High Energy Physics Laboratory

Welcome to the LPHE

The High Energy Physics Laboratory (LPHE) is specialised in particle physics at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). The laboratory is part of the Physics Institute (IPHYS) and the School of Basic Sciences (FSB).

Research at the LPHE

The LPHE is engaged in multiple international collaborations. The diversified research activities require the development of techniques in particle detection, and in signal and data processing.

The laboratory is currently participating in the LHCb experiment, whose detector is one of the biggest of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The analysis of LHCb data allows the LPHE to have a vast research program that is primarily directed towards the study of CP violation and the search of new particles and rare decays.


Address: EPFL-SB-IPHYS-LPHE BSP – Cubotron CH-1015 Lausanne (Campus Map)

Tél: +41 (0)21 693 04 72

Fax: +41 (0)21 693 04 77

Secretariat: [email protected] & [email protected]

LPHE-RM director: Prof. Radoslav Marchevksi, [email protected]

LPHE-LS director: Prof. Lesya Shchutska, [email protected]

LPHE-OS director: Prof. Olivier Schneider, [email protected]

SCI-SB-FB director:  Prof. Fred Blanc, [email protected]

Webmasters: [email protected], [email protected]

Welcome to the new Fall semester students!

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The Fall semester has started and new master students are starting new exciting projects, supervised by LPHE members!This semester, there will be nine students discovering data acquisition and analysis with small-scale experiments in the 2nd floor labs, supervised by Xiafei, Anni and Dimitris (TP4a).Cosmic muons, supervised by Dimitris: Samuel, The and LaiAnalysis of ECAL data, (…)