A bit of fresh air has been breathed during these particular times at the CHIPP conference (10-11 June in Spiez, Switzerland ) where Joanna Wanczyk, PhD student at CERN and member of LPAP group, presented a poster of her project as a doctoral student.
Congratulations Joanna!, and we look forward to see the advance of your thesis!
Description of the Thesis
A precise luminosity calibration at bunched-beam hadron colliders, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is critical to determine fundamental parameters of the standard model and to constrain or to discover beyond-the-standard-model phenomena. The thesis focuses primarily on the luminosity determination with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector, using proton-proton collisions during Run 3 of the LHC. The commissioning and detector performance studies on luminosity measurement using the new Fast Beams Conditions Monitor are needed, after the successful installation in July 2021, excellent performance is expected. Modelling the impact of beam-beam effects on the luminosity precision measurements, that influences the precision of the absolute calibration taken during the van der Meer (vdM) scan will be an important ingredient to the analysis. An understanding of common luminometry systematics arising from accelerator physics and beam dynamics and their influence on current and future precision luminometry (i.e. FCC and HL-LHC) is crucial. Extending the understanding of the luminosity uncertainties from beam-beam effects to bunch trains is also important to fully exploit mini-vdM scans to monitor the luminometer linearity and efficiency throughout the data-taking period.
To see the poster