Spin-offs and Startups


Among its innovations, one may mention the development of energy panels to capture heat from the underground environment, the development of digital tools for shallow geothermal systems design, and bio-stabilization technology to mineralize carbonate particles underground.

Those research lead to the development of three different patents, one patent filed for Enerdrape and two for Medusoil.


We develop the first geo-thermal panel that efficiently captures both geothermal and waste heat in existing indoor environments located in the underground and transfers it for renewable heating and cooling to buildings.


Medusoil is an EPFL spin-off and applies the world’s first ground bio-stabilization technology to mineralize carbonate particles underground.

Thermo-pile software

Thermo-Pile, is a discretization based software developed at EPFL that enables to consider various soil layers, as well as the variation of the soil properties and temperature with depth to quantify the thermal strains and the associated additional efforts when a pile is subjected to both axial mechanical loading and temperature variation.