“UK-Swiss online workshop – magnetic skyrmions” @ zoom
On Oct. 10 2022 researchers from U Leeds, U Glasgow, EPFL, U Basel, PSI and EMPA meet for a workshop on zoom to discuss the current status of experimental and theoretical research at the different institutes in UK and Switzerland concerning magnetic skyrmions formed, created and controlled in bulk materials and thin-film systems.
“NeuroSpin 2022: EPFL-ETHZ summer school” @ Polydome EPFL
The summer school Spin based device architectures for neuromorphic computing and storage took place from Aug 22 to Aug 26 2022 at EPFL supported by the Nanosykrmionics sinergia project. This summer school has provided an overview of hardware implementations of neuromorphic computing techniques and emphasized novel approaches which are spin-based such as magnetic tunnel junctions, skyrmions, and artificial spin ice. These approaches promise a reduction in power consumption. The school has presented basic concepts involved in realizing such devices as well as assessed challenges in their compatibility with existing CMOS-based hardware.
The photo was taken by Szymon Jan Mieszczak and shows lecturers, participating PhD students, Master students and postdocs as well as the organizers.
CECAM workshop “Computational materials discovery of unconventional magnets” @ EPFL
Prof. O. Yazyev and Dr. V. M. Katukuri jointly with Prof. T. Olsen (DTU, Denmark) organized the proposed CECAM workshop “Computational materials discovery of unconventional magnets” in Lausanne on October 27-29, 2021.
“NM04: Magnetic Skyrmions and Topological Effects in Materials and Nanostructures” @ MRS Spring Meeting 2021
The PI Oleg Yazyev of the sinergia project is co-organizer of the symposium “NM04: Magnetic Skyrmions and Topological Effects in Materials and Nanostructures” at the 2021 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit in Seattle. The symposium takes place starting from April 17 2021.
SKYMAG 2021, March 31/April 1.
The SKYMAG workshop takes place via videoconferencing in 2021. Invited talks are broadcasted from March 31 to April 1 2021. Registration is needed and free of charge here: SKYMAG 2021.
Keeping the spirit of the two previous editions (2014 & 2017), the aim of SKYMAG 2020 is to gather leading scientists as well as young researchers over three and half days days, with invited talks and contributed oral and poster sessions helping to promote stimulating exchange and discussions. Moreover, SKYMAG 2020 is a platform to present the activities of the different networks in Europe working on skyrmions and an opportunity for the European community to meet and discuss. Our sinergia network contributes to the organisation and program of SKYMAG 2020. SKYMAG 2020 was cancelled in view of the covid-19 pandemic.
Skyrmions in magnetic materials, Symposium at the SPS Annual Meeting 2019
Symposium at the SPS annual meeting, organized by Dr. J.S. White together with the association MaNEP on Aug. 29, 2019.
Workshop about “Micromagnetic simulation on skyrmion hosting materials”, July 22nd to 24th 2019
Ping Che together with Dirk Grundler organized an interactive workshop about micromagnetic simulations addressing skyrmion-hosting materials. Dr. Michal Mruczkiewicz, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences presented a lecture about optimized micromagnetic simulation software packages and interacted with sixteen participants.

Young Researchers’ Workshop “Scanning probes and magnetic systems”, Nov 2018
The young researchers’ workshop took place Nov 22-23, 2018, at University of Basel, Switzerland. Young researchers (Master and PhD students, postdocs) from EPF Lausanne, ETH Zurich, University of Basel (U Basel), Paul-Scherrer-Institute (PSI), EMPA and Beihang University, China, took part and discussed timely aspects concerning skyrmion-hosting materials and chiral spin structures in both bulk materials and thin films.
Two lectures were given by Prof. H. Hug, EMPA, Switzerland, and Prof. D. Kölle, University of Tuebingen, Germany. Prof. Hans Hug works at U Basel and at EMPA. He is a world-leading expert in magnetic force microscopy by which he explores skyrmions in stacked multilayer thin films. Prof. Kölle is an expert on SQUIDs, nanoSQUIDs, thin film technology, magnetism and imaging techniques like low-temp SEM/laser microscopy, Kerr imaging etc.
Lab tours were offered to the participants Antoine Hinaut (lab of Prof. E. Meyers Group), Brenden Shields (lab of Prof. P. Maletinsky), Giulio Romagnoli and Simon Philipp (lab of Prof. M. Poggio).

The workshop was organized by S. Philipp.
Summer School on “New Trends in Chiral Magnetism”, August 2018
Funded by the Eurotech Alliance, EDPY and our singeria network Nanoskyrmionics a summer school will take place at EPFL in August 2018.
For more information, please visit the website.
Young Researchers’ Workshop, May 2018
The young researchers’ workshop took place May 24-25, 2018, at Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland. Fourteen young researchers (Master and PhD students, postdocs) from EPF Lausanne, ETH Zurich, University of Basel, Paul-Scherrer-Institute (PSI) and Technical University of Torino took part and discussed materials synthesis, experimental techniques, theoretical background and computational science addressing skyrmion-hosting materials and chiral spin structures:
1.Van der Waals Growth of FeGe and Co-Zn-Mn
2.Synthesis and characterization of Cu2OSeO3 nanostructures
3.Broadband Spin-Wave Spectroscopy on Single Crystals of the Insulating Chiral Magnet Cu2OSeO3
4.Fast and ultrafast Lorentz-TEM imaging of Bloch skyrmions
5.Time-resolved low-angle electron diffraction on skyrmion lattices in TEM
6.Resonant soft X-ray scattering and imaging of magnetic textures in skyrmion-hosting compounds
7.Magnetic field imaging with a single spin in diamond
8.Dynamic Cantilever Magnetometry
9.Skyrmion-lattice inversion and defect-induced melting
10.Numerical Studies of Skyrmions in Cu2OSeO3
11.Quantum Dynamics and Effective Mass of Skyrmions
12.How to compute exchange couplings from ab initio Hamiltonians?

The workshop was complemented by an information session and guided tour through PSI facilities (SLS, SINQ, …).
Organizers and Program Committee: Anna Kukolova (EPFL), Ping Che (EPFL).
Local organizer: Dr. Jonathan White (PSI).