For further details of the Psaltis’ Group publications
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Optical computing using nonlinear propagation in multi-mode fibers
D Psaltis
Frontiers Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific and Industrial Applications XXIII, PC1241109 (2023)
Predicting nonlinear optical scattering with physics informed neural networks
C Gigli, A Saba, AB Ayoub, D Psaltis
AI and Optical Data Sciences IV, PC124380Q (2023)
Computing with non-linear intercations in multimode fibers
I Oguz, JL Hsieh, M Yildirim, D Psaltis, C Moser
Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy X, PC122280E (2022)
Programming nonlinearities inside multimode fibers for optical computing
I Oguz, JL Hsieh, NU Dinç, U Tegin, M Yildirim, C Gigli, C Moser, D Psaltis
Optics and Photonics for Information Processing XVI, PC1222501 (2022)
Scalable nonlinear optical computing with multimode fibers
U Tegin, M Yildirim, I Oguz, JL Hsieh, C Moser, D Psaltis
AI and Optical Data Sciences III, PC120190F (2022)
Optimization and 3D printing of waveguide bundles for imaging
NU Dinc, G Panusa, D Psaltis
Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Treatment and Environmental Applications XXII, PC1195305 (2022)
Full characterization of partially measured systems with neural networks
B Rahmani, D Loterie, E Kakkava, N Borhani, U Tegin, D Psaltis, C Moser
European Quantum Electronics Conference, jsiv_2_3 (2021)
Partially-measured physical system characterization with neural networks
B Rahmani, C Moser, D Psaltis, E Kakkava, N Borhani
Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) 2021 11804, 118041 M (2021)
Gradient-index volume holograms by 2-photon polymerization
NU Dinc, G Panusa, C Moser, D Psaltis
Liquid Crystals XXV 11807, 118070D (2021)
Spatial beam cleaning in mode-locked multimode fiber lasers
C Moser, U Tegin, B Rahmani, E Kakkava, D Psaltis
Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy IX 11825, 118250Q (2021)
Multiphoton-induced polymerization in the fabrication of optical waveguides in polydimethylsiloxane
Y Pu, G Panusa, D Psaltis
Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy IX 11825, 118250Y (2021)
Optical computing with multimode fiber nonlinearities
U Tegin, M Yildirim, I Oguz, C Moser, D Psaltis
Emerging Topics in artifical Intelligence (ETAI) 2021 11804, 118040F (2021)
Complex field representation using digital micromirro device (DMD)
AB Ayoub, D Psaltis
Digital Optical Technologies 2021 11788, 117880V (2021)
Digitally optimized gradient-index opticas by additive manufacturing
NU Dinc, G Panusa, C Moser, D Psaltis
Digital Optical Technologies 2021 11788, 117880A (2021)
Learning to see and compute through multimode fibers
B Rahmani, U Tegin, M Yildirim, I Oguz, D Loterie, E Kakkava, N Borhani, D Psaltis, C Moser
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th5B.1 (2021)
Machine learning with multimode fibers
U Tegin, M Yildirim, I Oguz, C Moser, D Psaltis
CLEO : Science and Innovations, SW3R.3 (2021)
High-resolution microfabrication through a graded-index multimode optical fiber
G Konstantinou, D Loterie, E Kakkava, D Psaltis, C Moser
Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XIV 11696, 116960V (2021)
Multimode fiber projector with neural networks
B Rahmani, D Loterie, E Kakkava, N Borhani, U Tegin, D Psaltis, C Moser
Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems VII 11652, 11652L (2021)
Spectral and spatial shaping of spatiotemporal nonlinearities in multimode fibers
U Tegin, B Rahmani, E Kakkava, N Borhani, C Moser, D Psaltis
2020 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals meeting Series (SUM), 1-2 (2020)
Dispersion-managed soliton multimode fiber laser
U Tegin, E Kakkava, B Rhamani, D Psaltis, C Moser
CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM4P.1 (2020)
Adaptive regularization for three-dimensional optical diffraction tomography
TA Pham, E Soubies, A Ayoub, D Psaltis, M Unser
2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 182-186 (2020)
Imaging of in the presence of multiple scattering
D Psaltis
Quantitative Phase Imaging VI 11249, 1124917 (2020)
Self-similar spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber laser
U Tegin, E Kakkava, B Rahmani, D Psaltis, C Moser
Fiber Lasers XVII; Technology and Systems 11260, 112600S (2020)
Efficient image classification through a multimode fiber using deep neural networks in presence of wavelength drifting
E Kakkava, N Borhani, B Rahmani, U Tegin, C Moser, D Psaltis
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CW1A. 4 (2019)
Learning tomography plus for highly scattering samples
J Lim, AB Ayoub, EE Antoine, D Psaltis
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTh1A. 2 (2019)
Learning spatiotemporal nonlinearities in graded-index multimode fibers with deep neural networks
U Teğin, B Rahmani, E Kakkava, N Borhani, C Moser, D Psaltis
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, cd_8_2 (2019)
Wavelength independent image classification through a multimode fiber using deep neural networks
E Kakkava, N Borhani, B Rahmani, U Teğin, C Moser, D Psaltis
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, cd_2_1 (2019)
Optical diffraction tomography based on a spatial light modulator for biological imaging
AB Ayoub, J Lim, EE Antoine, D Psaltis
Novel Techniques in Microscopy, NS1B. 6 (2019)
Imaging through complex media using learning
D Psaltis
Optical Data Science II , 10937:1093709 (2019)
Deep neural networks for seeing through multimode fibers
E Kakkava, N Borhani, C Moser, D Psaltis
High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy IV, 10889:108891A (2019)
Optical imaging of the cochlea
D Psaltis, M Romito
Biophysics, Biology and Biophotonics IV: the Crossroads, 10888:108880C (2019)
Two-photon imaging and selective laser ablation of cochlea hair cells through a multimode fiber probe
E Kakkava, M Romito, D Loterie, K Stankovich, C Moser, D Psaltis
Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XIX, 10872:1087206 (2019)
Inner ear cellular imaging through scattering bone
M Romito, KM Stankovic, D Psaltis
Optical Imaging, Therapeutics, and Advanced Technology in Head and Neck Surgery and Otolaryngology, 10853:1085307 (2019)
Deep learning assisted image transmission in multimode fibers
B Rahmani, D Loterie, G Konstantinou, D Psaltis, C Moser
Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems V, 10886:108860N (2019)
Optical imaging using learning techniques
D Psaltis
Proceedings Volume 11060, Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization, and Imaging of Biomaterials IV; 110600T (2019)
Photoinitiator-free laser fabrication of ultra-compact, low-loss waveguides in polydimethylsiloxane
Y Pu, G Panusa, J Wang, C Moser, D Psaltis
Liquid Crystals XXII, 10735, 1073504 (2018)
3D printing with multimode fibers
C Moser, P Delrot, D Loterie, G Konstantinou, D Psaltis
Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy VI, 10753, 107530W (2018)
Tomographic imaging with harmonic holography in tissues of known refractive index distribution
Y Pu, D Psaltis
Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy VI, 10753, 107530F (2018)
Deep Neural Networks for Information Recovery Through Multimode Fibers
E Kakkava, N Borhani, C Moser, D Psaltis
Frontiers in Optics, FTh1E. 3 (2018)
Multi-photon Fabrication of Compact Low-loss Optical Waveguides in Polydimethylsiloxane
G Panusa, Y Pu, J Wang, C Moser, D Psaltis
Frontiers in Optics, FM4B. 2 (2018)
Imaging of cochlear cells through scattering bone
M Romito, KM Stankovic, D Psaltis
Laser Science, JW3A. 111 (2018)
Two-photon fluorescence microscopy and selective laser ablation through multimode fibers
E Kakkava, BD Conckey, D Loterie, C Moser, D Psaltis
Frontiers in Optics, JW4A. 115 (2018)
Image Classification and Reconstruction through Multimode Fibers by Deep Neural Networks
E Kakkava, N Borhani, Y Pu, C Moser, D Psaltis
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, Th5A. 2 (2018)
Multi-Photon Fabrication of Ultra-compact Optical Waveguides in Polydimethylsiloxane
Y Pu, G Panusa, J Wang, C Moser, D Psaltis
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, Th3E. 3 (2018)
Efficient Solar-Vapor Generation in Hollow-Mesoporous Plasmonic Nanoshells
Y Pu, MS Zielinski, JW Choi, M Modestino, SMH Hashemi, S Birkhold, D Psaltis, T La Grange, JA Hubbell
2018 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), 1-2 (2018)
Transmission in Multimode Fiber with Deep Learning
B Rahmani, D Loterie, G Konstantinou, D Psaltis, C Moser
2018 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), 1-2 (2018)
Multi-Photon Fabrication of Ultra-Compact Optical Waveguides in Polydimethylsiloxane
G Panusa, Y Pu, J Wang, C Moser, D Psaltis
2018 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), 1-5 (2018)
Stand-Alone, Solar-Powered Devices for Water Disinfection
E Chinello, MH Hashemi, MA Modestino, JW Schuettauf, L Coulot, M Ackermann, F Gerlich, A Faes, D Psaltis, C Moser
Meeting Abstracts, 898-898 (2018)
Seeing through Multimode Fibers with Deep Learning
E Kakkava, N Borhani, C Moser, D Psaltis
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTH1B. 4 (2018)
Phaseless diffraction tomography with regularized beam propagation
T Pham, E Soubies, J Lim, A Goy, F Soulez, D Psaltis, M Unser
2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018)
Learning the 3D shape of objects from examples
D Psaltis
Computational Imaging III 10669, 1066902 (2018)
Ultra-High Efficient, Autonomous, Solar-Powered Chlorine Generators
E Chinello, MA Modestino, L Coulot, M Ackermann, F Gerlich, D Psaltis, C Moser
ECS Meeting Abstracts, 1821-1821 (2018)
Optofluidics of plants: lessons from biology
D Psaltis
Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures VIII, 10541, paper 1054102 (2018)
Endoscopic light delivery for advanced manufacturing
C Moser, P Delrot, D Loterie, G Konstantinou, E Kakkava, D Psaltis
Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XI, 10544, paper 1054408 (2018)
Image Transmission through Multi-mode Fibers
D Psaltis
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper W4J. 1 (2018)
Imaging complex objects using learning tomography
JW Lim, A Goy, MH Shoreh, M Unser, D Psaltis
Quantitative Phase Imaging IV 10503, 105031T (2018)
Wavefront shaping for ultrashort pulse delivery through optical fibers for imaging and ablation
E Kakkava, DB Conkey, N Stasio, D Loterie, C Moser, D Psaltis
Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems IV 10502, 105021B (2018)
Integrated Platform for Multi-resolution Additive Manufacturing
P Delrot, D Loterie, D Psaltis, C Moser
In: Meboldt M., Klahn C. (eds) Industrializing Additive Manufacturing – Proceedings of Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications – AMPA2017. AMPA 2017. Springer, Cham (2017)
Coherence-domain imaging with harmonic holography
Y Pu, D Psaltis
Proc. SPIE 10380, Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy V, 10380, 1038011 (2017)
Femtosecond pulse delivery through multi-core fibers for imaging and ablation
E Kakkava, N Stasio, DB Conkey, C Moser, D Psaltis
Proc. SPIE 10380, Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy V, 10380, 103800U (2017)
Adaptive optical networks for image recognition
D Psaltis, Y Qiao, SS Orlov
Proc. SPIE 10270, Photorefractive Materials, Effects, and Applications: A Critical Review, 102700B-102700B-15 (2017)
Imaging cell clusters and tissue using learning tomography
MH Shoreh, A Goy, J Lim, U Kamilov, M Unser, D Psaltis
Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization, and Imaging of Biomaterials III, 10333, p1033306, (2017)
Imaging and pattern projection through multicore fibers using the memory effect
N Stasio, DB Conkey, C Moser, D Psaltis
Proc. SPIE 10335, Digital Optical Technologies 2017, 10335, 103351A (2017)
Assessment of the advantages of learning tomography over conventional linear optical tomography
JW Lim, A Goy, D Psaltis
2017 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference, (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper JSII_1_4.(2017)
Solar-vapor generation with 69% energy conversion efficiency in hollow-mesoporous plasmonic nanoshells
Y Pu, MS Zielinski, JW Choi, T La Grange, M Modestino, SMH Hashemi, S Birkhold, JA Hubbell, D Psaltis
2017 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference, (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper EH_9_6.(2017)
Ultrashort pulse laser ablation through a multi-core fiber
E Kakkava, DB Conkey, T Lanvin, D Loterie, N Stasio, E Morales-Delgado, C Moser, D Psaltis
017 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference, (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper CF_12_3.(2017)
Comparative study of learning tomography and conventional diffraction tomography
JW Lim, A Goy, D Psaltis
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper Th3A.7.(2017)
Optical Tomography based on a nonlinear model that handles multiple scattering
MH Shoreh, A Goy, JW Lim, U Kamilov, M Unser, D Psaltis
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans USA, 5-9 March (2017)
Imaging using the memory effect in multi-core fibers (Conference Presentation)
D Psaltis, N Stasio, DB Conkey, C Moser
SPIE OPTO, 101120N-101120N-1 (2017)
Overcoming the resolution limit in retinal imaging using the scattering properties of the sclera
D. Carpentras, T. Laforest, D. Psaltis and C. Moser
Conference on Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems II, San Francisco, CA, Proceedings of SPIE, 2016.
Focusing and scanning of femtosecond pulses through a multimode fiber: applications in two-photon imaging and polymerization
E.E.M. Delgado, D. Psaltis, C. Moser
Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology, AT5C.1, 2016
The memory effect in multicore fibers
N. Stasio, D. Conkey, C. Moser, D. Psaltis
Imaging Systems and Applicatio, ITh1F. 1, 2016
Towards the development of practical solar-fuel devices: silicon-based solar-hydrogen generators with 14.2% solar-to-hydrogen efficiency
M.A. Modestino, J.W. Schüttauf, E. Chinello, C.A. Rodriguez, D. Lambelet, A. Delfino, D. Dominé, A. Faes, M. Despeisse, J. Bailat, C. Ballif, D. Psaltis, C. Moser
The Electrochemical Society, Meeting Abstracts, 2016
Second-harmonic radiating imaging probes and harmonic holography
Y. Pu, D. Psaltis
SPIE Optics + Engineering Applications, 2016.
Confocal microscopy via multimode fibers: fluorescence bandwidth
D. Loterie, D. Psaltis, C. Moser
SPIE BiOS, 2016
Two-photon fluorescence imaging through multicore fiber with digital phase conjugation
N. Stasio, D. Conkey, C. Moser, D. Psaltis
SPIE BiOS, 2016
Two-photon excitation endoscopy through multimode optical fiber
E.E.M. Delgado, D. Psaltis, C. Moser
SPIE BiOS, 2016
Fluorescence and optical-resolution photoacoustic imaging through capillary waveguides
N. Stasio, A. Shibukawa, I.N. Papadopoulos S. Farahi, O. Simandoux, J.P. Huignard, E. Bossy, C. Moser, D. Psaltis
SPIE BiOS, 2016
Laser-assisted inkjet printing of highly viscous fluids with sub-nozzle resolution
P. Delrot, M. A. Modestino, D. Psaltis and C. Moser.
SPIE LASE, 2016.
Learning from examples in optical tomography
D. Psaltis
SPIE BiOS, 2016.
Complex light in 3D printing
C. Moser, P. Delrot, D. Loterie, E. M. Delgado and M. Modestino et al.
SPIE OPTO, 2016.
Delivery of ultrashort spatially focused pulses through a multimode fiber
E. E. Morales-Delgado, I. N. Papadopolous, S. Farahi, D. Psaltis and C. Moser.
Proceedings of SPIE, 2015
Delivery of an ultrshort spatially focused pulse to the other end of a multimode fiber using digital phase conjugation
E.E. Morales Delgado, I.N. Papadopoulos; S. Farahi, D. Psaltis, C. Moser
Proceedings of SPIE, 2015
Complex pattern projection through a multimode fiber
D. Loterie, S. Farahi, D. Psaltis, C. Moser.
Proceedings of SPIE, 2015
Ultrafast laser ablation for targeted atherosclerotic plaque removal
T. Lanvin, D. B. Conkey, L. Descloux, A. Frobert and J. Valentin et al.
Applications and Laser-Tissue Interactions VII, Munich, GERMANY, Proceedings of SPIE, 2015
Effect of Solar Thermal Energy on Photoreactions’ Rate
Hosseini Hashemi SM, Choi JW, Psaltis D
CLEO, June 2014
Cytoplasmic stopped Flow at the Single Cell Based on Photosensitive Polymersomes
A.E. Vasdekis, E.A. Scott, C.P. O’Neil, D. Psaltis, J.A. Hubbell
58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, February 2014
Shrinking optical endoscopes
Moser C, Farahi S, Papadopoulos IN, Psaltis D
SPIE Newsroom, October 2013
Optofluidic light switch enables reconfigurable solar lighting
Song W, Psaltis D
Laser Focus World, October 2013
Focused light delivery and all optical scanning from a multimode optical fiber using digital phase conjugation
Papadopoulos IN, Farahi S, Moser C, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8576, pp. 857603, 2013
Digital holographic confocal microscope
Goy AS, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8589, pp. 85890N, 2013
In situ imaging of the mouse cochlea using two-photon microscopy
Yang X, Pu Y, Psaltis D, Stankovic KM
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8792, pp. 87920T, 2013
Microscopy with multimode fibers
Moser C, Papadopoulos I, Farahi S, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8792, pp. 879219, 2013
Optical manipulation of vesicles for optofluidic applications
Vasdekis AE, Scott EA, O’Neil CP, Psaltis D, Hubbell JA
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8810, pp. 88101R, 2013
Endomicroscopy with multi-mode fibers
Moser C, Papadopoulos IN, Farahi S, Psaltis D
SSOM bulletin, 2012
Three-dimensional mapping of transparent objects using Kerr nonlinearity measurement
Goy A, Psaltis D
CLEO, 2012
Three-dimensional scanning microscopy through turbid media
Yang X, Hsieh CL, Pu Y, Psaltis D
DH, 2012
Recent advances in imaging through scattering media
Psaltis D, Pu Y, Yang X
ISA, 2012
Calculating the second harmonic near field radiation pattern from a LiNbO3 nanowire using a nonlinear Volume Integral Equation Method
Papadopoulos I, Pu Y, Psaltis D
CLEO, 2011
In vivo imaging using second-harmonic nanoparticles
Hsieh CL, Lanvin T, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
CLEO, 2011
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) holographic biological imaging
Edwards P, Shi K, Hu J, Xu Q, Wang Y, Psaltis D, Liu Z
CLEO, 2011
In-line holographic CARS microscopy
Xu Q, Shi K, Li H, Choi K, Horisaki R, Brady D, Psalits D, Liu Z
CLEO, 2011
Digital reverse propagation in focusing Kerr media
Goy A, Psalits D
CLEO, 2011
Optofluidic lock-in spectroscopy on a chip
Song W, Psalits D
CLEO, 2011
Integrated optofluidic modulators based on nematogen flows
Vasdekis AE, Cuennet J, De Sio L, Psalits D
CLEO, 2011
Imaging in focusing Kerr media using digital reverse propagation
Goy A, Psalits D
CLEO Europe, 2011
Superoscillatory diffraction-free beams
Makris K, Psalits D
CLEO Europe, 2011
Second-harmonic nanoparticles for deep tissue in vivo imaging
Grange R, Lanvin T, Hsieh CL, Pu Y, Psalits D
CLEO Europe, 2011
Imaging through turbid media using phase conjugation
Psaltis D, Pu Y, Hsieh CL, Grange R, Yang X
COSI, 2011
Imaging through turbidity by phase-conjugate scanning microscope using second-harmonic beacon nanoparticles
Hsieh CL, Pu Y, Grange R, Laporte G, Psaltis D
DH, 2011
Digital holography in nonlinear imaging
Goy A, Psaltis D, Hsieh CL, Pu Y
DH, 2011
Psaltis D
Transducers, 2011
Second harmonic nanoparticles in imaging applications
Pu Y, Hsieh CL, Grange R, Yang X, Papadopoulos I, Choi JW, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8095, pp. 80950E, 2011
Sub-micron channels fabricated by direct electron beam lithography on SU8 for optofluidic bacterial analysis
Vasdekis AE, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8102, pp. 810209, 2011
Optofluidics based on liquid crystal microflows
Vasdekis AE, Cuennet JG, De Sio L, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8114, pp. 81140K, 2011
Imaging cells with second-harmonic generation active nanocrystals
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Biomedical Optics, 2010
Tuning mechanisms in optofluidics
Psaltis D, Song W, Choi JW
CLEO, 2010
Nonlinear phase contrast enhancement
Goy AS, Psaltis D
CLEO, 2010
Imaging based optofluidic interferometer on chip
Song W, Psaltis D
CLEO, 2010
Optically generated electric fields by lithium niobate nanowires
Choi JW, Grange R, Hsieh CL, Pu Y, Magrez A, Smajda R, Forro L, Psaltis D
CLEO, 2010
Enhanced second harmonic generation in plasmonic nanocavities
Pu Y, Grange R, Hsieh CL, Psaltis D
CLEO, 2010
Nonlinear imaging of coherent fields
Goy A, Psaltis D
FiO, 2010
Surface optofluidics
Vasdekis A, Song W, Cuennet JR, De Sio L, Choi JW, Psaltis D
LS, 2010
Surface optofluidics
Vasdekis AE, Cuennet JG, Song WZ, Choi JW, De Sio L, O’Neil CP, Hubbell JA, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7762, pp. 776224, 2010
Characterization of the cytotoxicity and imaging properties of second-harmonic nanoparticles
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7759, pp. 77590T, 2010
Optofluidic applications with lithium niobate nanowires
Grange R, Choi JW, Hsieh CL, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7756, pp. 77560H, 2010
Optofluidic distributed feedback dye laser via evanescent gain
Song W, Vasdekis AE, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7599, pp. 75991E, 2010
Pressure mediated tunable optofluidic devices
Song W, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7593, pp. 759309, 2010
Tuning parameters of metal ion implantation within a microfluidic channel
Choi JW, Rosset S, Niklaus M, Adleman JR, Shea H, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7593, pp. 75930D, 2010
Tunable optofluidic dye laser with novel cavity
Song W, Vasdekis AE, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7594, pp. 75940M, 2010
Nonlinear imaging
Goy AS, Psaltis D
FiO, CThA2, 2009
Novel tuning method for optofluidics
Song WZ, Psaltis D
ISOT, 2009
Second harmonic efficiency of single barium titanate nanoparticles used as biomarkers for cells imaging
Grange R, Hsieh CL, Pu Y, Psaltis D
CLEO Europe, 2009
Lithium niobate nanowires: growth, second harmonic and dielectrophoretic properties
Grange R, Choi JW, Hsieh CL, Pu Y, Magrez A, Forro L, Psaltis D
CLEO Europe, 2009
Ultrasensitive second harmonic generation nanoprobes via plasmonic core-shell structures
Pu Y, Grange R, Hsieh CL, Psaltis D
CLEO Europe, 2009
Optofluidic evansceent dye laser
Song WZ, Vasdekis AE, Psaltis D
CLEO Europe, 2009
Harmonic holography
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Digital Holography, DTuA1, 2009
Harmonic holographic miscroscopy using nanoparticles are probes for three-dimensional cell imaging
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
CLEO, CFA6, 2009
Micro-air-bag actuated tunable optofluidic elements
Song WZ, Vasdekis AE, Choi JW, Psaltis D
CLEO, CTuD2, 2009
Bacteria manipulation with optically controlled fluidic valves
Choi JW, Adleman JR, Psaltis D
CLEO, CTuU6, 2009
Harmonic holographic microscopy with circularly polarized excitation
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7367, pp. 73670R, 2009
Barium titanate nanoparticles used as second harmonic radiation imaging probes for cell imaging
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7367, pp. 73670D, 2009
Harmonic holography for three-dimensional cellular imaging
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7329, pp. 73290H, 2009
Second harmonic generating (SHG) nanoprobes: a new tool for biomedical imaging
Pantazis P, Pu Y, Psaltis D, Fraser S
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7183, pp. 71831P, 2009
Spectographic fluidic memory using electroactive nanowell arrays
Cordovez B, Psaltis D, Erickson D
LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, pp. 199-200, 2008
Microscope on a chip – a complete on-chip high-resolution optofluidic microscope
Cui X, Heng X, Zhong W, Sternberg PW, Psaltis D, Yang CH
BioMed, BMF5, 2008
Holographic microscopy with second harmonic signals
Pu Y, Centurion M, Psaltis D
DH, DMA5, 2008
Optical hydrodynamics
Tsang M, Psaltis D, Shapiro JH, Lloyd S
FiO, FWO3, 2008
Harmonic holographic microscopy using nano-materials as imaging probes
Hsieh CL, Grange R, Pu Y, Psaltis D
CLEO, CPDA12, 2008
Resonantly enhanced near-field lithography
Tsang M, Psaltis D
CLEO, Vol. 1-9, pp. 3495-3496, 2008
Magnifying metamaterial lens design by coordinate transformation
Tsang M, Psaltis D
CLEO, Vol. 1-9, pp. 3079-3080, 2008
Psaltis D
BGPP, BWA1, 2007
Fabrication and applications of holographic optical filters
Psaltis D, Moser C
PR, SuD5, 2007
Optofluidic technologies
Adleman JR, Boyd DA, Goodwin D, Psaltis D
IPNRA, ITuC3, 2007
Ultrafast mirrorless optical parametric oscillator in periodically poled KTiOPO4 via extended phase matching
Pu Y, Wu J, Tsang MK, Psaltis D
CLEO, Vol. 1-5, pp. 15-16, 2007
Optofluidic microring dye laser
Li Z, Zhang Z, Scherer A, Psaltis D
LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, pp. 70-71, 2007
Optofluidic technologies
Adleman JR, Boyd DA, Goodwin D, Psaltis D
LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, pp. 66-67, 2007
Electroactive nanowells for spectrographic fluidic memory
Cordovez B, Psaltis D, Erickson D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6645, pp. 66451M, 2007
Nanofluidic tuning of photonic crystal circuits
Erickson D, Rockwood T, Emery T, Scherer A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6475, pp. 647513, 2007
A high-resolution optofluidic microscope with optical tweezer actuation
Heng X, Hsiao E, Psaltis D, Yang C
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6441, pp. 644113, 2007
Bacteria detection in a microfluidic channel utilizing electromagnetic cellular polarization and optical scattering
Choi JW, Pu A, Psaltis D
LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, pp. 17-18, 2006
Optical detection of asymmetric bacteria utilizing electro-orientation
Choi JW, Pu A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6329, pp. 63290I, 2006
A compact optofluidic microscope
Heng X, Cui X, Erickson D, Baugh LR, Sternberg PW, Psaltis D, Yang C
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6329, pp. 632908, 2006
Tunable optofluidic distributed feedback dye lasers
Li Z, Zhang Z, Emery T, Scherer A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6329, pp. 632903, 2006
Femtosecond imaging with digital holography
Pu Y, Centurion M, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6311, pp. 63111K, 2006
Portable optical microscope-on-a-chip
Cui X, Heng X, Erickson D, Psaltis D, Yang C
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6095, pp. 609509, 2006
Optofluidic microscope and its applications in biology
Heng X, Reynold KW, Cui X, Erickson D, Psaltis D, Yang C
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6088, pp. 608816, 2006
Integration of sub-wavelength nanofluidics with photonic crystals
Erickson D, Emery T, Rockwood T, Scherer A, Psaltis D
ASME, Vol. 261, pp. 315-322, 2005
Optofluidic microscopy
Heng X, Erickson D, Psaltis D, Yang CH
ICMM, pp. 569-574, 2005
Spectrographic microfluidic memory
Erickson D, Li BY, Adleman JR, Vyawahare S, Quake S, Psaltis D
ICMM, pp. 563-568, 2005
Nonlinear signal processing
Centurion M, Tsang M, Psaltis D
IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, pp. 433-434, 2005
Emergence of order, self-organization and instabilities in a 1-D array of solitons
Centurion M, Pu Y, Psaltis D
IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, pp. 292-293, 2005
Optofluidic microscopy
Heng X, Erickson D, Psaltis D, Yang CH
CLEO, Vol. 1-3, pp. 2154-2156, 2005
Metaphoric optical computing
Tsang M, Psaltis D
LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, pp. 183-184, 2005
A new imaging method: optofluidic microscopy
Heng X, Erickson D, Psaltis D, Yang C
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6003, pp. 60030F, 2005
Erickson D, Heng X, Li Z, Rockwood T, Emery T, Zhang Z, Scherer A, Yang C, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5908, pp. 59080S, 2005
Metaphoric optical computing for fluid dynamics
Tsang M, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5735, pp. 1-8, 2005
Volume holographic spectral imaging
Li Z, Psaltis D, Liu W, Johnson WR, Bearman G
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5694, pp. 33-40, 2005
Femtosecond holography
Centurion M, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5580, pp. 529-535, 2005
Visualization of optical pulse filamentation by femtosecond time-resolved optical polarigraphy
Centurion M, Pu Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5580, pp. 320-323, 2005
A microfluidic 2×2 optical switch
Pang L, Levy U, Campbell K, Groisman A, Mookarjee S, Psaltis D, Fainman Y
IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, Vol. 1-2, pp. 124-125, 2004
Experimental observation of a phase transition in the filament generation process in Kerr media
Centurion M, Pu Y, Psaltis D
IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, Vol. 1-2, pp. 625-626, 2004
Holographic filters
Hsieh HT, Li Z, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5521, pp. 24-28, 2004
Liquid crystal electric tunign of a photonic crystal laser
Maune B, Loncar M, Witzens J, Hochberg M, Baehr-Jones T, Qiu Y, Psaltis D, Scherer A
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5511, pp. 26-37, 2004
Multi-notch holographic filters for atmospheric lines suppression
Blais-Ouellette S, Artigau E, Havermeyer F, Matthews K, Moser C, Psaltis D, Steckman GJ
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5494, pp. 554-561, 2004
Volume Bragg Grating Devices
C. Moser, F. Havermeyer, WH Liu, G. Steckman, and K. Buse
Proc., Vol, 2, pp 644-645, IEEE Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Atlanta, GA, March, 2003
Holographic filters
Psaltis D
IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, Vol. 1-2, pp. 657-658, 2002
Holographic techniques for recording ultrafast events
Centurion M, Liu Z, Steckman GJ, Panotopoulos G, Hong JH, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4737, pp. 44-50, 2002
Derivation and measurement of the M/# in spectral hole burning media
Liu Z, Liu W, Moser C, Zhang D, Solomatine IV, Psaltis D, Gorokhovsky AA
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4459, pp. 305-310, 2002
Mechanism of dark decay of holograms in lithium niobate crystals (pdf)
Yang YP, Nee I, Buse K, Psaltis D
Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices, Vol. 62, pp. 144-151, 2001
The role of Mn in photorefractive LiNbO3 (pdf)
Yang YP, Adibi A, Berben D, Buse K, Psaltis D
Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices, Vol. 62, pp. 101-106, 2001
Performance trade-offs in holographic recording in LiNbO3 crystals (pdf)
Adibi A, Buse K, Psaltis D
Photorefractive Effects, Materials and Devices, Vol. 62, pp. 113-121, 2001
The Match Fit algorithm: a testbed the computational motivation of attention (pdf)
Billock JG, Psaltis D, Koch C
Computational Science, Vol. 2074, pp. 208-216, 2001
Real time hyperspectral imaging with volume holographic optical elements (pdf)
Liu WH, Psaltis D, Sinha A, Barbastathis G
Image Processing, pp. 1049-1052, 2001
Holographic read-only memory
Zhou G, Psaltis D, Mok F
International Photonics Conference, Vol. 32, pp. 405-417, 2000
Optically reconfigurable gate array (pdf)
Mumbru J, Panotopoulos G, Psaltis D, An X, Zhou G, Mok F
Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition, pp. 84, 2000
Holographic random access memory (pdf)
Liu WH, Psaltis D
Aerospace Conference, Vol. 5, pp. 391-397, 2000
Optically programmable gate array (pdf)
Mumbru J, Panotopoulos, Psaltis D, An X, Mok FH, Ay SU, Barna SL, Fossum ER
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4089, pp. 763-771, 2000
Localized holographic recording in doubly doped lithium niobate (pdf)
Moser C, Schupp B, Maravic I, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4089, pp. 118-125, 2000
Rewriteable holographic memory
Liu WH, Adibi A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3864, pp. 94-96, 1999
Optical memory for computing and information processing (pdf)
Mumbru J, Zhou G, An X, Liu W, Panotopoulos G, Mok FH, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3804, pp. 14-24, 1999
Holographic optical disc (pdf)
Zhou G, An X, Pu A, Psaltis D, Mok FH
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3802, pp. 2-5, 1999
Novel method for persistent holographic recording in doubly doped lithium niobate (pdf)
Buse K, Adibi A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3638, pp. 15-21, 1999
Pixel size limit for a holographic memory system (pdf)
Liu W, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3633, pp. 187-196, 1999
Liquid crystal on silicon beam deflector (pdf)
Wang X, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3633, pp. 173-180, 1999
Data output interface for holographic memory (pdf)
Zhou G, Ivanova OV, Pu A, Psaltis D, Mok FH
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3632, pp. 292-296, 1999
Holographic data storage in phenanthrenequinone-doped PMMA (pdf)
Steckman GJ, Solomatine IV, Zhou G, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3623, pp. 234-242, 1999
Optical logic gates by nonlinear mixing in BBO (pdf)
Moser C, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3609, pp. 173-180, 1999
Efficient nonvolatile holographic recording in doubly doped lithium niobate (pdf)
Buse K, Adibi A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3490, pp. 582-585, 1998
Holographic memory design for a petaflop superconducting computer architecture (pdf)
Chuang E, Liu W, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3490, pp. 343-345, 1998
Holographic correlator array with selectable shift invariance (pdf)
Levene M, Steckman GJ, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3470, pp. 203-208, 1998
Interpixel grating noise in holographic memories (pdf)
An X, Panotopoulos G, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3468, pp. 226-237, 1998
Liquid crystal blazed grating beam deflector (pdf)
Wang X, Wilson DW, Muller RE, Maker PD, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3468, pp. 43-54, 1998
Hologram multiplexing using two-step recording (pdf)
Adibi A, Buse K, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3468, pp. 20-29, 1998
Read/write holographic memory versus silicon storage (pdf)
Liu W, Chuang E, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3468, pp. 2-7, 1998
Compact holographic memory implemented with photorefractive crystals (pdf)
Barbastathis G, Drolet JJP, Chuang E, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3137, pp. 107-122, 1997
Holographic memories (pdf)
Psalits D, Burr GW, An X, Levene M, Barbastathis G, Pu A
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3137, pp. 96-100, 1997
Holographic 3D disks (pdf)
Psaltis D, Barbastathis G, Pu A
International Conference on Electronic, Circuits, and Systems, Vol. 1-2, pp. 562-565, 1996
Nonvolatile holographic storage methods (pdf)
Chuang E, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2849, pp. 86-95, 1996
Holographic memories
Psaltis D, Barbastathis G, Pu A
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2778, pp. 418-421, 1996
Shift-multiplexed holographic 3D disk (pdf)
Barbastathis G, Pu A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2689, pp. 220-226, 1996
Liquid crystal displays using the hybrid alignment method (pdf)
Drolet JJP, Patel JS, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2650, pp. 142-148, 1996
Magnetically actuated MEMS scanning mirror (pdf)
Miller RA, Burr GW, Tai YC, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2687, pp. 47-52, 1996
High-density storage in holographic 3D disks (pdf)
Pu A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2604, pp. 15-22, 1996
Holographic 3D disks using shift multiplexing (pdf)
Barbastathis G, Pu A, Levene M, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2514, pp. 355-362, 1995
Large-scale rapid-access holographic memory (pdf)
Burr GW, An X, Mok FH, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2514, pp. 363-371, 1995
Optical FET receivers for neural network applications (pdf)
Luo J, Grot A, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2400, pp. 355-362, 1995
A new method for holographic data storage in photopolymer films (pdf)
Pu A, Curtis K, Psaltis D
Nonlinear Optics, pp. 433-435, 1994
Pit depth encoded memories (pdf)
Marx DS, Psaltis D, Sirat GY
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2338, pp. 65-68, 1994
High-density holographic storage in thin films (pdf)
Pu A, Curtis KR, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2338, pp. 69-73, 1994
Large-scale volume holographic storage in the long interaction length architecture (pdf)
Burr GW, Mok FH, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2297, pp. 402-414, 1994
Three-dimensional disks using photopolymer films (pdf)
Curtis KR, Pu A, Li HYS, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2152, pp. 185-196, 1994
MBE regrowth of LEDs on VLSI GaAs-MESFETs (pdf)
Shenoy KV, Fonstad CG, Grot AC, Psaltis D
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 40, pp. 2138-2139, November 1993
Multichannel disk-based optical correlator (pdf)
Psaltis D, Curtis KR
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2026, pp. 48-57, 1993
Image processing applications of optical neural networks (pdf)
Psaltis D, Li HYS, An X
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2026, pp. 492-496, 1993
Large-scale holographic memory: experimental results (pdf)
Burr GW, Mok FH, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2026, pp. 630-641, 1993
Spatially and angle-multiplexed holographic random access memory (pdf)
Mok FH, Psaltis D, Burr GW
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1773, pp. 334-345, 1993
Optical face recognition system (pdf)
Psaltis D, Qiao Y, Li HYS
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1773, pp. 59-63, 1993
Volume storage in photorefractive disks (pdf)
Li HYS, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1812, pp. 103-104, 1992
Optical face recognition system(pdf)
Psaltis D, Qiao Y, Li HYS
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1812, pp. 42-45, 1992
Learning in large optical networks(pdf)
Qiao Y, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1709, pp. 626-628, 1992
The VC dimension vs the statical capacity for 2 layer networks with binary weights
Ji CY, Psaltis D
Computation Learning Theory, pp. 250-256, 1991
The capacity of a 2 layer network with binary weights
Ji CY, Psaltis D
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. 1-2, pp. B127-B132, 1991
Learning algorithms for optical multilayer neural networks
Yong Q, Psaltis D
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. 1-2, pp. A457-462, 1991
Optoelectronic master chip for optical computing (pdf)
Lang RJ, Kim JH, Larsson AG, Nouhi A, Cody, JG, Lin SH, Psaltis D, Tiberio RC, Porkolab GA, Wolf ED
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1563, pp. 2-7, 1991
Optoelectronic neuron arrays (pdf)
Psaltis D, Lin SH
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1562, pp. 204-212, 1991
Optical multilayer neural networks (pdf)
Psaltis D, Qiao Y
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1564, pp. 489-494, 1991
Handwritten zip code recognition using an optical radial basis function classifier (pdf)
Neifeld MA, Rakshit S, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1469, pp. 250-255, 1991
Comparison of optical and electronic 3-dimensional circuits (pdf)
Stirk CW, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1389, pp. 580-593, 1991
Learning in optical neural networks
Psaltis D, Brady D, Hsu K
Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers, pp. 543-548, 1990
Neural network control of a 2-link manipulator
Yamamura AA, Sideris A, Ji CY, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol. 1-6, pp.3265-3266, 1990
Application of optical disk technology to optical information processing
Yamamura A, Neifeld M, Kobayashi S, Psaltis D
Spatial Light Modulators and Applications, Vol. 1150, pp. 104-112, 1990
Optical disk implementation of radial-basis classifiers (pdf)
Neifeld MA, Rakshit S, Yamamura AA, Kobayashi S, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1347, pp. 4-15, 1990
Optoelectronic multilayer network (pdf)
Yamamura AA, Kobayashi S, Neifeld MA, Psaltis D
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1215, pp. 518-524, 1990
Integration of high-gain double heterojunction GaAs bipolar transistors with a LED for optical neural network application
SH Lin, JH Kim, J Katz, D Psaltis
Proceedings., IEEE/Cornell Conference on Advanced Concepts in High Speed
Limitations of opto-electronic neural networks
J Yu, A Johnston, D Psaltis, D Brady
Optical Pattern Recognition 1053, 40-51
Monolithically integrated two-dimensional arrays of optoelectronic threshold devices for neural network applications
JH Kim, SH Lin, J Katz, D Psaltis
Laser Diode Technology and Applications 1043, 44-53
Realization of a conoscopic television system
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, WK4
Optical computing at Caltech
Psaltis D
Laser Focus – Electro-optics, Vol. 24, pp. 159-160, April 1988
Optical neural computers
Abu-Mostafa YA, Psaltis D
Scientific American, Vol. 256, pp. 88-95, March 1987
Conoscopic holograms
Psaltis D, Sirat GY
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 3, pp. P53, 1986
Quadratic optical associative memories
Psaltis D, Park CH
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 3, pp. P32, 1986
Holographic implementation of a neural network model
Paek EG, Psaltis D
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 3, pp. P32, 1986
Acoustooptic implementation of neural network models
Psaltis D, Paek EG, Hong J, Farhat NH
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 2, pp. P48, 1985
Architectures for optical impleentation of 2-D content addressable memories
Farhat NH, Psaltis D
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 2, pp. P48, 1985
Integrated optical synthetic aperture radar processor
Bicknell TJ, Psaltis D, Tanguay AR
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 2, pp. P8, 1985
Acousto-optic adaptive signal processing
Hong J, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 551, pp. 81-88, 1985
Acousto-optic techniques for real time SAR imaging
Haney M, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 545, pp. 108-117, 1985
Conoscopic holography
Sirat G, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 523, pp. 324-330, 1985
Adaptive acousto-optic processor
Psaltis D, Hong J
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 519, pp. 62-68, 1985
New approach to optical information processing based on the Hopfield model
Farhat N, Psaltis D
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 1, pp. 1296, 1984
Resolution and sensitivity enhancement of the photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical converter
Marrakchi A, Tanguay AR, Psaltis D, Yu J
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 1, pp. 1313, 1984
Programmable real time acousto-optic CCD SAR processor
Haney M, Wagner K, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 495, pp. 190-196, 1984
Acousto-electro-optic image processor
Psaltis D, Lee H, Sirat G
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 465, pp. 171-176, 1984
Photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical converter: physical and materials considerations
Marrakchi A, Tanguay Ar, Yu J, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 465, pp. 82-96, 1984
On the use of the litton magneto-optic device in optical processors
Psaltis D, Mok F, Paek EG
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 465, pp. 29-35, 1984
Photorefractive incoherent-to-coherent optical conversion
Psaltis D, Yu J, Marrakchi A, Tanguay AR
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 465, pp. 2-8, 1984
Input output devices
Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 456, pp. 66-71, 1984
Acousto-optic CCD image processor
Psaltis D, Paek EG, Venkatesh S
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 422, pp. 204-208, 1984
Coherence properties of pulsed laser diodes
Haney M, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optic Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 422, pp. 197-203, 1984
Real time computation of moments with acousto-optics
Wagner K, Psaltis D
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 352, pp. 82-88, 1983
Synthetic aperture radar imaging using acousto-optics and charge coupled devices
Psaltis D, Wagner K, Haney M
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 352, pp. 67-75, 1983
Two-dimensional magneto-optic spatial light modulator for signal processing
Ross WE, Psaltis D, Anderson RH
Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 341, pp. 191-198, 1982
Generation of synthetic aperture radar images using acousto-optics
Psaltis D, Wagner K
Proceedings of the Society of the Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 271, pp. 51-56, 1981
Digital correlation by optical convolution/correlation
J Trimble, D Casasent, D Psaltis, F Caimi, M Carlotto, D Neft
Real-Time Signal Processing III 241, 155-160
Wavelength Diversity: An Extra Dimension In Optical Processing Architectures
D Psaltis, D Casasent
1980 Intl Optical Computing Conf II 232, 24-27
Accurate numerical computation by optical convolution
D Psaltis, D Casasent, D Neft
1980 Intl Optical Computing Conf II 232, 151-156
Classification for Optical Signal Processing Architectures
D Casasent, D Psaltis
Acousto-optic bulk wave devices 214, 32-38
Optical processors for adaptive phased-array radar
D Casasent, D Psaltis, BVKV Kumar, M Carlotto
Optical Signal Processing for C3I 209, 47-52
New Acousto-Optic Signal Processing Architectures And Applications
D Casasent, M Libby, D Psaltis
Active optical devices 202, 186-192
Parallel Optical Fourier Transform Techniques For Fourier Spectroscopy
D Casasent, D Psaltis
Multiplex and/or High Throughput Spectroscopy 191, 80-87
Iterative Optical Processor (10P) For Adaptive Phased Array Radar Processing
D Psaltis, D Casasent, M Carlotto
Real-time signal processing II 180, 114-121
Determinations Of Linear And Nonlinear Phase Distributions
D Casasent, D Psaltis
Clever Optics: Innovative Applications of Optics 126, 32-38