Numerical simulations of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) process are performed with a dedicated in-house finite element (FEM) code by Dr. Eric Boillat. The heat transfer is described by the evolution of two fields: the enthalpy per unit mass and the temperature.
The laser beam is modelled as a surface heat source for bulk and liquid and a volume heat source for powders. The powder bed is considered as a homogeneous medium with averaged (so-called effective) properties such as absorptivity, thermal conductivity, optical penetration depth, density.

The mesh consists of a fixed coarse mesh on the whole domain and a refined moving mesh around the laser spot to get the needed accuracy for the computation of thermal conduction within the powder and at the interface between the powder and the bulk solid or liquid.

For a precise description of the LPBF process a new field is introduced. This field is called sintering potential and contains the information about the state of the material during LPBF. Its value is 0 in loose powder; 1 corresponds to a fully dense bulk material.
The effective thermal conductivity k depends on the sintering potential: k=k(Φ). During LPBF the effective thermal conductivity of a medium evolves from the value kp of a loose powder to the value kb corresponding to a bulk material and can be connected to the sintering potential Φ by interpolating between kp and kb :

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