| “Deep Learning for Imaging course winners for best project performance” Sven Becker, Ekrem Yüksel, Enes Demirtas, Ilker Oguz, Demetri Psaltis |
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| Physics-informed neural networks for diffraction tomography
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| Photo with Professor Tegin and his wife in Boston! |
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| Ahmed becomes Dr. Ahmed ! |
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| Congratulations to Ahmed who passed his private defense. |
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| MaxwellNet: Physics-driven deep neural network training based on Maxwell’s equations
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| New job oportunity : Open Positions |
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| “High-speed, complex wavefront shaping using the digital micro-mirror device” |
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| Giulia becomes Dr. Panusa! |
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| “Optical computing article published in Nature Computational Science” |
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| Ugur becomes Dr. Tegin! |
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| Congratulations to Ugur who passed his private defense. |
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| Congratulations to Giulia who passed her private defense. |
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| LO researchers demonstrated a recurrent neural network can learn complex spatiotemporal nonlinear propagation and can replace time-consuming, heavy simulations” |
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| “The porous wall electrolyzer utilizes two porous walls between nucleation sites that improves product separation” |
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| “Learning to predict optical transmission from reflected light in single and multiple scattering regimes by using neural networks” |