There are several PhD and postdoc positions open:
- Postdoctoral research position in experimental particle physics (charm physics at LHCb)
- PhD student position in experimental particle physics (charm physics at LHCb)
- PhD position on tracking detector R&D and particle physics outreach
- Postdoc position for on tracking detector R&D for FCC-ee and other applications
- Postdoc position for DAMPE and HERD
Postdoctoral research position in experimental particle physics (charm physics at LHCb)
The High Energy Physics Laboratory [1] of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, invites applications for a postdoc position to work on the LHCb experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. The lab is strongly involved in the LHCb, NA62, SND@LHC,SHiP, DAMPE and HERD experiments, with activities ranging from data analysis to the construction and operation of tracking detectors. It pursues R&D for further LHCb upgrades, and possible new particle physics experiments, space and medical applications.
In 2025, the lab’s LHCb activities will be expanded through an SNSF-funded programme focused on charm physics. The new colleague will join this programme and engage in the data analysis within the LHCb collaboration, with the main focus on the rare radiative decays of the neutral charm meson, and will contribute towards their reconstruction. Depending on the candidate’s interests, participation in the reconstruction-related activities for Run 4 of the LHC, or LHCb Upgrade II, is possible
The position also comprises teaching opportunities at the bachelor’s or master’s level. The successful applicant is expected to collaborate closely in a team with the PI and two PhD students working on the same subject. The position becomes available on September 1st, 2025, but a different starting date is also possible. The appointment is envisioned for 3.5 years, and it is set up as an annually renewed contract. Employment conditions at EPFL are described in detail in [2].
Applicants must hold a PhD degree (or expect to graduate before the start of employment) obtained preferably within the last 3 years, and have a solid experience in experimental particle physics. In particular, experience with data analysis and track reconstruction are an advantage.
They should send their application in a single pdf file including the following documents in this order: motivation letter, CV, list of publications, and contact information of at least three references, by e-mail to our secretariat, addressing the e-mail to Ms. Corinne Craman,, by April 8th, 2025. In addition, applicants should ask the references to send their letters to the same address by the same deadline. More information can be obtained from Dr. Laurent Dufour (
Application file should be sent by April 8th, 2025, to
PhD student position in experimental particle physics (charm physics at LHCb)
The High Energy Physics Laboratory [1] of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, invites applications for a PhD student position in experimental particle physics. The successful candidate will join the LHCb collaboration in which our lab is strongly involved. LHCb [2] is a particle-physics experiment running at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider and dedicated to flavour physics.
In 2025, the lab’s LHCb activities will be expanded through an SNSF-funded programme focused on charm physics. The successful candidate will join this programme, and contribute to the measurements of CP-violation in radiative decays of charm mesons with the recently upgraded LHCb detector. Their PhD thesis will focus on the reconstruction of these decays through novel reconstruction techniques of converted photons, and on the physics analysis of the LHC Run 3 dataset.
The position, which also involves teaching responsibilities at the bachelor’s or master’s level, becomes available from September 1, 2025. The selected PhD student will need to enrol in the Physics program (EDPY) of the EPFL doctoral school [3], and the employment runs up to a total of four years. Doctoral school information and employment conditions at EPFL may be consulted online [3-5]. Applicants are expected to hold a master’s degree (or equivalent) in physics at the start of employment. The ideal candidate has a strong motivation for fundamental research, and has received education in Particle Physics. Experience with data analysis, computer programming and/or track reconstruction is an advantage.
Applicants should prepare a motivation letter, CV, scans of the higher-institution grade records, and contact information of three references willing to write a recommendation. The application should be submitted to the EPFL Doctoral Program in Physics (EDPY) following the instructions in [6] by the deadline of April 30, 2025. Please indicate at least particle physics as scientific interests, as well as Laurent Dufour under Potential host laboratories (expected to be available as option in March), or Comment. Note that the letters of recommendation should be submitted by the references by the same deadline following the request they will receive.
More information can be obtained from Dr. Laurent Dufour (
New PhD student position on tracking detector R&D and particle physics outreach
The High Energy Physics Laboratory [1] of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, invites applications for a PhD student position to work on tracking detectors based on the scintillating fibre technology for future experiments at CERN, in particular, FCC-ee.
The lab is carrying out diverse research activities with strong involvement in physics analyses of LHCb data and a prominent role in the past construction and current operation of the Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) Tracker for the LHCb detector upgrade and of the new PLUME luminosity monitor for LHCb. The group also plays a leading role in the R&D of the SciFi detector technology for further upgrades of the LHCb tracker, as well as its usage in the SHiP experiment, future FCC-ee detectors, the HERD experiment for astroparticle physics, and medical applications.
The PhD project will focus on the SciFi detector R&D, to reduce detector thickness and retain its key performance characteristics. The project will also explore new applications of the SciFi technology beyond its original design. For example, SciFi mats could serve as sensitive layers in other detector subsystems, such as muon systems, which could profit from high spatial resolution or energy measurement capabilities for new physics searches.
In case of interest, there is a possibility of carrying out feasibility studies for flavour physics or FIP searches with the FCC-ee experiments to arrive at an optimal detector layout for these physics goals or propose dedicated additional subdetectors.
The project also includes a small project on AI with Disney Research Studios. This is an excellent opportunity to learn advanced AI in a different field and apply it to particle physics. Finally, there will be some outreach activities to promote the FCC project in Switzerland and internationally.
The ideal candidate has a strong motivation for fundamental research and has received education in Particle Physics. Experience with data analysis, computer programming, and/or particle detectors is an advantage. Familiarity with AI (courses or previous projects) will also be a plus.
Applicants are expected to hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Physics at the start of employment.
The selected PhD students will need to enroll in the Physics program of the EPFL doctoral school [2], and the employment runs up to a total of four years. Doctoral school information and employment conditions at EPFL may be consulted online [3,4].
Applicants should send their application in a single pdf file, including the following documents in this order:
- motivation letter
- CV
- transcripts from Bachelor and Master (if available) studies
- contact addresses of two references willing to write a recommendation
The file should reach our secretariat (Mrs. Corinne Craman, by February 15, 2025. In addition, applicants should ask the references to send their letters to the same address by the same deadline. More information can be obtained from Prof. Lesya Shchutska ( and Dr Luigi Marchese (
Application file and reference letters should be sent by February 15, 2025, to
New postdoctoral research position on tracking detector R&D for FCC-ee and other applications
The High Energy Physics Laboratory [1] of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, invites applications for a postdoc position to work on tracking detectors based on the scintillating fibre technology for future experiments at CERN: FCC-ee and SHiP experiments.
The lab is carrying out diverse research activities with strong involvement in physics analyses of LHCb data and a prominent role in the past construction and current operation of the Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) Tracker for the LHCb detector upgrade and of the new PLUME luminosity monitor for LHCb. The group also plays a leading role in the R&D of the SciFi detector technology for further upgrades of the LHCb tracker, as well as its usage in the SHiP experiment, future FCC-ee detectors, the HERD experiment for astroparticle physics, and medical applications.
The new colleague will take an essential role in the R&D to develop a concept of the SciFi tracker for an FCC-ee experiment, taking into account its specific demands, and to improve further the existing SciFi technology by investigating the usage of analogue and digital SiPMs and taking part in the development of the corresponding readout electronics. The work will be carried out in a larger context of the SciFi R&D activities actively ongoing in the lab for the LHCb Upgrade II and other applications, like FCC-ee, in a team with a cryo-engineer, a mechanical engineer and other physicists.
In case of interest, there is a possibility of carrying out feasibility studies for flavour physics or FIP searches with the FCC-ee experiments to arrive at an optimal detector layout for these physics goals or propose dedicated additional subdetectors.
We expect the candidate to have a solid background in experimental particle physics, as well as experience in detector R&D, DAQ programming and electronics.
The position, which also comprises teaching duties at Bachelor or Master level and the supervision of PhD students contributing to the same project, will be filled at the earliest convenient date, but preferably not later than September 1, 2025. The employment at EPFL [2,3] will be initially for one year, renewable up to a maximum of four years, pending funding availability.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree or expect to graduate before the start of employment. They should send their application in a single pdf file, including the following documents in this order:
- motivation letter
- CV
- list of publications
- contact addresses of three people willing to write a reference letter.
The file should reach our secretariat (Mrs. Corinne Craman, by February 15, 2025. In addition, applicants should ask the references to send their letters to the same address by the same deadline. More information can be obtained from Prof. Lesya Shchutska ( and Dr Guido Haefeli (
Application file and reference letters should be sent by February 15, 2025, to
Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Astroparticle Physics
A 3-year postdoctoral position is available at the High Energy Physics Laboratory (LPHE, [1]) of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, to work on ongoing and future space-based projects in astroparticle physics.
The LPHE is heavily involved in the LHCb experiment, focusing on data analysis and R&D of the Scintillating Fiber (SciFi) Tracker for future upgrades, as well as the NA62 experiment at CERN. In addition, the laboratory is actively engaged in astroparticle physics, with significant contributions to simulations, data analysis, and the development of advanced detectors for space-based experiments and future astroparticle-physics initiatives.
The new team member will join the DAMPE and HERD international collaborations and lead the development of advanced algorithms for particle identification and reconstruction, including the use of machine-learning techniques. The appointed collaborator is expected to play a key role in the assembly, testing and calibration of the scintillating-fiber tracker of the HERD experiment. The responsibilities also include participation in physics simulations and analyses, through the supervision of PhD students, as well as teaching duties at the Bachelor or Master level. A competitive salary and benefits package [2, 3] are offered. The contract, initially for one year and renewable, will start at the earliest convenient date for the selected researcher, but preferably no later than April 1, 2025. The call will remain open until the position is filled.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree by the start of employment. A solid background in particle physics is essential. Expertise in experimental astroparticle physics, along with proficiency in programming languages such as Python, C++, or similar, is highly beneficial. Experience in detector development is also desirable.
Candidates should submit their application as a single PDF file containing the following documents in this order:
- A motivation letter,
- A curriculum vitae,
- A list of publications,
- The names and email addresses of three referees who have agreed to provide reference letters,
- A transcript of grades for both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
The application file must be submitted to our secretariat (Ms. Corinne Craman, by January 6, 2025. Applicants are also required to ensure that their referees send the reference letters to the same address by the same deadline.
For any questions regarding the position, candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Chiara Perrina (
Application file and reference letters should be sent by January 6, 2025, to