
Teaching and inspiring new generation of students is at the core mission of university. Our teaching activities span from courses at the bachelor and master level to practical semester projects.

Bachelor, BA5: Functional properties of materials (Fall, taught by Dr Valerio Piazza). 

Master: Properties of Semiconductors from the bulk to the nanostructure (Spring, taught by Dr Valerio Piazza)

For Master and Bachelor students enrolled at EPFL we offer the following semester projects for the Fall Semester 2024 (Title, Supervisor):

  • Van der Pauw characterization of Zn3P2/graphene, Thomas Hagger
  • Morphological analysis of low-dimensional crystals, Michele Zendrini 
  • Photovoltaic assessment of earth abundant solar devices, Raphaël Lemerle
  • Electrical characterization of annealed Zn3P2 thin films, Raphaël Lemerle
  • Nanofabrication for template-assembled GeSn crystals, Santhanu Ramanandan, Nuño Amador
  • Cathodoluminescence mapping of nanomaterials, Stefano Marinoni
  • Assessment of radiative recombination mechanisms in III-V/TMDs heterostructures, Claire Blaga
  • Optical absorption of hyperuniform disordered nanostructure arrays, Anja Tiede
  • Characterization of sputtered GeSn thin films, Leo Webb 
  • Nanoscale investigation of layered stacks, Valerio Piazza, Riccardo Brondolin

If you are interested on one of the projects, please contact the supervisor directly. The projects are given on a first-come first-serve basis.