The 30th April, André Donadon Servelle, part of the Beam Machine Interaction (BMI) section at CERN, successfully passed his candidacy exam at EPFL, to begin the PhD the 1st June.
The project of his PhD, called ‘Merging Montecarlo worlds: A new Framework for Accelerator Simulations’, looks to develop a framework to bridge the Montecarlo codes FLUKA and Geant4, which will be used for radiation protection at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
The jury was composed by Professor Mike Seidel (Director of the PhD), Dr. Vasilis Vlachoudis (Vice Director), Dr. Christian Theis (Expert), and Dr. Raphael Butte (Director of Exam).
Congratulations for passing the exam André And Welcome to the LPAP group! We look forward to the results of your interesting project!
Click here to see the slides of the presentation