Maarten van Dijk (LPHE-LS) has been awarded by one of the 2022 LHCb Early Career award, within the PLUME (Probe for LUminosity MEasurement in LHCb experiment) for their “their transformative contribution in the conception, optimisation, construction, testing and commissioning of the new PLUME luminometer, all within three years, in time for Run 3 operation.“
Guillaume Pietrzyk (LPHE-OS, now at IJCLab) has received one of the 2022 LHCb Thesis award for his thesis “Precision measurement of charm mixing parameters”. The LHCb Thesis Awards recognize excellent PhD theses and additional work done during the studentship, over and above the central thesis topic, that has made an exceptional contribution to LHCb.
The LPHE team send their congratulations to both of them for their work and all the best for their career continuation!