Category: Uncategorized
Congratulations to Sofia, Maria and Joanna!
We are going to have soon 3 new Doctors! Congratulations Maria, Sofia and Joanna for this first step toward a PHD in Accelerator Physics!
FCC Week London 2023 has been a very motivating week advancing the design of the next generation circular collider. Many scientist and experts from all over the world together to design the future. LPAP was there with many colleagues from CERN contributing with very interesting beam dynamics studies.
Combined function magnets with constant partition numbers lattice for the Future Circular lepton Collider Optics developments with CFMs show promising results to improve the FCC-ee performance and efficiency. Accelerating News 13 MARCH, 2023 By Cristóbal García (EPFL-LPAP), Tatiana Pieloni (EPFL-LPAP), Leon van Riesen-Haupt (EPFL-LPAP) & Rogelio Tomás (CERN)
PHD Position Available
Unfortunately no openings are available at the moment. Please check in the future for new challenges in Accelerator physics or contact us.
Joanna Wanczyk awarded CMS 2021 price
Joanna Wanczyk (EPFL LPAP, LPHE and CERN) has been awarded one of the 2021 CMS Awards, given to members of the CMS collaboration for their significant contributions and outstanding work. Joanna is recognized “For technical contributions to the BCM1F rebuild and commissioning in LS2 and for rapid feedback to CMS in the LHC Beam tests.” The (…)
Laboratory Presentation for the TPIV and projects with LPAP
The full presentation of some of our activities can be found at the link: Presentation Slides Do not hesitate to contact us for TPIV projects, we look forward to welcome you in the world of particle accelerators! Send email to or Prof
Postdoctoral Researcher in accelerator design for the FCC-ee
The EPFL Laboratory of Particle Accelerator Physics (LPAP) is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to strengthen our interdisciplinary team focusing on the development of an innovative simulation framework for the design of Future Circular Colliders (FCC). More info at the link: FCC-ee Post-doc
Two Master Thesis Project at PSI
LPAP is searching for two motivated students interested in engaging into a Master thesis project for 6 months time to be carried out at the Paul Scherrer Institute close to Zurich. If you are interested please look at our Master thesis proposals here and contact us.
New Opening: Post-doc for the ML4FCC project
LPAP is searching for a post-doctoral researcher to enlarge the team and be part of a very challenging project ML4FCC in collaboration with CERN and SDSC with the goal to apply Machine Learning techniques to the design of the next generation Future Circular Collider. More Info at this link
New Opening: LPAP is looking for a post-doc scientific collaborator to enlarge the team and contribute to the design of the Future Circular Colliders.
For more information