Laboratory of Particle Accelerator Physics

LPAP team members during a visit of the accelerator facilities at PSI, April 20, 2022.
Engines of Discovery
Particle accelerators play an important role in high energy physics, materials and life sciences. They are used to create a very special state of matter — beams of particles (protons, electrons, photons, neutrons, muons, neutrinos etc.). Medical applications of accelerators include radiotherapy, production of radioactive isotopes, hadron therapy and bio-imaging.
Congratulations to Sofia, Maria and Joanna!
We are going to have soon 3 new Doctors! Congratulations Maria, Sofia and Joanna for this first step toward a PHD in Accelerator Physics!
FCC Week London 2023 has been a very motivating week advancing the design of the next generation circular collider. Many scientist and experts from all over the world together to design the future. LPAP was there with many colleagues from CERN contributing with very interesting beam dynamics studies.
Combined function magnets with constant partition numbers lattice for the Future Circular lepton ColliderOptics developments with CFMs show promising results to improve the FCC-ee performance and efficiency.Accelerating News 13 MARCH, 2023https://acceleratingnews.euBy Cristóbal García (EPFL-LPAP), Tatiana Pieloni (EPFL-LPAP), Leon van Riesen-Haupt (EPFL-LPAP) & Rogelio Tomás (CERN)