Two LPHE members awarded by LHCb prizes


Maarten van Dijk (LPHE-LS) has been awarded by one of the 2022 LHCb Early Career award, within the PLUME (Probe for LUminosity MEasurement in LHCb experiment) for their “their transformative contribution in the conception, optimisation, construction, testing and commissioning of the new PLUME luminometer, all within three years, in time for Run 3 operation.“ Guillaume (…)

Elisabeth Niel is rewarded for her thesis!


The doctoral school of the University of Paris-Saclay PHENIICS (Particles, Hadrons, Energy, Nucleus, Instrumentation, Image, Cosmos and Simulation) awarded a prize to Elisabeth Niel for her thesis “Precise measurements of the properties of baryons with the LHCb detector at the LHC”. Congratulations to her!

FĂ©licitations, Dr. Pietrzyk!


Friday, 4th of March, Guillaume Pietrzyk has successfully passed the public defence of his thesis “Precision measurement of neutral charm mesons parameters“. Guillaume’s work resulted in a more accurate determination of a mixing parameter in the charm sector, presented in a paper (published February 21, 2022) and in a public seminar at CERN (given March (…)

Welcome to our new TP4b students!


The annual LPHE ski outing


The members of LPHE left their beloved PCs behind and enjoyed some fresh air on the 19th of February 2022! They showed off their skiing and snowboarding skills in the snowy hills of Villars.

Parabéns Dr Lino!


On Friday, 26th of November 2021, Lino Ferreira Lopes (LPHE-OS) brilliantly presented his thesis “Search for lepton flavor violation in B meson decays at LHCb” in front of his family, friends and colleagues. His contribution to LPHE is extended until the end of the year with a post-doc position. We wish him the best for (…)

Gratulujeme Vlado!


On Friday last week, 5th of November 2021, Vladimir Macko (LPHE-OS) successfully passed the public defense of his thesis titled First indication of the Lambda-b baryon decay to a charmless baryonic final state. He will stay with us at LPHE until the end of the year as a postdoc. We wish him already now all the (…)

Welcome to the new students!


Four new specialisation students have joined LPHE. Clotilde Lemettais, Lucas Mollier, Pierre Mayencourt and Marc Jacquart will work on two different projects, each lasting for 7 weeks. We wish you all the best for the new semester!     1st Project (Supervisor) 2nd Project (Supervisor) Clotilde Lemettais B → ωΌΜ measurement at LHCb(Michel de Cian) (…)

Elena Graverini is awarded an Ambizione grant!


Elena Graverini (LPHE-LS) was awarded an Ambizione grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation to fund her project entitled From beauty to strangeness: a flavor approach to probing new interactions. Ambizione grants allow young researchers to carry out, manage and direct research projects independently. Elena offers an original approach to probe the Standard Model (SM) of (…)

Fred Blanc receives the physics section award for “Best Teaching”


Every year a prize is awarded to a teacher from each section of EPFL for the very high quality of their teaching. Fred Blanc is one of the 2020 winners this year. Congratulations Fred! Here you can find the complete article about Fred!