June 2024 – The 2024 Magnonics Roadmap was published

IoP Publishing has released the updated roadmap on magnonics in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 36 (2024) 363501.

June 2024 – Poster price for LMGN for magnon-induced magnetization reversal

At the 1st Transnational Round Table on Magnonics, High-Frequency Spintronics, and Ultrafast Magnetism which took place in Exeter, UK, between June 3 and June 7 in 2024 our contribution “Reversal of nanomagnets on yttrium-iron garnet by propagating spin waves” received a Poster Award Runner Up (ranked 3rd).

April/May 2024 – Poster price for LMGN group member A.J.M. Deenen for numerical simulations performed on superconducting nanotubes

At the 9th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism which took place in Fethiye, Turkey, between April 27 and May 4 in 2024 our contribution “Current-induced Vortex Dynamics in a Superconducting Diabolo Structure” authored by A.J.M. Deenen and D. Grundler was awarded one of the poster prizes.

Sep. 2023 – Ferdinand Posva joins LMGN

Ferdinand Posva starts a PhD thesis at LMGN. He will perform research on 3D magnonics and 3D superconducting nanostructures.

Aug. 2023 – UK-Swiss Workhop on Skyrmions at EPFL

On August 21 and 22 about 25 researchers from UK and Switzerland met at the Institute of Materials of EPFL and discussed their latest theoretical and experimental research performed on bulk and thin-film magnetic materials hosting skyrmions and further non-collinear spin structures. The workshop was organized by Prof. Chris Marrows (U Leeds) and Prof. Dirk Grundler (EPFL) and managed by Y. Kagata and Dr. M. Xu of EPFL. Participating researchers were from U Leeds, U Glasgow, U Basel, EMPA, PSI, and EPFL complemented by two invited speakers and cooperation partners from Université Paris-Sud and U Beihang.

Aug. 2023 – Poster price for LMGN group member H. Guo

At the international conference Magnonics 2023 in Le Touquet, France (July 30 to Aug 3), our contribution “Control of Bulk and Surface Magnon Modes in 3D Ferromagnetic Nanonetworks by Additive Manufacturing” authored by H. Guo, A.J.M. Deenen, M. Xu, M. Hamdi, and D. Grundler was awarded a poster prize. The research has recently been published (open access) in Adv. Materials: [Link].

June 2023 – Poster price for LMGN group member M. Xu

At the Frontiers in Artificial Spin Ice Workshop 2023 which took place in Lenzburg, Switzerland, in June 2023 our contribution “Brillouin light scattering study on magnetic chiral tubes” authored by M. Xu, A.J.M. Deenen, H. Guo, and D. Grundler was awarded a poster prize.

Apr. 2023 – LMGN at Open House Days

Shreyas Joglekar, Axel Deenen, Anna Duvakina, Huixin Guo, Ferdinand Posva and Dirk Grundler welcomed Public in MX hall on Saturday and Sunday April 29th and 30th with games and information about Magnonics. 

Oct. 2022 – Anna Duvakina joins LMGN

LMGN welcomes Anna Duvakina as a PhD student in our group working on DNA nanotechnology applied to magnonics.

May 2022 – Axel Deenen joins LMGN

Axel Deenen starts a PhD thesis at LMGN on the physics and functionality of superconducting 3D nanoarchitectures in which curvatures on the micron and nanoscale modifies physical properties.

Dec 2021 – Korbinian Baumgaertl received a  2021 EDMX Thesis Distinction 8%

For his PhD thesis work entitled “Magnonic crystals with reconfigurable magnetic defects for spin-based microwave electronics” Korbinian Baumgaertl received one of the three EDMX Thesis Distinction 8% awards in 2021.

Dec 2021 – Gaming on zoom

A face-to-face Christmas party was again not possible, but several group members and a project student enjoyed gaming on zoom organized by Richa.

Oct. 2021 – Dr. Mingran Xu joins LMGN

LMGN welcomes Dr. Mingran XU as a post-doc in our group.

June 2021 – Huixin Guo joins LMGN

Huixin Guo starts a PhD thesis at LMGN on 3D nanomagnonics based on additive manufacturing.

Apr. 2021 – Shreyas Joglekar joins LMGN

LMGN welcomes Shreyas Joglekar as a PhD student in our group after successfully finishing his Master studies. He will explore magnon-induced switching phenomena to advance our understanding concerning in-memory computing with magnons.

Mar 2021 – The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap published

The latest overview on magnonics research is contained in “The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap” found here.

Dec 2020 – Christmas gaming on zoom

Oct 2020 – Cagri Oezdilek joins LMGN

After receiving his Master in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in at METU, Turkey, Cagri Oezdilek joins LMGN for research on skyrmion-hosting materials and nanostructures.

Sept 2020

Master thesis project finished by Shixuan Shan

Shixuan Shan has successfully finished his Master thesis project at LMGN exploring the grating coupler effect via simulations modelling recent experimental data.

July 2020 – Group meeting at Lac Leman after lockdown

Group meeting at Lake Geneva:

May 2019

Dr. Vinayak Bhat moves to MagTop

Dr. Vinayak Bhat joins as a professor the International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter – MagTop, at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IF PAN) in Warsaw.

Apr. 2019

Dr. Kyongmo An moves to Spintec, France

Dr. Kyongmo An has finished his project at LMGN funded by an ‘EPFL Fellows’ fellowship (COFUND Programme) and joins Spintec in France.

Feb. 2019

Master thesis project finished by Bin Lu

Bin Lu has successfully finished his Master thesis project at LMGN exploring BLS on a skyrmion-hosting material.

Dec. 2018

Andrea Mucchietto joins LMGN as a PhD student

LMGN welcomes Andrea Mucchietto as a PhD student in our group after successfully finishing his Master studies.

Nov. 2018

Nanoaimants pour détection et stockage des données: Journées d’Informations Gymnasiens

Group members of LMGN at EPFL welcomed about 80 high-school students on November 20 and 22, 2018 for introduction sessions on nanomagnets, nanoscale spin structures like skyrmions and magnetic force microscopy. They demonstrated and discussed strategies of our research projects in which we aim at advancing magnetic data storage, sensing, and microwave electronics exploiting nanoscale and skyrmion-hosting magnetic materials.

Visiting researcher from Beihang University, China

LMGN welcomes Jilei Chen again, a PhD student from Prof. Haiming Yu’s group at Fert Beijing Institute, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, China. He will follow research in our Sinergia project Nanoskyrmionics for the following year.

Oct. 2018

Master thesis projects finished by students from Politecnico di Torino

Andrea Mucchietto and Edoardo Catapano have each successfully finished their Master thesis projects at LMGN.

Sept. 2018

Master thesis in sinergia network ‘Nanoskyrmionics’

The IMX Master student Bin Lu at EPFL joins LMGN for his Master thesis project addressing collective spin excitations in skyrmion-hosting materials.

June 2018

June 15, 2018: Mohammad Hamdi joins LMGN

LMGN welcomes Mohammad Hamdi as the PhD student in our ERA.NET RUS project about THz magnonics.

February 2018

The article “Exchange anisotropy in the skyrmion host GaV4S8” published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter in 2017 has been included in the annual journal highlights. It is free to read here for the remainder of 2018.

November 2017

Nov. 27, 2017: Cooperative Research Center Transregio TRR80 “From Electronic Correlations To Functionality” funded by DFG –

The German Science Foundation (DFG) will support research performed in TRR80 ( on materials with strong electronic correlations and topological phases for the years 2018 to 2021. Our laboratory LMGN contributes to TRR80 via project F7 “Magnonic Excitations in Skyrmion Lattices and Artificially Tailored Periodic Magnetic Configurations“.

Nov. 16, 2017: Visit of high school student –

Group members of LMGN welcomed, informed and entertained about 35 Swiss high school students on November 16, 2017. The PhD students and a postdoc explained research on nanomagnets for applications in sensing and information technology. A specific model was designed to demonstrate the operation of a magnetic force microscope and stimulate a competition among the high school students in sensing magnetic forces.

October 2017 – Start of sinergia network ‘Nanoskyrmionics’

October 1, 2017 was the start of the interdisciplinary sinergia network on the discovery and nanoengineering of novel skyrmion hosting materials (

July 2017 – Anna Kukolova joins LMGN and LMSC

Anna Kukolova has started on July 15, 2017, to perform research within our SNSF Sinergia Grant on Nanoskyrmionics. She follows her PhD thesis project in a close cooperation with LMSC exploring the growth of skyrmion-hosting materials.

February 2017 – Kyongmo An awarded with an ‘EPFL Fellows’ fellowship

Dr. Kyongmo An has received an ‘EPFL Fellows’ fellowship that provides financial support for two years (COFUND Programme).

Jan 2017 – Kyongmo An joins LMGN

Dr. Kyongmo An starts at LMGN to explore dynamically configured magnonic crystals.

Nov 5 & 6, 2016 – Open House Days

Lab Key visual

Towards spinning tops that never stop: Group members of LMGN welcome and entertain visitors of all ages during the “Portes Ouvertes” on November 5 and 6. Using experiments, a specifically designed Carrom game based on magnetic forces, videos and posters Maria, Ping, Korbinian, Sho, Vinayak and Dirk introduce key aspects of our research on magnetic nanomaterials and magnonics.

Oct. 15, 2016 – Maria Carmen Giordano joins LMGN

Maria Carmen Gordano starts a PhD thesis at LMGN aiming at conformal coating of nanotemplates (semiconductor nanowires) to create specifically tailored nanomagnets such as nanotubes. Thermoelectric properties inclusing spin caloritronics, spin transport and spin dynamics are to be explored. This project is a cooperation between LMGN and LMSC.

Oct. 1, 2016 – Ping Che joins LMGN

Ping Che starts a PhD thesis at LMGN aiming at nanomagnonics based on insulating magnetic thin films that promise ultra-low spin-wave damping.

July 15, 2016 – Sho Watanabe joins LMGN

For a research project funded by SNF laboratory LMGN has hired PhD student Sho Watanabe. In this project we aim at investigating spin waves in top-down nanopatterned ferromagnetic thin films and relate the microwave properties to the structural properties of artificially tailored nanomagnets.

Jun. 9, 2016 – Brillouin light scattering microscope set up

Lab Key visual

Inelastic light scattering on spin waves in magnetic nanomaterials: In the laboratory LMGN a Brillouin light scattering setup is realized that allows us to investigate spin waves with a high spatial and temporal resolution.