For further details of the Psaltis’ Group publications
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Harmonic Holography
with Ye Pu, Chia-Lung Hsieh and Rachel Grange
Chapter in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol. 160
Peter W. Hawke, Editor
Elsevier, 2010.
Optofluidics: Fundamentals, Devices and Applications
Yeshaiahu Fainman, Luke Lee, Demetri Psaltis and Changhuei Yang, Eds.
McGraw-Hill, 2009.
Holographic Filters
with Karsten Buse, F. Havermeyer and Wenhai Liu
Chapter in Photorefractive Materials and their Applications
Peter Günter and Jean-Pierre Huignard, Eds.
Birkhäuser, 2006.
Reconfigurable Processors for Neural Prostheses
with Jose Mumbru, Krishna V. Shenoy, George Panotopoulos, Suat Ay, Xin An, Fai Mok
Chapter 15, Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain: Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses
Theodore W. Berger and Dennis Glanzman, Eds.
pp. 335-368, MIT Press, 2005.
Holographic Read-only Memory
with Fai Mok and G. Zhou
Chapter in Holographic Data Storage
Hans J. Coufal, Demetri Psaltis and Glenn T. Sincerbox, Eds.
pp. 399-407, Springer, 2000.
Beam Deflectors and Spatial Light Modulators for Holographic Storage Application
with G. Zhou and Fai Mok
Chapter in Holographic Data Storage
Hans J. Coufal, Demetri Psaltis and Glenn T. Sincerbox, Eds.
pp. 241-257, Springer, 2000.
Compact Holographic Memory Module
with Ernest Chuang, Jean-Jacques Drolet and Wenhai Liu
Chapter 12, Photorefractive Optics: Materials, Properties, and Applications
Shizhuo Yin and Francis T. S. Yu, Eds.
pp. 361-383, Academic Press, 1999.
Holographic 3D Disks using Shift Multiplexing
with George Barbastathis and Michael Levene
Chapter 10, Trends in Optics: Research Development and Applications
Anna Consortini, Editor
pp. 189-206, Academic Press, 1996.
Applications of Photorefractive Crystals for Optical Neural Networks
with John Hong and Hsin Yu Li
Chapter 6, Optical Storage and Retrieval Memory: Neural Networks and Fractals
Francis T. S. Yu and Suganda Jutamulia, Eds.
pp. 173-203, CRC Press, 1996.
Adaptive Multi-layer Optical Networks
with Yong Qiao
Chapter IV, Progress in Optics, Vol. XXXI
Emil Wolf, Editor
Elsevier Science, 1993.
Photorefractive Adaptive Neural Networks
with John Hong
Chapter 6, Contemporary Nonlinear Optics
Govind P. Agrawal and Robert W. Boyd, Eds.
Academic Press, 1992.
Holographic Implementation of Neural Networks
with Claire Gu and David Brady
Chapter 17, An Introduction to Neural and Electronic Networks
Steven F. Zornetzer, Joel L. Davis and Clifford Lau, Eds.
p.339, Academic Press, 1990.
Perceptron Learning in Optical Neural Computers
with David Brady
Chapter in Optical Computing
Brian S. Wherrett and F. A. P. Tooley, Eds.
p. 251, CRC Press, 1989.
Optical Associative Memory
with Ken Hsu
Chapter in Nonlinear Optics And Optical Computing
S. Martellucci and A. N. Chester, Eds.
p.159, Plenum Press, New York, 1990.
Optical Implementation in Neural Computers
with David Brady, Claire Gu and Ken Hsu
Chapter 8, Optical Processing And Computing
Henri H. Arsenault, Tomasz Szoplik and Bohdan Macukow, Eds.
p.251, Academic Press, 1989.
Holographic Implementation of Neural Networks
with Claire Gu and David Brady
Chapter 17, Introduction To Neural And Electronic Networks
Steven F. Zornetzer, Joel L. Davis and Clifford Lau, Eds.
p.339, Academic Press, 1990.
The Photorefractive Incoherent-to-Coherent Optical Converter
with Jeff Yu, A. Tanguay and R. Johnson
Chapter in Photorefractive Materials And Their Applications
Peter Günter, Jean-Pierre Huignard and Alastair M. Glass, Eds.
p.275, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Experimental Demonstrations of Optical Neural Computers
with Ken Hsu and David Brady
Chapter in Neural Information Processing Systems
Dana Z. Anderson, Editor
p.377, Springer, 1988.
Information Storage in Fully Connected Networks
with Santosh Venkatesh
Chapter in Evolution, Learning, and Cognition
Yee Chun Lee, Editor, p.51
World Scientific, 1988.
Acoustooptic Synthetic Aperture Radar Processors
with Michael Haney
Chapter in Optical Signal Processing
Joseph LeFevre Horner, Editor
p. 191, Academic Press, 1987.
Optical Implementation of Associative Memory Based on Models of Associative Memory
with Nabil Farhat
Chapter in Optical Signal Processing
Joseph LeFevre Horner, Editor
p. 129, Academic Press, 1987.
Deformation Invariant, Space-Variant Optical Pattern Recognition
with David Casasent
Chapter 5, Progress in Optics, Vol. XVI
Emil Wolf, Editor
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978.