Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement (LMAM)

The multidisciplinary research of the Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement aims on improving movement monitoring and analysis in real-world conditions, through the design of wearable systems and algorithms. We are particularly interested to characterise sport performances and pathologies affecting motor function.

The LMAM Laboratory is going to close at the end of november 2023, at the time of the retirement of Prof. Aminian.


News with LMAM figurine

October 17, 2021 – SmartSwim project on Sport Passion program of Léman Bleu

Mahdi Hamidi Rad was interviewed by Léman Bleu journalist for the project SmartSwim about swimming analysis using wearable sensors. The project results were presented on the Sport Passion program of the channel Léman Bleu as an example of the role technology can play in assisting trainers and athletes.

September 06, 2021 – Bearmind obtained the EPFL – Wyss Center Innogrant

Mathieu Falbriard (LMAM Alumni) and Tom Bertrand, co-founders of Bearmind, have recently obtained the EPFL – Wyss Center Innogrant and will be joining LMAM to further develop their project. Bearmind is developing a technology for monitoring and real-time analysis of head impact in athletes.

June 29, 2021 – Inmodi selected to participate in the AIT Brazil accelerator.

The AIT Brazil is an initiative by the Leading House for the Latin American Region and swissnex in Brazil. The inmodi team will participate to training camps in Brazil and Switzerland to better understand the market entry to Latin America, establish collaborations and to compete for an Innovation Grant of CHF 10’000.

June 23, 2021 – Inmodi team, EPFL Innograntees, win Venture Kick Stage II CHF 40’000 support.

The inmodi project led by Dr. Jérôme Thevenot won the Venture Kick Stage II CHF 40,000 support, which will help the team to further develop the technology and perform pilot testing with early adopters.



LMAM research focus on the design of wearable and implanted technology to characterize and evaluate pathologies affecting motor function or to study motor performances in sports

cours with LMAM figurine


Courses and Student projects

Publications and Conferences

Publications with LMAM figurine


LMAM publications and Infoscience Search


Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement


Station 9

CH-1015 Lausanne

Prof. Kamiar Aminian
MED 0 1315
Tel: 41 (0) 21 693 26 17
Fax: 41 (0) 21 693 69 15

Secretary Francine Eglese
MED 0 1016
Tel: 41 (0) 21 693 56 92
Fax: 41 (0) 21 693 69 15

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