This project is a collaboration between our laboratory and EPoS Technologies SA,
a company located in Switzerland, which has developed a novel field assisted sintering process called Electro-sinter-forging (ESF), by means of which unique metal matrix composite structures can be produced. We explore ESF process capabilities for the production of titanium matrix composites. This comprises the design and production of new materials in collaboration with EPoS, the in-depth study of resulting materials for their microstructural development, and their characterization for mechanical behaviour. General goals of the project are to design novel, high-performance titanium matrix composites for structural applications, and to contribute to our understanding of the links between composition and process parameters on one hand, and resulting microstructures and mechanical properties on the other hand, of metal matrix composite materials produced by the electro-sinter-forging process.
Portrait by Gilles Nahon, Lausanne, Switzerland