Two more awards attributed to Guillaume’s thesis


In March 2022, Guillaume Pietrzyk (previously a PhD student at the LPHE-OS lab) presented his thesis entitled Precision measurement of neutral charm meson mixing. His work has definitely proven its quality: in addition to the 2022 LHCb Thesis Award, he has been nominated for two more distinctions. In June, the 2022 CHIPP Prize jury was (…)

Anni wins the Great Cubotron Bake-off!


The third edition of the Great Cubotron Bake-off – the famous lab bake-off contest happened during the months of October and November! And the winner of this year’s contest, who takes home the title of the Cake King or Cake Queen is: Anni! She convinced the jury (our lovely colleagues of the LPHE lab) with (…)

Fulfilling his dream: Marc is going to Antartica for the IceCube experiment


Since he started studying physics at EPFL, Marc Jacquart was fascinated by the IceCube experiment. His dream was to – at some point of his academic career – spend 13 months at the South Pole to help with the running of the detector. This dream is becoming reality sooner than expected.   IceCube is one (…)

Yunxuan Song wins a BESIII PhD Thesis Award


Yunxuan Song (LPHE-LS) has been rewarded for his PhD thesis “Search for Baryon Number Violation and Flavor Changing Neutral Current at BESIII“.  The BESIII PhD Thesis Award is designed for students who have “distinguished themselves by performing outstanding contributions to BESIII in the related areas (physics analysis, software, computing, hardware, etc.) in the context of (…)

Congratulations, Elena!


Elena Graverini, Ambizione fellow at LPHE-LS, has been elected by the board of CHIPP (Swiss Institute of Particle Physics) to be the new Deputy CHIPP Outreach coordinator. In this role, she will be responsible to coordinate events organised by the various institutions, propose new outreach ideas and identify topics for the outreach articles at the CHIPP (…)

ยินดีด้วย, Dr. ‘smiling’ Ek-In!


Friday, 21st of October, Surapat Ek-In (LPHE-OS) brilliantly defended his analysis with the title “Model-independent measurement of charm mixing parameters in D0 -> K0s π+ π– decays” in front of his friends and family. His mum and sister flew all the way from Thailand just for this occasion – and we’re sure he made them proud! Everybody (…)

Welcome to the new students in the fall semester!


Fall semester 2022 has started and new master students are launching new exciting projects, supervised by LPHE members! This semester, there will be nine(!) students discovering once a week data acquisition and analysis with small-scale experiments in the 2nd floor labs, supervised by Arvind, María and Serhii (TP4a). A student will work on data analysis (…)

Summer 2022: a summary


The members of LPHE have not been sitting around idly during the summer. We participated in several conferences, in which we had the opportunity to present the most recent results of the collaborations. Speaking of collaborations: at the LHCb and SND@LHC collaboration meetings, several LPHE members gave an update on their work and were involved (…)

Two LPHE members awarded by LHCb prizes


Maarten van Dijk (LPHE-LS) has been awarded by one of the 2022 LHCb Early Career award, within the PLUME (Probe for LUminosity MEasurement in LHCb experiment) for their “their transformative contribution in the conception, optimisation, construction, testing and commissioning of the new PLUME luminometer, all within three years, in time for Run 3 operation.“ Guillaume (…)

Elisabeth Niel is rewarded for her thesis!


The doctoral school of the University of Paris-Saclay PHENIICS (Particles, Hadrons, Energy, Nucleus, Instrumentation, Image, Cosmos and Simulation) awarded a prize to Elisabeth Niel for her thesis “Precise measurements of the properties of baryons with the LHCb detector at the LHC”. Congratulations to her!