Category: video

New documentary about green concrete

Actu, features, informational, lmc, video

Prof. Karen Scrivener featured in a documentary by NZZ Format, broadcast by Swiss media outlet SRF1. The following documentary (30min) is in German, with subtitles that can be automatically translated (see below). Green concrete – will the climate killer become a climate saver? Concrete – a modern building material: houses, towers, bridges, tunnels, dams, nothing (…)

Symposium – Does concrete have a future in a sustainable world?

Actu, informational, lmc, video

Munich, Germany – 21st April 2023 At the Symposium on Sustainable Construction at BAU2023, the world’s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, sustainable construction experts discussed the compatibility of concrete in a sustainable world.   We can reach climate goals if we work together. Substantial reductions in CO2 emissions (up to 80%) is (…)

Qiao Wang – My Thesis in 180 seconds

Actu, carousel, features, informational, lmc, lmc, Research, Students'projects, video

Cop 26 and LC3 on SRF (Swiss News)

Actu, carousel, lmc, video

Swiss TV looks at concrete technology

Actu, carousel, video

Prof. Karen Scrivener was consulted by Télé Vaud-Fribourg for their current affairs program, Radar Vaudois. English subtitles available, please click on CC

Karen Scrivener on CO2 reduction potentials and requirements for education towards it

carousel, informational, lmc, video

Prof. Scrivener Interviewed by the Indian Institute of Technology

carousel, informational, lmc, video

Concrete – an ecologically-friendly and local material

carousel, lmc, video

LC3 Technology for impact

carousel, lmc, video

General concepts of cement – Microstructural characterisation methods

informational, lmc, video