Theses – PTG

The role of Zn in C-S-H atomic structure, nucleation and growth

A. Morales Melgares / K. Scrivener; D. L. Emsley (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2023. 

Effect of ZnO on the reactivity of cementitious systems

A. E. Teixeira Pita / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2022. 

Nanoscale modelling of ionic transport in the porous C-S-H network

K. Ferjaoui / K. Scrivener; F. J. M. Georget (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2022. 

Atomistic Simulation of Cementitious Systems: An Insight Into Adsorption of Ions and Small Molecules Onto Portlandite and C-S-H Surfaces

M. Valavi / P. Bowen; S. C. Galmarini (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2022. 

Precipitation, Characterization, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Modelling of Synthetic C-S-H Systems (C-S-H, CASH, CSH+$)

M. N. Harris / P. Bowen; K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2022. 

Maximizing the use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in blended cements

Y. Briki / K. Scrivener; M. Ben Haha (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 

Limestone calcined clay cements (LC3): raw material processing, sulfate balance and hydration kinetics

F. A. Zunino Sommariva / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 

Modeling the kinetics of the main peak and later age of alite hydration

A. R. C. W. C. Ouzia / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2019. 

Characterisation and hydration of ye’elimite containing cements

F. Bullerjahn / K. Scrivener; M. Ben Haha (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2018. 

Investigation of the grade of calcined clays used as clinker substitute in Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3)

F. H. Avet / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2017. 

Hydration of multi-component cements containing cement clinker, slag, calcareous fly ash and limestone

P. T. Durdziński / K. Scrivener; J. Deja (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2016. 

Impact of the supplementary cementitious materials on the kinetics and microstructural development of cement hydration

E. M. J. Berodier / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. 

Impact of alkali salts on the kinetics and microstructural development of cementitious systems

B. Mota Gassó / K. Scrivener; T. Matschei (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2015. 

Aluminium and alkali uptake in calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H)

É. M. L’Hôpital / K. Scrivener; B. Lothenbach (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2014. 

Study of early hydration mechanisms of cement by means of electron microscopy

A. Bazzoni / K. Scrivener; M. Cantoni (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2014. 

Composition and morphology of C-A-S-H in pastes of alite and cement blended with supplementary cementitious materials

J. E. Rossen / K. Scrivener; B. Lothenbach (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2014. 

Characterization of porosity & C-S-H in cement pastes by ¹H NMR

A. C. A. Muller / K. Scrivener; P. J. McDonald (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2014. 

Investigation of cement substitution by blends of calcined clays and limestone

M. Antoni / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2013. 

Fe-containing Hydrates and their Fate during Cement Hydration : Thermodynamic Data and Experimental Study

B. Z. Dilnesa / K. Scrivener; B. Lothenbach (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. 

The role of aluminium from supplementary cementitious materials in controlling alkali-silica reaction

T. Chappex / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. 

Limestone Addition in Cement

O. Chowaniec / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. 

Hydration of C3A with Calcium Sulfate Alone and in the Presence of Calcium Silicate

A. Quennoz / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2011. 

Hydration, microstructural development and dimensional stability of cementitious materials made of portland cement clinker and fluoroanhydrite

C. Prieto Gomez / K. Scrivener; E. Gallucci (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2010. 

Early hydration of cementitious systems

P. Juilland / K. Scrivener; E. Gallucci (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2009. 

Calcined clayey soils as a potential replacement for cement in developing countries

R. Fernandez Lopez / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2009. 

Effect of particle size on the hydration kinetics and microstructural development of tricalcium silicate

M. M. Costoya Fernández / K. Scrivener; E. Gallucci (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2008. 

Quantitative microstructural characterisation of concrete cured under realistic temperature conditions

X. Zhang / K. Scrivener (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2007.