolis Initative Seminar Series Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, April 3, 2023.

Student Projects


L’habitat minimal au sein des bureaux vacants

J. G. Silva 


Optimisation du confort de l’usager par la certification WELL: projet de rénovation du bâtiment de la Miséricorde de l’UNIFR

C. Shehata 


Logements collectifs datant du XXe siècle: (Ré)confort et (éco)énergie

R. Ramseyer 


Restauration de la Villa Fallet

C. Montégudet 


Hallerbau in the age of reuse: renovation strategies for a serial heritage

A. Mc Cuan 


Valuing the existing. Defining a procedure for a low-impact renovation; a case study on a typical apartment building built in the 1960’s in Geneva

M. Loizou 


Colheita. Intégration d’agriculture vivrière dans l’extension d’un quartier mixte

A. Lambelet 




Analysis of Living Places by OCULIGHT dynamics

M. Andersen 



Témoignage IDEAS – Kanaha Shoji

K. Shoji 


Témoignage IDEAS – Dr. Loïc Fumeaux

L. Fumeaux 


Podcast with Marilyne Andersen in “Register Architecture & Landscape”

M. Andersen 


Lighten Up! On Biology and Time: la nouvelle exposition de l’EPFL (2/2)

M. Andersen 


Lighten Up! On Biology and Time: la nouvelle exposition de l’EPFL (1/2)

M. Andersen 


A conversation between a physicist and architect, about CROSSDISCIPLINARITY and the benefits of synergy between professions

M. Andersen 
