No other material can compete with concrete

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It’s safe to say that the world as we know it would be quite different without concrete. Following its invention in the 19th century, modern concrete – or Portland cement – quickly found its place in the building industry. This novel material could be used to rapidly build roads, bridges, dams and many other types (…)

Concrete 2017

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Know your cement, get greener concrete

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by ETH Zurich An international team of scientists has created a new database of molecular dynamics models that simulate the properties of cement in all its varieties. It’s intended to help fine-​tune this component of concrete and curtail emissions in its manufacturing process.Cement is used to bind concrete, the most-​used construction material in the world (…)

Database clarifies bottom-up design of cement

features, ptg

The database is called cemff, for Cement Force Fields. It gathers methods for simulating force-field parameters for the various types of inorganic minerals present in cement, which is used to bind concrete, the most-used construction material in the world. In this case, the force field is the collection of parameters scientists use to build computer models of atomic (…)

Ecological cement

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Cement – A love story

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LC3 – Interview with Dr. Karen Scrivener

carousel, informational, lmc, video

Meeting the Future Challenges for Concrete

informational, lmc, video

Nanocem – Prof. Karen Scrivener

informational, lmc, video


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